“Glory to God—Hymns and Songs for Children and Families” Now Available

Glory to God—Hymns and Songs for Children and Families  (a.k.a. Singing Faith All Day Long) (2016) is a recording created to help families share songs of the Christian faith. Based on our new hymnal, Glory to God, this project is a collaboration between Nassau’s Worship and Arts Committee and Presbyterian Publishing Corporation.

Published 5/27/2016
ISBN 978-06645-0350-5
Format: CD

Available for purchase in the Church Office.
A portion of the proceeds will go to the Frances Clark Fund for Music.

Glory to God: Hymns for Children and Families
Glory to God: Hymns for Children and Families

Singing Faith All Day Long

Glory to God—Hymns and Songs for Children and Families was created to help people share songs of the Christian faith with children. The variety of music, lyrics, prayers, and poems form a soundtrack for children to know themselves as God’s children. These 19 songs and four prayers were taken from the Glory to God hymnal and adapted for children by professional musicians, creating a high-quality complement to the hymnal.

This recording was created for families to share songs of the Christian faith in a natural, everyday kind of way. The variety of music, lyrics, prayers, and poems weave a soundtrack to live by — all day long! Parents and grandparents, enjoy these songs with your child as you honor your role as faith mentor.

Made for Children and Adults

  • Children appreciate the beautiful, simple, common, and sacred.
  • Songs of faith and hymns children learn in childhood lead them to lives of service and discipleship.
  • Children remember particularly what they learn through music and poetry.
  • The songs can be enjoyed by all generations together.
  • Young children love to listen to and sing with their special adults.

More than a CD

  • Sing along or listen to them at home, in the car, with family and friends.
  • Play the recordings at the four parts of the day: morning, mid-day, evening/suppertime, and night/bedtime.
  • As you and your child get to know the pieces, sing or say them as they occur to you during the day.
  • Create your own prayers and songs with your child.
  • Include the calm pieces in your child’s (or your) bedtime routine.
  • Encourage the use of these recordings at events in your congregation like church school classes, children’s choirs, all-church events.


Track Title Glory to God
1 Come into God’s Presence 413
2 Spoken Good Morning Prayer
3 God Is Here Today 411
4 Lord of All Hopefulness (verse 1) 683
5 Spoken Verse: For the Beauty of the Earth 14
6 God of Great and God of Small 19
7 Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow 608, 607, 605, 609
8 Spoken Mid-Day Prayer
9 I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me 700
10 Lord of All Eagerness (verse 2) 683
11 Holy Manna (tune only) 24, 396, 509
12 Jesus Loves Me! 188
13 Listen to the Word/Yisrael V’oraita 455, 453
14 God Is So Good/Know That God Is Good 658, 659
15 May the God of Hope Go with Us 765
16 Lord of All Kindliness (verse 3) 683
17 Spoken Table Blessing
18 Taste and See 520
19 Spoken Verse: All God’s Children/Be Still and Know that I am God 414
20 Picardy (tune only) 274, 347
21 Lord of All Gentleness (verse 4) 683
22 Spoken Evening Prayer
23 God, Be the Love to Search and Keep Me 543

Track-by-Track Suggestions for Use

For Parents

Incorporate songs into your daily life — “Suggestions for Parents and Families” (pdf).

For Pastors and Worship Leaders

Incorporate songs into your worship — “Suggestions for Pastors and Worship Leaders” (pdf).

For Christian Educators

Incorporate songs into your classroom — “Suggestions for Church School Teachers” (pdf).

This resource is best used to support your classroom experiences as a meaningful supplement to your lesson planning. Use these pieces as familiar friends in your classroom. As the children come to know them, you will learn to make them your own.