Adult Education – June 2018

June Classes
For a look at Adult Education offerings (June-August), download the brochure: Summer2018

Please note: there will be no Adult Education Classes on June 3

June 3

Nassau Goes to Westminster

[ezcol_1third]Join us at 11:00 a.m. at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1140 Greenwood Ave, Trenton, to worship God and celebrate the Nassau-Westminster Mission partnership. This is an annual event, and we encourage participation by making this a emphasis of our educational ministries on this day. An opportunity for fellowship follows worship. If you need a ride, or can take someone in your car, let Joyce MacKichan Walker know.[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end][/ezcol_2third_end]

June 10

Then I Saw a Vision: Visions, God, and Christian Faith

John L. Williams

11:15 a.m.
Music Room

“The most fruitful and profound understanding of vision and visioning processes are not in organizational theories or management techniques. They are instead in the bible and Christian theology.” Come and explore an Old Testament vision story, through presentation and conversation. Then examine the relationships between and among visions, God, and our Christian faith.

John L. Williams is a retired minister. He has served the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as a pastor, presbytery executive, and synod executive and is currently an active member of New Brunswick Presbytery. His spouse Linda is a member of Nassau Church where they regularly worship. John is the author of a recently published book, Old Man Dreaming: A Theological Essay on Vision.

June 17

And My Eyes were Opened: Visions, God, and Nassau Church’s mission

John L. Williams

11:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

How can biblical vision stories guide our discovery of what God is calling us to do, and who God calls us to be, for the church in our time? Through presentation and conversation, explore a New Testament vision story. Then examine how that story might guide and shape our lives as partners in the mission of Nassau Presbyterian Church?

John L. Williams is a retired minister. He has served the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as a pastor, presbytery executive, and synod executive and is currently an active member of New Brunswick Presbytery. His spouse Linda is a member of Nassau Church where they regularly worship. John is the author of a recently published book, Old Man Dreaming: A Theological Essay on Vision.

June 24

Freud and God in Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

Eliot Daley

Follows the Congregational Meeting at 11:00 a.m.
Assembly Room

Eliot Daley speaks about “Freud and God in Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” Earlier that weekend, on Friday, June 22, the new documentary Won’t You Be My Neighbor opens at the Garden Theatre. The first screening benefits the Trenton Children’s Chorus (tickets available at, and Eliot will do a Q&A in the theater afterwards. This moving film takes us beyond the zip-up cardigans and the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, and into the heart of the man who inspired generations of children with compassion and imagination.

While serving as associate minister of First Presbyterian Church, now Nassau, Eliot wrote about the influence of TV on American families and children. This led to his connection with Fred Rogers, who invited Eliot to join him in producing Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Eliot served as president of the production company and wrote many early episodes.