Holy Moments: Story-Listening Partnership Project

Nassau and Westminster Presbyterian Churches have had a long history of sharing opportunities for faithful action together.
The Nassau/Westminster Partnership is about to launch a new inter-congregational project
for strengthening and expand personal relationships between our two congregations.

The Holy Moments: Story-Listening Partnership Project

Acknowledging our united communities as a vibrant and powerful sharing partnership; tapping into the personal stories of faith we have to offer one another, learning to notice, name, and celebrate evidences of God’s Presence among us—both yesterday and today!

Phase One

In the next few weeks, members of the Nassau/Westminster Partnership team will be approaching individuals in their counterpart congregation who have been identified/recognized for their individual faith, courage, or joy—all gifts of the Spirit and evidence of God at work. The members of the team will ask these identified individuals to share a story of faith from their personal journey in a one-on-one interview—Storyteller and Story Listener in a private and personal holy moment.

Phase Two

A few weeks later, Story Listeners will publically reflect on their personal experiences of listening to the story of their Storytellers—not sharing the stories of the Storytellers, for they are not the Story Listeners’ stories to tell. Instead Story Listeners will share with both congregations the spiritual gifts they received from their holy moments with their Storytellers.

If you are approached to share—or lend—your story of faith, courage, or joy, please say yes!

For those who want to know more about or join in on the “Holy Moments: Story-Listening Partnership Project,” you can find an introduction to the project in printed form at both churches: