Guatemala Brunch to Aid Children’s Nutrition
January 31, 12:00PM, Assembly Room
Since 2002, members of Nassau have supported the New Dawn Trilingual Educational Center in the highlands of Guatemala, including by sponsoring a nutritious hot breakfast for the students. To raise funds for this meal for their next school year, come to an authentic Guatemalan brunch in the Assembly Room following the 11:00AM service on January 31. It’s $15 per person or $40 per family. Make checks payable to Nassau Presbyterian Church with “Guatemala Breakfast” in the memo line.
If you would like to do more, become a Breakfast Patron with a donation of $80, which feeds one entire grade level for a month. For a donation of $500 you will be a Breakfast Angel and provide all 250 primary students with breakfast for one month.
Tapestry of Dreams, Memories, Culture
January Art Show features weaver Armando Sosa
Art Show Reception on January 31, 2:00PM, Assembly Room
Our Conference Room Art Show this month features master weaver Armando Sosa, a Hopewell resident and Guatemala native. His work is in the collections of the Newark Museum, the Princeton Public Library, Johnson & Johnson World Headquarters, and Capital Health Medical Center, as well as private collections. He’s exhibited his tapestries in museums throughout New Jersey, and has been featured on various television programs. The Worship and Arts Committee is pleased to announce that Sosa will also be our 2016–2017 Artist in Residence. Sosa has pledged 15% of proceeds from this show to Nassau’s Princeton-Parramos (Guatemala) Partnership.
A reception with Armando Sosa will follow the Guetemala brunch on Sunday, January 31, at 2:00PM in the Conference Room.
“Through my weaving, I am working to express my dreams, my memories, the overlapping cultural influences of my life in the United States, and my aspirations for the future,” Sosa says. “The traditional elements repeated in different forms throughout my textiles are a means of connecting with, celebrating, and preserving the rich and fascinating Guatemalan culture of my childhood.”
Guatemala Summer Trip
The tentative dates for the 2016 summer trip to Guatemala are July 8–July 17. The trip unites members of Nassau Church and the greater Princeton-area community in a trip of service projects and spectacular sightseeing. Information is available at the Guatemala table during Fellowship or you may contact Jonathan Holmquist () or Fredy Estrada ().