Today is Ash Wednesday, which begins our observance of Lent here at Nassau Church. We spend these forty days and seven Sundays before Easter examining our discipleship, scrutinizing our Christian journeys, and acknowledging our need for repentance, mercy, and forgiveness. We ask ourselves, “How then shall we live in light of the work of Jesus upon the cross?”
We hope you will join us for the many ways we worship and reflect together. Take a look at the page Lent and Easter 2016 for details about the following events:
- Choir concerts on February 27 and March 15.
- Special Lenten services at Stonebridge on March 15 and the Windrows on March 21.
- Holy Week worship
- Easter worship
Lenten Devotional
A special part of Lent at Nassau Church is our all-church Lenten Devotional. Men, women, and youth from the church write devotional meditations on scripture for all of us to read and reflect upon, day by day. In addition to a meditation on a selection from the day’s lectionary and a prayer, each day includes the name and email address of the writer and a short biography so that we may come to know our fellow congregation members a little better. These devotions can be used as a resource for private or family devotion.
Read the Lenten Devotional on the website here. We also have book versions available in Fellowship. Finally, you can sign up here to receive each day’s devotional in your email every morning:
We also have Children’s Devotionals. Contact Corrie Berg for details.
Easter Memorials
Easter Brass
The Worship and Arts Committee invites your support of the Easter brass ensemble. Our cost this year is $1500.00, and contributions at every level are welcome. You may make a contribution in memory or in honor of a loved one. Commemorations will be listed in the Easter bulletin. Checks should be made payable to Nassau Presbyterian Church, attached to the cards available in the first floor office, and received by March 13. You may also contribute by contacting Melissa Martin Sells.
Easter Tulips
Every Easter the church fills with beautiful tulips. The deacons would like to invite you to give a tulip in memory or in honor of a loved one. A full listing will be printed in the worship bulletin on Easter Sunday, and after worship deacons will deliver the plants to those in need. Checks can be made payable to Nassau Presbyterian Church. The deadline is March 13. For your convenience, order cards are available in the first floor office. You may also order by contacting Melissa Martin Sells.