On Saturday, February 27, at 7:00PM, the Adult Choir will join with the Princeton Seminary Singers for this year’s Joe R. Engle Organ Concert in Miller Chapel.
Free and open to the public, the program will feature celebrated organist Jonathan Dimmock and the psalm-based works of composers like J. P. Sweelinck, Herbert Howells, Felix Mendelssohn, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Albert de Kierck, Bert Batter, Cary Ratcliff, and Robert Nicholls.
Jonathan Dimmock is the organist for the San Francisco Symphony. He is also organist and choir director at St. Ignatius Church and Congregation Sherith Israel, San Francisco. He has toured worldwide, recorded dozens of CDs, and been recognized with a Grammy Award. He is a graduate of Oberlin Conservatory and Yale University and he has held posts at Westminster Abbey (London), St. John the Divine (New York City), St. Mark’s (Minneapolis), and Grace (San Francisco).
Martin Tel and Noel Werner will be directing.
More Upcoming Concerts
New School for Music Study Faculty Recital
March 6, 2:30PM
The New School for Music Study presents a faculty recital featuring Charl Louw, Kristin Cahill, and our own Fiona Christano in a performance that includes the very popular Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky. This free recital will also feature a display of artwork by NSMS students.
Gospel Mass, an Evening Choral Service
March 12, 7:00PM
The choirs of Witherspoon Street and Nassau will be joining forces here at Nassau to present the Gospel Mass by Robert Ray. This exciting and uplifting work will feature soloists Carlensha Grady and William Carter, and the choirs will be accompanied by piano, drums, and bass. A free-will offering in support of the Crisis Ministry of Mercer County will be collected. The service begins at 5:00PM and a reception will follow. You won’t want to miss this very special service of song and praise!