Final Payments and All Complete Forms are now Due!
Please bring them to the church office during regular business hours or before worship on a Sunday morning, or mail them to:
Lauren Yeh
Nassau Presbyterian Church
61 Nassau Street
Princeton, NJ 08542
Items to handle before April 7
Review preparation documents from the Taizé Community
- Program: A Typical Day at Taizé (pdf)
- Taizé – Accommodations (pdf)
- Taizé – Health Questions (pdf)
- Taizé – Security and Safeguarding (pdf)
- Preparation for the Trip (website)
- Direct any questions about these to Mark
- Purchase Airline Tickets
The chaperones are ticketed on these flights and we would prefer the entire group travel together; before you choose a different flight schedule contact Mark Edwards:
July 17, 2019: Newark Airport to Paris (Orly), Level Airlines #8010 departs 10:40pm, arrives 12:00pm (+1 day)
July 29, 2019: Paris (Orly) to Newark Airport, Level Airlines #8009 departs 6:15pm, arrives 8:40pm
- Determine if you need additional trip insurance.
- Nassau uses Faith Ventures to insure trips, you can compare their benefits and rates online here:
- Standard coverage is $29 per person, this fee is already calculated into the trip fee.
- Trip cancellation/interruption insurance is an additional 4% of the total trip cost as reported by you. Contact Lauren Yeh if you are interested in purchasing this insurance.
What to bring with you:
Students (15-20)
- Taizé Community Registration Form
- NPC Assumption of Risk & Release from Liability (Notarized)
- Taizé Community Parental_agreement-updated (pdf)
- Parental Consent to Travel Internationally: NPC Travel Permission (pdf) (Notarized)
- Flight Itinerary including booking number.
- Passport valid through October 2019 (we will make a copy of the photo/signature pages)
- Final Payment (contact Lauren Yeh if you are unsure of the amount due)
Adults (21+)
- Taizé Community Registration Form
- NPC Assumption of Risk & Release from Liability (Notarized)
- Flight Itinerary including booking number.
- Passport valid through October 2019 (we will make a copy of the photo/signature pages)
- Final Payment (contact Lauren Yeh if you are unsure of the amount due)