Would you enjoy a safe, distanced summer picnic with folks from the church? How about a chance to worship together out in a park? A bring-your-own dessert evening in a nice big backyard?
The Forward in Faith Together working group is ready to launch our Nassau Large Groups. The goal is for the groups to meet a few times this summer. Just like small groups, people will have to opt in by signing up online using the form below.
The working group will establish the groups of 25 to 30 expecting that the turnout to a particular gathering would be something less. Staff will help to identify lay leadership. There will also be virtual large groups for any who would love to opt in but prefer not to or just should not.
All who participate will be asked to commit to our Gathering Covenant:
While some in our church family may already be experiencing outdoor gatherings with friends in the congregation, these large groups will intentionally reflect the breadth of our community and those who sign up. The response to these pilot summer groups and the feedback received will be used in our planning for outdoor large groups in the fall.
These pilot in-person, outdoor gatherings are part of the fuller, in-depth phased plan that the working group is presenting to the Session at a meeting on July 16. A summary of the phased plan will be shared with the congregation the week after that in the regularly scheduled Friday email. Please be assured that summer small groups and all official church gatherings have been part of the deliberative process with the working group, the Session, and the staff.
Please complete the form below by Monday, July 27. You will be contacted with details of your group by Saturday, August 1.
Sign ups are now closed. Contact Corrie Berg (email)