By Love Serve One Another
Forman Christian College (FCC) has pioneered many “firsts” in Pakistani education such as first to admit women, first Biology and first Chemistry courses. FCC enrolls about 7000 students, and provides over $1,000,000 of financial aid. About 20% of students are from the Christian minority and about 35% are women, supporting a unique interfaith coeducational experience. In addition to education, FCC engages service projects in the region encouraging students to act on the FCC motto: “By Love Serve One Another.”
Friends of Forman Christian College is an independent U.S. based 501(c)(3) founded in 2003. Their single mission is to provide support to Forman Christian College (FCC) in Lahore, Pakistan. FCC has educated Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians together in a peaceful, tolerant atmosphere for over 150 years.
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