Ingrid Ladendorf to take a new role at Nassau

To The Community at Nassau Presbyterian Church,

On behalf of the HR committee, we are excited to let you know that Ingrid Ladendorf has been offered and accepted a full time position with Nassau Church to staff both Children’s and Youth Choirs and Children’s and Family Ministries. Ingrid’s ability to build relationships with families, youth, and children, and especially new families, makes her a wonderful choice for this revamped position. Her position will now be full time and salaried.

After reopening our search for a part time director of Children’s and Family Ministry, we widened the search when few viable candidates arose. It became clear to the HR committee through this process that Ingrid was the ideal choice for Nassau in the here and now.

The leadership of the HR committee and Dave Davis as head of staff will continue ongoing conversations with Ingrid, Noel Werner, and Jeanne Radimer as Ingrid settles into this role. Obviously, there will be some conflicts because Ingrid cannot be in two places at once especially on Sunday mornings. We will also look to continue to ask parents and volunteers for specific tasks as well. Ingrid will make this transition August 1, 2024.

All the members of our staff, the HR committee, and the Session all remain committed to staffing our robust Children and Family ministry. Nassau is incredibly blessed. This spring and summer we have had a festival of baptism! We know the future for this ministry looks strong! Thanks be to God.

We all look forward to Ingrid Ladendorf continuing to share many gifts God has given her and expanding her role at Nassau Church.


Faithfully yours,

Dave Davis, Pastor

Anne Kuhn, HR Committee Chair