David A. Davis

David A. Davis is the senior pastor of Nassau Presbyterian Church. He has served the congregation since 2000. David earned his Ph.D. in Homiletics from Princeton Theological Seminary, where he continues to teach as a visiting lecturer. His academic work has focused on preaching as a corporate act and the active role of the listener in the preaching event. Before arriving in Princeton, he served for fourteen years as the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Blackwood, New Jersey.
He has published two sermon collections, A Kingdom You Can Taste and Lord, Teach Us to Pray, and served on the Board of Directors of the Presbyterian Foundation and the local Princeton YMCA. In addition to preaching in Presbyterian congregations around the country, David has preached to congregations in South Africa, Scotland, the Samuel Proctor Child Advocacy Conference of the Children’s Defense Fund, the Calvin Symposium for Worship, and on the campuses of Harvard and Duke University.
David grew up in Pittsburgh and did his undergraduate work at Harvard University where he was a member of the University Choir, singing weekly in Memorial Church and listening to the preaching of Professor Peter Gomes. David is married to Cathy Cook Davis, also a Presbyterian Minister. They have two children, Hannah and Ben.
Lauren J. McFeaters

Lauren J. McFeaters is the Associate Pastor of Nassau Presbyterian Church. Since 2001, her pastoral responsibilities lie in congregational nurture through counseling, membership, worship, preaching, and the ministry of the deacons. She is a certified pastoral counselor and a Fellow of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors.
Prior to arriving at Nassau, Lauren served the First Presbyterian Church in Ewing, New Jersey, the Northeast Career & Pastoral Counseling Center in Princeton, Hospice of the Bluegrass in Lexington, Kentucky, and Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Lauren was born and raised in the Presbyterian Church and grew up in Pittsburgh. She completed her undergraduate work in speech education at Emerson College in Boston and subsequently moved to New York City, graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, and began a career in theater. She is a member of SAG-AFTRA, a published poet, liturgist, and playwright. Prior to her ordination she completed a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Master in Counseling.
Lauren is married to Michael Brothers, a Presbyterian minister and faculty member of Princeton Theological Seminary. They have a daughter, Josie.
Len Turner Scales

Len Turner Scales serves as the Associate Pastor for Faith Formation, Mission, and Outreach (non-installed). She also serves part-time as the Executive Co-Director of the Westminster Foundation and Presbyterian Chaplain at Princeton University. She deeply appreciates the diversity of God’s people and is excited to work alongside members of Nassau, students in Princeton, and Nassau’s mission partners. She previously served as the Minister for Community, Care, and Connection at Arch Street Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia and was the Associate Pastor for Christian Education and Youth at Hopewell Presbyterian Church in Huntersville, North Carolina.
Len is originally from Knoxville, Tennessee, and graduated from Maryville College with a degree in mathematics and education. She is pursuing her D.Min. in Prophetic Leadership from Iliff School of Theology. Len is married to Andrew Scales, who is also her partner in ministry. They met while completing their Master of Divinity degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary.
Andrew T. Scales

Andrew T. Scales serves as a Presbyterian Chaplain to Princeton University and Executive Director of the Westminster Foundation. He is an enthusiastic preacher, passionate teacher, creative developer of ministries, and earned his Ph.D. in Homiletics at Princeton Theological Seminary (2019). He previously served as the Associate Pastor for Youth and Campus Ministry at Davidson College Presbyterian Church in Davidson, North Carolina.
Andrew was born and raised in Indianapolis, IN. He graduated from Dartmouth College, where he studied history and classics. Andrew met his wife and partner in ministry, Len, while they completed their Master of Divinity degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary.
Program Staff
Noel Werner

Noel Werner has been the Director of Music at Nassau Presbyterian Church since 2006. Prior to this position, he was the Minister of Music at Central Presbyterian Church in Summit, New Jersey.
Noel holds degrees from Westminster Choir College, Indiana University (Bloomington), and Christian Theological Seminary (Disciples of Christ) in Indianapolis. He is the immediate past dean of the Central New Jersey Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and has lectured at Westminster Choir College, Princeton Theological Seminary, and the Presbyteries of Elizabeth and New Brunswick. His wife, the Rev. Wendi Werner, is the solo pastor of First Presbyterian Church at Dayton, New Jersey. They have two daughters, Sophie and Emily.
Ingrid Ladendorf

Ingrid Ladendorf serves as both the Director of Choirs for Children & Youth and the Director of Children’s & Family Ministries. She thoroughly enjoys her role in serving beside young children through high school youth. Ingrid is deeply committed to the benefits for the individual and community of music making to the glory of God.
Prior to moving to NJ, Ingrid held several positions at The Diller-Quaile School of Music in Manhattan, where she taught students from early childhood through adulthood. She served as the school’s Musicianship Department Head, Teacher Trainer and Curriculum Specialist, and is currently the Early Childhood Advisor and Rug Concert Program Director. She was the music specialist at the nursery school of The First Presbyterian Church in Greenwich Village, where she taught music inclusion classes at PS226 for children on the autism spectrum. In NJ, she is an Adjunct Faculty and Student Teacher Supervisor in music education at The College of New Jersey.
Ingrid received her Bachelor of Music and K-12 certification in Music Education and Vocal Performance from Ithaca College, and her master’s degree in Music Education from Teachers College, Columbia University.
She and her baritone husband Doug met on the stage in 1994 and had the good fortune of performing together in recital and theater for several years. Ingrid enjoys being outside, running in all types of weather, and being Mom to Camille and Duncan.
Mark Edwards

Mark Edwards joined Nassau as Director of Youth Ministries in September of 2013. Mark is a lifelong Presbyterian, a graduate of Whitworth University, and holds a M.Div. (’07) and a Ph.D. (Philosophy and Theology, ’13) from Princeton Theological Seminary. He is author of Christ is Time: The Gospel according to Karl Barth (and the Red Hot Chili Peppers) (Cascade 2022), which also draws upon Mark’s favorite 90’s music.
Mark has experience in a variety of youth ministry settings, including serving as a youth pastor at Kingston Presbyterian Church (Kingston, New Jersey); as a middle school leader with Young Life (Spokane, Washington); as a mountain guide with Young Life’s Beyond Malibu (British Columbia’s Coast Mountains); and as the Director of Outdoor Adventure at Glacier Presbyterian Camp (Northwest Montana). He enjoys biking, climbing, music of high volume, and Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics. He is also a faculty member at The College of New Jersey, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton University, and has taught inside Mercer County Correctional and Garden State Youth Correctional Facility. He and his wife moved to Princeton from Seattle after spending a year backpacking around Europe and Southeast Asia. They have two children and a bunch of pets.
Support Staff
Music Support Staff
See the Music Support Staff under Music and the Arts.
Staff Directory
Austin Boland-Ferguson, Coordinator of Communication & Design
Verny Cano, Custodian
David A. Davis, Pastor
Mark Edwards, Director of Youth Ministries
Edie Estrada, Building Supervisor
Linda Gilmore, Business Administrator
Ingrid Ladendorf, Director of Choirs for Children & Youth and Director of Children’s & Family Ministries
Nick Mastalesz, Sound Engineer
Lauren J. McFeaters, Associate Pastor
Andrew Scales, Presbyterian Chaplain to Princeton University & Executive Director of the Westminster Foundation
Len Scales, Associate Pastor for Faith Formation, Mission & Outreach; part-time Executive Co-Director of the Westminster Foundation and Presbyterian Chaplain at Princeton University.
Noel Werner, Director of Music
Lauren Yeh, Executive Assistant