
Become a Member:  Our next Inquirers Classes will be held on three consecutive Sundays, October 1, 13, & 20, 2024, 9:30 – 10:30 AM, in our Conference Room (first floor). 

To be Presbyterian is to join a way of life informed by a sacred rhythm: God calls us in grace and love; we respond in gratitude. Come explore church membership in-person in our Conference Room (first floor). Classes are open to anyone wanting to discover more about our church and are required for those who wish to become church members. Your presence means everything to us!

Explore the meaning of Christian faith, church membership, and the foundations of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in our next Inquirers Class. Inquirers Class is open to anyone wanting to discover more about our church and is required for those who wish to become church members.

Led by our Membership Committee, you will discover opportunities for spiritual growth, service, outreach, and fellowship. You will also learn about the worship, sacraments, theology, and programs of Nassau Church. Participants will have an opportunity to meet new friends, church leaders, and staff.

  • Our classes cover:  Growing in Faith, Being Presbyterian, Reformed Worship, Life at Nassau, Worship & the Arts, Small Groups, The Vocation of Membership, Children & Family Ministries, Youth Ministries, Choirs, Mission & Outreach, and Stewardship.

For more information and to register contact the Rev. Lauren McFeaters:  Email Lauren McFeaters


About Membership

Whether joining by profession of faith, re-affirmation of faith, or letter of transfer, you are asked to affirm your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. What that affirmation means for your life will be discovered as you give yourself to the ministry and mission of this local congregation.

Our Book of Order states that, “A faithful member accepts Christ’s call to be involved responsibly in the ministry of his church.” Such involvement includes:

  • proclaiming the good news
  • taking part in the common life and worship of a particular church
  • praying and studying Scripture and the faith of the Christian church
  • supporting the work of the church through the giving of money, time and talents
  • participating in the governing responsibilities of the church
  • demonstrating a new quality of life within and through the church
  • responding to God’s activity in the world through service to others
  • living responsibly in the personal, family, vocational, political, cultural, and social relationships of life, and working in the world for peace, justice, freedom, and human fulfillment.

For further reading, take a look at Presbyterian 101


Life @ Nassau – Mission Edition

Explore Nassau’s mission and outreach here:

Mission & Outreach 2024

Nassau’s Mission & Outreach Committee invests in partnerships to demonstrate God’s love through service and engagement with the world. Like the young child in John 6, we offer what we haven and trust that Jesus will multiply our resources until all are fed and creation is repaired.

Arm in Arm
Camp Johnsonburg
Capital Harmony Works
Centurion Ministries
Churches for Middle East Peace
Friends for Health in Haiti
Housing Initiatives of Princeton
Hospital Chaplaincy
HomeWorks Trenton
Hunger Offering
Immigration Initiatives
Interfaith Stitchers for Peace
Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Mass Incarceration Task Force
PC(USA) Mission Co-Workers
Paul Robeson House
Princeton Community Housing
Princeton Theological Seminary
Princeton Presbyterians
Refugee Resettlement
Villages in Partnership
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Trenton
Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church, Princeton
Woman, Cradle of Abundance
WorkWell Partnership
Trenton Area Soup Kitchen
UKirk Collegiate Ministries
Young Adult Volunteers


Explore Nassau’s Partnership and History with the Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church

Partners in Faith Nassau & Witherspoon Street Churches


Nassau StoryBook

How do you experience Christian community? And how do you put your faith into action? Hear from some of the members of Nassau Presbyterian Church and be inspired to share your story.