Adult Education – September 12 & 19

Azusa Reimagined: What this revival teaches us today

To be Christian is to be Pentecostal. But what does “being Pentecostal” mean? These two adult Sunday school sessions suggest that reclaiming the Azusa Street Revival of 1906 for the church can help us re-envision and revolutionize our theological imagination about what it means to be people of Pentecost.

Audio recordings of each class will be posted here.

Part One:

Part Two:


Keri Day is an Associate Professor of Constructive Theology and African American Religion at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, NJ. She has three published books, her most recent work entitled Notes of a Native Daughter: Testifying in Theological Education. She has also been recognized by ABC News as one of six black women at the center of gravity in theological education in America.

Current Covid Protocols for Adult Education

Our presenters are fully vaccinated and will comply with our testing protocol for worship leaders. Social distancing will apply in the Assembly Room with seating limited to 40 and masking inside the building will continue.

#MissionMonday – Disaster Relief, opportunities to help

As neighbors near and far face the impact of disasters, we are grateful to partner with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and other organizations working with those on the ground.

Afghan Refugees

As we join our prayers for the individuals and families impacted by the violence in Afghanistan, Nassau is in conversation to help resettle a family through Church World Service. We are grateful for Princeton Seminary’s willingness to partner again regarding housing. More information will be forthcoming on how the congregation can be of assistance in the coming weeks and months.

Donations are also welcome to the overall work Church World Service is undertaking to assist Afghan Refugees at this time. For more information and ways to give, visit: How to Help Afghans – CWS ( To give through Nassau write a check to Nassau Presbyterian Church and note “Refugee Fund” in the memo line.

Assistance for Friends For Health in Haiti (FFHH)

On August 14 at 7:28 a.m., a 7.2 magnitude earthquake occurred in Haiti. Our ministry partners at the Gatineau Clinic in the mountains outside Jérémie need our help. Katie Wolf M.D, Medical Director, from the Kingston Presbyterian Church and her staff are safe and are busy assessing damage and needs of the surrounding communities. FFHH is sharing daily news from the region and has set up an earthquake relief fund. For more information and ways to give, visit: Friends for Health in Haiti.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for Haiti

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has had long-standing decades-long partnerships in Haiti. Working closely with Presbyterian World Mission, our traditional partners on the ground and ACT Alliance, PDA is responding to emergency needs such as WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), emergency power generators, shelter, food, first aid and more. We remain committed to the long-term recovery. To give online go to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance ( To give through Nassau, write a check to Nassau Presbyterian Church and note “Haiti” in the memo line.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for Hurricane Ida

PDA is responding to Hurricane Ida. For donation details and to watch for additional information, visit Presbyterian Disaster Assistance ( To give through Nassau write a check to Nassau Presbyterian Church and note “Ida” in the memo line.

To give to any one of these funds online, please review the details on our “Give Now” page:

Give Now (link)

Summer Youth Trips: Beyond Malibu 2024

A lifechanging adventure awaits.

We go together into the rugged and beautiful mountains of British Columbia. We come back in faith. For God leads us through, and beyond, the wilderness.

Download Brochure (pdf)

return to Summer Trips

Wednesday, July 27 – Saturday, July 27, 2024

Due at registration, on or before 12/03/2023:

  • Deposit Form
  • Deposit: $500.00
    • checks made out to “Nassau Presbyterian Church”
    • cash payments, please bring exact amount and contact Lauren Yeh to arrange a date

Deposit Forms:

(15-18 July 2024)

(19+ July 2024)

(designated by Mark Edwards)

Youth Deposit Form (pdf) Adult Deposit Form (pdf) Chaperone Deposit Form (21+) (pdf)

Trip Forms:


Youth Permission Form (pdf)
Adult Permission Form 19+ (pdf)
Emergency Contact, Allergies, Medications (pdf)
Beyond Malibu Forms Packet (pdf) – includes Border Crossing & Physician Form

On Sunday, June 9, 11:15 am – 12:00 pm we will hold a “Gear Check” in Niles Chapel. If you cannot make this date, please contact Mark Edwards to schedule another time.

On Sunday, April 28, we will hold a “Summer Trip Forms Day” in Niles Chapel, between services (10:15-11:00 a.m.) and after the second service (12:00-1:30 p.m.). We will have people available there to notarize documents as well as make copies of passports and collect final payments. If you cannot make this date, please contact Lauren Yeh to schedule another time to turn in your documents and payment.

Due on or before Sunday, April 28, 2022:

  • Permission Form – notarized
  • Health Form (from trip packet) signed by a parent AND physician
  • Emergency Contacts, Allergies & Medication Form – signed by a parent
  • Under 19 only: Border Crossing Consent Form (from trip packet) – signed by a parent
  • Copy of the Picture/Signature pages of your Passport – expiration date February 2025 or later
  • Payment #2: $500.00
    • checks made out to Nassau Presbyterian Church
    • cash payments, please bring exact amount (if before the 4/28 “Forms Day” contact Lauren Yeh to arrange a date & time)

Participants who are 18 or over at the time of signing must be present, with photo i.d., to sign their own form. Please wait to sign any form that needs to be notarized until you are in the presence of a notary.

Due on or before Sunday, June 9, 2024:

return to Summer Trips

ASP 2022

Warmer. Safer. Drier.

Home repair in central Appalachia has repeatedly opened our eyes, expanded our skills, helped others and done some work on us too.  Come along as God does a little fixing on us all.

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Required Forms



Youth Deposit Form (pdf) due 1/30/22 Chaperone Deposit Form (21+) (pdf) due 1/30/22
Youth Permission Form (pdf) due 6/5/22 Chaperone Permission Form (pdf) due 6/5/22

Also due on June 5 (Forms Day) from each participant:

Questions about forms and due dates to Lauren Yeh.

Schedule and Packing List

ASP Online Volunteer Registration:

All the information you need to complete the online registration is on the ASP Volunteer Form.

  1. Go to:
  2. Our Group Number is: 11515 (changes each year)
  3. ASP Online Registration Instructions (pdf)

ASP Covenant Text:

Each participant will sign the same document on or before June 5, 2022.

As a Volunteer with Appalachia Service Project, I agree:

  • To familiarize myself with and abide by ASP’s Expectations, Rules and Regulations, Anti-Harassment Policy, and dress code. Required Reading (pdf)
  • To work safely and report to the staff any behavior or situation that I deem unsafe.
  • To be open-minded and work to build meaningful relationships with the homeowners I serve, and interact appropriately with community members and other groups at my center.
  • To utilize resources in a stewardly fashion.
  • To maintain a clean facility by completing the chores assigned to my group.

As an Adult Group Leader, I further agree:

  • To be responsible for the whereabouts and well-being of my youth volunteers and to help enforce the expectations and rules set by ASP and the Staff, including quiet time and lights out.
  • To ensure that all volunteers are present for Morning Devotions, Evening Gatherings, and all other scheduled events.
  • To work with the Staff to complete the project specifically designated to my group.
  • To communicate promptly and respectfully any concerns or praises I have about our volunteer experience.

Sunday, May 15 – Organizational Meeting

On Sunday, May 15, we will meet at 10:20 a.m. for a brief organizational meeting in Niles Chapel.  Gather with your work team, learn about the project you’ll be working on, talk about what to pack, what to expect – get to know the other members of this year’s ASP Trip!

If you cannot make this meeting, please contact Mark Edwards (, 609-933-7599).

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Splash Camp 2022

Cool kids on a ’chool bus hitting up the coolest splash spots in NJ and PA.

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When: Tuesday-Friday, July 5-8, 9am – 3:30pm

Drop-off/Pick-up: Nassau Church, except on Pool Party day.

Last year’s schedule:

  • Day 1: NJ Shore
  • Day 2: Tohickon Creek, Bucks Cty, PA
  • Day 3: Tube the Delaware
  • Day 4: Backyard Pool Party

Weather: We will do our best to accommodate light rain and fluctuating weather. However, as indoor activities are not an alternative, in the event of severe storms a day’s events may have to be curtailed or canceled.
Parents: Want to drive yourself or tag along one day? You are welcome.

Questions about the Camp to Mark Edwards.

Required Forms



Youth Deposit Form (pdf) due 1/30/22 Chaperone Deposit Form (21+) (pdf) due 1/30/22
Information, Release and Waiver – Youth (Splash)(pdf) due 6/5/22 Information, Release and Waiver – Adults 21+ (Splash) (pdf) due 6/5/22

Also due on June 5 (Forms Day) from each participant:

  • Copy (front & back) of your medical insurance card
  • Final Payment

Questions about forms and due dates to Lauren Yeh.


Schedule and Packing List

Will be distributed to registered families and posted here in early June 2022.

return to Summer Trips

Childcare Opportunities

Childcare positions are available for the 2021-22 program year.

The positions are $12/hour, minimum of 2 hours per shift, 2 trained childcare workers are assigned to any one shift.

First Aid Certification with Infant/Child emphasis is preferred but not required. The Church occasionally offers this training to volunteers and childcare workers.

Before hire applicants must successfully complete our child protection policy training including a criminal background check and an interview with the Director of Children’s & Family Ministry.

Please contact Lauren Yeh (, 609-924-0103 x106) for more information or to schedule an interview.

Year-long (September to May)

Sunday Mornings,  8:45 AM-12:30 PM

  • 2021: September 12 – December 19
  • 2022: January 9 – May 15

Wednesdays, 4:00-5:30 PM

  • 2021: September 22 – December 15 (except November 24)
  • 2022: January 12 – May 11 (except April 13)


Special Services

  • December 19, 2021: 2:30-4:30 PM
  • December 24, 2021: 2:30-4:30 PM & 6:00-8:30PM
  • March 2, 2022: 6:30-8:30PM
  • April 14, 2022: 6:30-8:30PM
  • April 15, 2022: 11:30AM – 1:30PM


Weekdays On-call for Special Sessions


#MissionMonday – Week of Action, August 23-29, 2021

Shades of Oppression, Resistance, and Liberation

Join with Presbyterians across the country August 23–29. PC(USA) staff have curated a week of action on the theme “Shades of Oppression, Resistance and Liberation.” Each day will lift different voices and champion justice. For more information visit:

  • Monday, August 23 – Middle East Peace… Our Peace
  • Tuesday, August 24 – Vivencias Hispano-Latinas: Unidad en Cristo AND Systemic and Racialized Poverty
  • Wednesday, August 25 – LGBTQIA+ Resilience
  • Thursday, August 26 – No More Stolen Relatives: Murdered Missing Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People
  • Friday, August 27 – AAPI Resilence, Resistance, Power & Affirmation
  • Saturday, August 28 – Black Lives Matter
  • Sunday, August 29 – Gun Violence Response and Recognition

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Young Adult Volunteers

Introducing Jordan and Helen

The Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program is an ecumenical, faith-based year of service for young people (ages 19–30) in sites across the United States and around the world. YAVs accompany local agencies working to address root causes of poverty and reconciliation. Alongside this work, volunteers explore the meaning of their Christian faith and accountability to their neighbors in the community with peers and mentors.

Nassau is excited to hear from these two young adults connected to our congregation as they prepare for their YAV year in this Moment for Mission. Please join in praying for Helen and Jordan.

Learn more about the YAV program

YAV on PCUSA (website)

Learn more about Nassau’s 2021-22 YAVs:

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Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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Nelson Mandela Day – July 25 (new date)


Due to the weather expected the weekend of July 17-18, plans have been pushed forward one week.

Sunday, July 25 – 1:00-2:30 p.m.

The United Christian Church of Levittown invites Princeton friends to join for Mandela Day on Sunday, July 25. Participate in the international unity walk and/or financially support access to quality education in South African preschools.

What is Mandela Day?

Honoring the legacy of former South African president Nelson Mandela, his July 18th birthday is an annual occasion to focus on the ability and responsibility we all have to change the world for the better!

International Walk in Unity

Join us for a 1 mile meditation walk to inspire and empower ourselves. Simultaneous walks in other countries will remind us of our connection as global citizens. Walking facilitates bonding and unity across boundaries.

Event Details

  • Sunday, July 18th 25th from 1:00pm to 2:30pm
  • Silver Lake Nature Center Amphitheater, 1306 Bath Rd, Bristol PA
  • All are invited to worship at 10:30 with United Christian Church, Levittown in the Nature Center Amphitheater and/or bring a lunch and lawn chair to picnic before the walk.

Meditation Topics

Stops along the walk will bring awareness to global social issues.

  1. Embracing Diversity
  2. Climate Change
  3. Pandemic Impact
  4. Early Childhood Education

Walk donations are welcome and help to support Adopt A South African Preschool (ASAP). To learn more visit

South Africa has three priorities: “Education, Education, Education.”
-Nelson Mandela

Our mission is to fund the training and resources for preschool education, enabling South African children below the poverty line to succeed in school and in life.

How You Can Help

Individuals, companies, organizations, and churches can donate:

$10 funds one educational toy
$75 funds one Play and Learn (PAL) kit of seven educational toys and resources
$750 funds ten different PAL kits for four months of curriculum. Toy Libraries need multiple sets.

$7,500 provides seed funding for a new Preschool hub to include a robust Toy Library and training center. ASAP helps caregivers who currently offer daycare in overcrowded apartments access mentoring and resources. Many will get certified in Early Childhood Education as they borrow educational toys, follow a curriculum, and learn to track the critical developmental milestones of preschoolers. Through ASAP, countless children who have never held a toy before can now learn through play.

Ways to Donate
Support Adopt A South African Preschool

Use your phone’s camera to scan the QR code below:

Or visit: