#MissionMonday – Princeton Community Housing, Feb. 24 fundraiser

Begin Again: A Conversation with Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr.

Please join us for an evening of extraordinary insight and inspiration: Wednesday, February 24, 7-8PM

Dr. Glaude will discuss, via Zoom, his bestselling portrait of James Baldwin, with a Q& A session hosted by Rev. Lukata Mjumbe, pastor of Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church and a trustee of Princeton Community Housing.

All proceeds from this event will go to PCH’s Covid-19 Rent Relief Fund for residents in need. Visit the website for more details and to register.

PCH (website)

Princeton Community Housing provides and manages 466 safe, high quality and affordable rental apartments for low and moderate-income residents of diverse backgrounds and ages. PCH believes that housing is a basic right that must be available to all individuals and every community should offer housing for people of all economic levels. Our dedicated staff, Board of Trustees, and Sponsoring Organizations all work together to ensure that both PCH residents and applicants have a balance of housing opportunities and social services that are essential to the continued success of PCH’s mission.

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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Lent 2021 – Linked-In Learning

Presence in Absence: The Departed Jesus Who Remains 

A striking feature of the Gospel of John is how frequently Jesus announces his impending departure from “this world.”  These statements bewilder the crowds and worry his disciples.  In his lengthy conversation with his disciples on the eve of his arrest, however, Jesus makes the seemingly contradictory claim that his departure ensures his ongoing presence among them.  Join us for our Lenten study on this provocative, fascinating, and ultimately encouraging message Jesus delivers to his disciples in John 13-17.

Weekly small groups will discuss the coming Sunday’s adult education topic and sermon text. Shane Berg, Executive Vice President of Princeton Theological Seminary, is the Adult Education Lenten Leader. He graduated from Yale University with a doctorate in New Testament studies and is eager to return to Nassau Adult classes and discuss the relevance  of Jesus’ message in John. Pastor Dave Davis will then preach on these same texts each Sunday in Lent.

Study Guide

If you are unable to attend a small group or the adult education class, you can use this guide each week to prepare to hear the sermon in worship on Sunday or during the week on the Nassau Church website. This guide can also help in your preparation for the adult education presentations by Dr. Berg. Or read the text and discuss the questions together as a family or couple. Perhaps you didn’t sign up for a small group because the times were not convenient. At any time during Lent you can gather three or four friends on Zoom to talk about the Gospel of John using this guide.

On Life’s Journey – Adult Education Series with Nassau’s Young Adults

Inter-Generational Series

In January inter-generational all ages sessions continued with a twist – and now they’ve even moved into a new month! Instead of featuring content geared towards youth, this year’s content is our youth. Listen and watch interviews with former Nassau youth (now young adults) about how their years and experiences with Nassau Presbyterian Church helped direct them on the journey of life.

[ezcol_1half]January 10 – Sam & Sarah
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]January 17 – Christian & Nikhil

[ezcol_1half]February 7 – Anna, Emma & Emily
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]February 14 – Rachel & Theresa

2/20/21: Patriotism in Black and White: What does it Mean to be An American?

WSPC Christian Education and Church Life Present a Black History Month Program

Saturday, Feb. 20, 2020 from 1–2 p.m.

Patriotism in Black and White: What does it Mean to be An American?
Dr. Mary McGriff, Professor and WSPC Member, Discussion leader

Racism and Patriotism appear at odds in the United States! The central lesson of the African-American political/social history is that the ideals and  promises of American democracy have not been fully realized for them, and there is cynicism and ambivalence about the meanings and practices of authentic patriotism. How can Black people assume the role of patriots (with pride in their country) while experiencing ongoing systemic racism?  What can we learn from the differing perspectives of historical and contemporary Black leaders?

Pre-Reading (optional)

Black Patriotism: When Love of Country Means Holding It Accountable (5 minute read): https://www.npr.org/2020/07/03/886535795/for-some-black-americans-love-of-country-means-holding-it-accountable.

Please join us for this timely and important discussion! Contact Phyllis Rich (email) for the Zoom link.

Not In Our Town Princeton (Feb 1 meeting recap)

Thanks to everyone who attended the Not in Our Town Princeton Continuing Conversation on Monday, February 1. As always, Rev. Mjumbe’s talk was richly informative and inspiring. We in Princeton are fortunate to have a prophet in Princeton. Below are links to Rev. Mjumbe’s presentation, including the Q&A, and to the resources he mentioned. I’ve also included the discussion questions. We encourage you to share the video with others and to use the questions to begin or continue learning and talking about the history we weren’t taught, the African American history of Princeton, of the town where you live and of our country. I hope we will see you at our March 1 Continuing Conversation. Linda Oppenheim

For more information, visit the website:

Not in Our Town Princeton

Discussion questions

  1. Are there any “Black history mysteries” that you learned about Princeton and/or New Jersey late in life? What is the African American history of your town? What surprised you about the presentation tonight?
  2. Are you aware of any “lies agreed upon” that seem to exist about the history and reality of race and racism in Princeton? How do you intend to challenge the lies? How should “our town” challenge the lies?
  3. Have you ever had a difficult conversation about Black history with a person of a different racial group? Your same racial group?

Links and Resources


Until the killing of black men, black mothers’ sons, becomes as important to the rest of the country as the killing of a white mother’s son, we who believe in freedom cannot rest. Ella Baker

#MissionMonday – Valentines for Food Program

Help the Hungry in Mercer County Feed Their Families


Did you know that in a single year Arm In Arm provides enough food for its clients to prepare almost half a million meals for themselves and their families? This year your support is even more important as we work to meet the incredible needs presented by the pandemic.

Arm In Arm (website)

Watch a Moment for Mission from Arm in Arm’s Executive Director, David Fox:

When you support Valentines for Food, you support Arm In Arm’s effective response to food insecurity in our area:

  • In 2020, over the course of 27,000 visits, mobile deliveries, and grab ‘n go events executed by Arm In Arm’s three food pantries – including the one located at Nassau Presbyterian Church – people had access to healthy, high quality food for themselves and their families.
  • In December alone, Arm In Arm provided groceries at more than 3,200 pantry, mobile pantry, home-delivery, and grab ‘n go visits.
  • While some area food pantries occasionally must turn hungry people away, Arm In Arm has NEVER seen its shelves go empty, thanks to the generosity of its supporters.
  • Approximately a third of people who receive food through Arm In Arm are under age 18.
  • About one fifth of Arm In Arm’s food clients are aged 60 and above.
  • Many older clients live in Princeton Community Housing and receive food on a regular basis through Arm In Arm’s volunteer delivery service.
  • Arm In Arm provides fresh, local produce for its customers, much of it donated by farmers and farmers’ markets and supporters of Yes We CAN! Food Drives … by community, school, and church gardens … Whole Foods Market … Farmers Against Hunger … and our own community vegetable garden right in downtown Trenton!
  • Arm In Arm’s volunteer-tended vegetable garden is an ideal hands-on learning space
  • A generous group of individuals from Nassau Presbyterian Church have pledged to match donations, potentially doubling the amount collected.



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  • DONATE: healthy, non-perishable food to our pantry.
    • Canned Proteins (tuna, salmon, chicken, chili)
    • Cereal
    • Canned Fruits
    • Canned Vegetables (low-fructose)
    • Canned Beans (low-sodium)
    • Seasonings
    • Honey
    • Rice
    • Peanut Butter
    • Shelf-Stable Milk (Parmalat)
    • Vegetable/Canola Oil
    • Maseca Corn Flour
  • PARTICIPATE: in our Valentines for Food virtual food drive. Visit https://amplify.ampyourgood.com/user/campaigns/3646 to purchase food that will be delivered directly to Arm In Arm.
  • CONTRIBUTE: On-line (arminarm.org/valentines ) or by mail and remember, that your gift will be potentially doubled thanks to the generosity of several Nassau Presbyterian Church members.
  • VOLUNTEER: at one of our food pantries during the week. Email for more details.