#MissionMonday – Presbyterian Hunger Program

Alleviating Hunger and Eliminating Its Causes

What would it mean if we could see an end to hunger in our lifetime?

[ezcol_1third]Watch a short introduction to the Presbyterian Hunger Program, which works to alleviate hunger and eliminate the underlying causes. PHP is part of the Presbyterian Mission Agency working to eradicate systemic poverty, joining with others in answer to the call of Matthew 25.[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end][/ezcol_2third_end]

To learn more: PHP Website

Read the letter to the congregation of Nassau Presbyterian Church from Rev. Rebecca Barnes
Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program.

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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June 2020

June 2020

The Church in Times of Crisis

As we continue to navigate the cascading challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, what can we learn from the past? Over the course of this month-long series we’ll consider a number of moments in American history when Christians confronted crisis. In their stories we will not discover ready-made solutions for our contemporary predicament. But along the way we will find plenty of opportunities to reflect on what it means to be people animated by faith, hope, and love, even when it seems like the world is falling apart.

June 28 | Heath Carter

Selma 1933: “A Voteless People is a Hopeless People”

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June 21 | Heath Carter

Chicago 1894: “The Angel of the Yards”

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June 14 | Heath Carter

Cherokee Nation, 1828 “This grieves me more than I can tell.”

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June 7 | Heath Carter

Philadelphia, 1793 “Terror Now Became Universal”

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Virtual VBS: Stories from Exile

Vacation Bible School

Registration is now open for V(irtual)VBS.

VVBS will feature a daily email (sent Monday, June 22 to Thursday, June 25) with video links to all your favorite VBS components – stories, crafts, outdoor activities, daily memory verses and even (especially!) music. Activities will be geared for age 3 to grade 6, but all ages (including adults) are welcome to sign up for the emails and check out the offerings.

Contact Nassau Staff:

Corrie Berg (email Corrie, 609-924-0103 x 108)
Lauren Yeh (email Lauren, 609-924-0103 x106)

#MissionMonday – Appalachia Service Project


For the past six years, Nassau Presbyterian Church has partnered with Appalachia Service Project for a week of home repair, service, and to be welcomed as neighbors in a beautiful part of America. Our times spent sleeping on gym floors, crawling around basements, and working on hot roofs have been and remain some of our best memories as a church. And that’s not to mention the sunsets, the ice cream, and the van rides or power tools. With a 50 year history in the region and many deep relationships, ASP has become a major provider of much needed assistance and community—to us all.

While volunteer teams like ours won’t be going to Appalachia this summer, ASP is busier than ever, with almost no volunteers, serving the many counties, communities, and families. We can still be neighbors. We can still serve. We can build a stronger community that overcomes all physical distance with social solidarity. Thank you for your gifts.

[ezcol_1third]Sarah Tel participated in week-long trips with Nassau during her high school years. In 2019 she volunteered with ASP for the entire summer.[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end][/ezcol_2third_end]

Hear from clients, volunteers, and staff of Appalachia Service Project:
Many Hands Rebuilding Appalachia (video)


Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Religious Ministries

Religious Ministries at Penn Princeton

Supporting frontline healthcare workers so that they can continue to serve our community as well, the multi-faith chaplains provide spiritual and emotional care to patients, families, and medical staff at Princeton Medical Center, Princeton House Behavioral Health, and Princeton Hospice. Join us today in praying for their chaplains and staff.

The linked video features voices and images from Penn Medicine including our friends from Penn Princeton Religious Ministries: Rev. Matthew Rhodes, Director, and Samuel Yenn-Batah, Manager of Pastoral Care, playing his saxophone. Thank you!

Visit the website to learn more.
Religious Ministries


Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Princeton Children’s Fund

A Message from Felicia Spitz

Opportunity to support Princeton residents:

Princeton Children’s Fund Inc. has set up a new fund to help our most vulnerable neighbors, many of whom struggle during the best of times, as they face a myriad of new daily setbacks as a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic.

CERF has assisted 121 households as of May 17. For more updates from the Coronavirus Relief Fund, find their weekly newsletter here:

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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Hunger Offering – Update from the Presbyterian Hunger Program

Three years ago, the Presbyterian Hunger Program began a recognition program for Hunger Action Congregations who are serving in their communities to lessen the impacts of hunger and poverty.  This adds to our long-running recognition of Presbyterian Earth Care Congregations. We have been blessed to learn of servanthood and creativity happening all around the nation: from operating food pantries, hosting community gardens, and supporting the nutritional and education needs of students to advocating for changes in local and national policies to help achieve fair wages, sustainable food systems, environmental justice, and racial justice.  We are glad to connect with these congregations and to celebrate the love of Christ they are sharing in their communities and abroad.

Photos thanks to our grant partners:
1st photo: Theresa shows her land agreement. Photo by ARUWE in Uganda
2nd photo by Asociación Fénix in Nicaragua
3rd photo by Improvement and Development for Communities Center in Palestine
4th photo by Little Village Environmental Justice Organization in Chicago, IL

We are also glad to be in partnership with groups around the world who are helping communities to access more and better food, standing with those who are calling for justice, and working towards a more livable environment.  Together we address the underlying causes of hunger by standing with people for fair compensation, offering agricultural and leadership training, defending resource rights, responding to environmental crises caused by climate change, and trying to overcome racism, materialism, and other injustices that keep our siblings in the U.S. and around the world from having enough.

Because of your support for PHP, you have a part in this work.  Thank you to Nassau Presbyterian Church for ungirding the ministry of the church in its compassionate response to hunger.  This year, gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing and to the Hunger Program are supporting work in at least 19 countries and dozens of the United States.

In El Salvador, our Joining Hands network, Asociacion Red Uniendo Manos de El Salvador (ARUMES), is campaigning for the prohibition of agro toxins.  According to the Minister of the Environment, 95% of the waters in this nation are contaminated.  ARUMES is also seeking to stop the promotion of the sugar cane monoculture, so that farmers will be able to grow basic grains for their families.

Our partner Community Initiative for Sustainable Environment and Gender Development (CISEGD) has been at work in Cameroon for several years.  Last year’s project included the construction of a model integrated farm as well as mushroom seeds, piglets, and rabbits.  A well was built to supply water for animals, irrigation for vegetable farms, and potable water for about 150 nearby households and the general public.   The water component is especially helpful during a time when water is scarce because there are many internally displaced persons due to the anglophone crisis.  The model farm offers a place for training and hands-on learning for smallholder farmers.  This year, with support from the Hunger Program, CISEGD will offer training in animal husbandry, natural resource management, leadership skills, and gender equity.  Animals and mushroom seeds will be provided for 50 program participants.  Each farm family who receives an animal will then donate the animal’s first female offspring, along with mushroom seeds, to someone else in need, thus “Passing on the Gift.”

Our partner Ekvn-Yefolecv is a developing ecovillage led by indigenous Maskoke persons on their homelands in rural central Alabama.  Key activities include aquaculture, sustainable food production, language revitalization, and living practice of Maskoke culture.  At the forefront of the project is a commitment to environmental sustainability.  A variety of programs will focus on education, training, and deep holistic health.

This year’s work also includes support for grain banks in Niger, construction of toilets in India, installation of improved stoves in Nicaragua, advocacy for farmworkers and food chain workers in the U.S., land governance training in Uganda, agroforestry plots in Ghana, training in mango tree grafting in Madagascar, resistance to land grabbing in Haiti, agricultural training and response to famine and extreme hunger in South Sudan, and more.

In addition to our typical work, we have been blessed to be able to respond to some emergency food needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.  Presbyterian congregations around the nation are continuing to serve in their communities, even while making adjustments to honor state restrictions and keep safety in mind.

These are only a few examples of where your support can make a difference.  We are grateful to you – and to God for you, for our partners, and for this work.  “For we are what [God] has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” (Ephesians 2:10 NRSV)

May the grace and kindness of our God continue to work in you, and may you be blessed in God’s care,

Rev. Rebecca Barnes
Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program


#MissionMonday – Villages in Partnership

Virtual Water Walk, Saturday, May 16, 7-9 p.m.

Villages in Partnership (VIP) is one of Nassau Presbyterian’s international mission partners. VIP is mobilizing for their annual Water Walk, and this year it will be a virtual one. The need is great in Malawi, and we invite you to join Nassau’s Team for the May 16th Water Walk.

Learn more about VIP and the 2020 Livestream Water Walk: View Video

To support the Nassau Team: Support

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Arm in Arm

Update from David Fox, Executive Director of Arm in Arm.

Hear how one of Nassau’s major mission partners has pivoted to 100% mobile delivery and what’s next as they care for our neighbors in Mercer County.

Giving online is now the easiest and most efficient way to support our mission partners. To give to Arm in Arm click this link: Arm in Arm donate now.

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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May 2020

May 2020

Acts and Imagination – Acts of Imagination

The Acts of the Apostles is not a blueprint for a perfect church. Instead, Acts contains stories meant to provoke and inspire our imaginations about how God might be present among us in vibrant and unexpected ways. During these five Sundays in May, we will walk through a number of imaginations for following Jesus into a changing world.

May 31 | Eric Barreto

Acts 10:1-48

God Moves Far Ahead of Us

Week 5 – Questions for Discussion (pdf)

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May 24 | Eric Barreto

Acts 8:26-40

God Calls Us to “Nowhere”

Week 4 – Questions for Discussion (pdf)

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May 17 | Eric Barreto

Acts 4:32-5:11

Community is a Matter of Life and Death

Week 3 – Questions for Discussion (pdf)

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May 10 | Eric Barreto

Acts 2:1-13

Difference is a Gift from God

Week 2 – Questions for Discussion (pdf)

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May 3 | Eric Barreto

Acts 20:7-12

A Young Man Named Eutychus

Week 1 – Questions for Discussion (pdf)

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