Opportunities for Community Support

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ― Fred Rogers

Below are a few ways you can join in helping our community in the weeks ahead. As we all practice physical distancing and social solidarity, the most direct way to support non-profit organizations is through monetary donations. Whether or not you are able to give financially at this time, we invite you to pray for the helpers in our world and to make an extra phone call each week checking in on friends and neighbors.

Little Free Pantry & Library

Find a new addition to the garden between Nassau Presbyterian & Maclean House. Stop by to leave or take non-perishable food items or a book. Thanks to Arm in Arm for making essentials more easily accessible to our neighbors.

Food donations to Arm In Arm are always welcome. Leave items in the new pantry OR drop them in the box located on the other side of Nassau Church, near the playground.

To donate electronically: Arm In Arm

Volunteers Needed at Arm in Arm!

What does volunteering at Arm in Arm look like? Glad you asked! Watch the video below…

Arm in Arm continues to serve a record number of individuals and families through our food pantries and grocery deliveries and in June provided groceries through more than 4,000 visits and deliveries. Our Homelessness Prevention Team is diligently working as well, and we have launched our 50 Family Challenge with the intent of helping to keep 50 families stably housed this summer.

Volunteer Sign Up (link)

Please note that all clients, staff and volunteers must wear masks, and that Arm in Arm provides masks to the clients who do not have them. Staff and volunteers do not have any interactions with unmasked community members. Volunteer stations are also inside and socially distant, and clients are not permitted to enter the building. Hand sanitizer, gloves and face guards are provided to volunteers as well. All volunteers must complete the COVID-19 health screening a day or two prior to reporting to the pantry to volunteer.

Donations to Nassau Presbyterian’s Hunger Offering are always appreciated as well.

We are committed to receiving the hunger offering until all are fed. The Hunger Offering is distributed locally, nationally, and internationally through Send Hunger Packing Princeton, HomeFront, Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and the Uniting Reformed Church in Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Through your generosity, two additional hunger offering recipients were added throughout the first 18 months of the pandemic. Hunger Offering giving decreased to pre-pandemic levels at the beginning of Fall 2021, so the Mission & Outreach Committee has returned to the five original hunger partners.

If you redirected giving to the Hunger Offering from Arm in Arm once they were added as a temporary Hunger Offering recipient, we encourage you to re-establish your giving to Arm in Arm. Thank you for your continued generosity to the Hunger Offering, Arm in Arm, and all Nassau’s mission partners.

You may donate electronically online (select the Hunger Fund): My Nassau

or by texting NASSAU Hunger to 73256.

Thank you for all the ways, small and large, you are helping in response to COVID-19.





Local Covid-19 Resources

We will continue to update this page as we find out about community needs and resources. If you know of one that is not listed here, please forward to .

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Princeton Covid-19 Response Website


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Hopewell Township Covid-19 Response Website


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Lawrence Township Covid-19 Response Website


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Montgomery Township Covid-19 Response Website


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Township of Plainsboro Covid-19 Response Website


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Township of West Windsor Covid-19 Response Website


Part II of Handel’s Messiah – April 4, 5:00 pm

Choral Evening Service – Saturday, April 4, 5:00PM

Part II of Messiah by G.F. Handel will be presented by Nassau Church’s Adult Choir, featuring soloists Maria Palombo, Marissa Chalker, George Somerville, Jacob Keleman, and Elem Eley, with orchestra under the direction of Noel Werner.  There will be an offering supporting the Appalachian Service Project, and the service will be followed by a reception.

Lent and Easter 2020

In Lent and Easter we observe the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We examine our discipleship, scrutinize our Christian journeys, and acknowledge our need for repentance, mercy, and forgiveness.

Join us in worship and community this season.

Throughout Lent

Small Groups
Offering fellowship and community, Small Groups are studying The Shape of Salvation in Luke. Learn more and find a group.

Lenten Devotional
Don’t miss our church-wide, daily Lenten Devotional. Members and friends of the church have written meditations on Scripture to accompany us through the season of Lent. Read it here.

Lenten Home Dinners
“Come to the table of grace. Come to the table of love. Come to the table of peace.” You are invited to a Lenten Home Dinner with Communion. These casual, welcoming groups are a lovely practice for this season of Lent. Extend the table and expand your fellowship this Lent. Learn more and sign up.

Easter Memorials
We remember and honor our loved ones by giving towards the Easter Sunday tulip display and brass ensemble. You can pick up an Easter Donation Card from the church office or email Sarah Finbow by April 5, 2020.

Wednesday, Feb. 26
Ash Wednesday Noon Communion Worship
12:00 p.m., Niles Chapel

Lenten Craft Fair
4:00–6:00 p.m., Assembly Room

Saturday, Feb. 29 Jazz Lent Service
5:00 p.m., Sanctuary

Sunday, Mar. 1 Lent I Communion Worship
Luke 1:5-25

Sunday, Mar. 8
Lent II Worship
Luke 4:16-30

Sunday, Mar. 15
Lent III Worship Youth Sunday
Luke 7:36-50

Sunday, Mar. 22
Lent IV Worship
Luke 8:26-39

Sunday, Mar. 29
Lent V Worship
Luke 19:1-10

Thursday, Apr. 2
Nassau at Windrows Communion Worship
3:00 p.m., Windrows Wilson Gallery

Sunday, Apr. 5
Palm Sunday Worship
One Great Hour of Sharing
Luke 13:1-5

Tuesday, Apr. 7
Nassau at Stonebridge Communion Worship
3:00 p.m., Stonebridge Auditorium

Thursday, Apr. 9
Maundy Thursday Communion Worship
7:30 p.m.

Friday, Apr. 10 Good Friday Noon Worship
12:00 p.m.

Sunday, April 12 Easter Sunrise Worship
6:00 a.m., Princeton Cemetery

Easter Worship
9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Luke 23,24

Breaking Bread Easter Worship and Feast
6:30 p.m., Niles Chapel
7:30 p.m., Assembly Room

Adult Education – Lent 2020

The Shape of Salvation in the Gospel of Luke

Sundays, 9:30 a.m., in the Assembly Room
unless otherwise noted

Come explore the Shape of Salvation in the Gospel of Luke this Lent. In Luke’s narrative, Jesus preaches salvation for all who believe in him. But what does salvation mean? Is it only a future hope or possibly a present reality? What are Jesus’ followers saved from? And what are they (and we) saved to?

Join us each Sunday morning as Eric Barreto leads us through the Gospel of Luke, examining not only the Biblical and historical context of Luke’s narrative of Jesus’ life and ministry but also its timely and timeless impact on our lives today.

Be linked in for Lent: each week small groups will study the same texts from a more personal and contemplative point of view, and Pastor Davis will preach them in Worship.

Download the Lent 2020 Brochure (pdf)
for more details and speaker bios

March 1 | Eric Barreto

Luke 1:5-25

Promise Fulfilled: Jesus saves us from hopelessness to hope.

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Weekly | In-Depth Bible Study with George Hunsinger


Sundays, 9:15 a.m. (resumes March 8)
Maclean House (Garden Entrance)

George Hunsinger continues with a verse-by verse examination of the Letter to the Colossians.

March 8 | Eric Barreto

Luke 4:16-30

Freedom Fulfilled: Jesus saves us from oppression to liberation.

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March 15 | Eric Barreto

Luke 7:36-50

Hunger Fulfilled: Jesus saves us from hunger to an abundant table.

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March 22 | Eric Barreto

Luke 8:26-39

Wholeness Fulfilled: Jesus saves us from sickness, death, and the ways they divide us to resurrected life.

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March 29 | Eric Barreto

Luke 19:1-10

Belonging Fulfilled: Jesus saves us from isolation to belonging.

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April 5 | Eric Barreto

Luke 13:1-5

Worship Fulfilled: Jesus saves us from idolatry to trust.

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April 12 | Eric Barreto

Luke 23:44​-49

Salvation Fulfilled: Jesus saves us from death to life

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One Great Hour of Sharing 2020

On Palm Sunday, April 5, we will take up a special offering “One Great Hour of Sharing.”

Sharing God’s Love with Our Neighbors-In-Need

in a world of disaster, hunger, and oppression

Millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity.

The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing – Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People – all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance  
Restorers of Streets to Live In
Works alongside communities as they recover and find hope after the devastation of natural or human-caused disasters

Presbyterian Hunger Program  
Share your Bread with the Hungry
Takes action to alleviate hunger and the systemic causes of poverty so all may be fed

Self-Development of People 
Loose the Bonds of Injustice
Invests in communities responding to their experiences of racism, oppression, poverty and injustice and educates Presbyterians about the impact of these societal ills

One Great Hour of Sharing lets us come together to open our doors — as well as our hearts — to share the love of Christ through our ministries of justice, compassion, and joy.

Text SHARING to 56512 to receive a link to resources to learn more about how your gift to One Great Hour of Sharing makes a difference, or visit www.pcusa.org/oghs

Questions? Contact us at 502-569-5047 or email

PC(USA) Special Offerings
100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, KY 40202


Before a hunger emergency struck Somalia, Hawo Abdi and her husband were successful herders near their country’s border with Kenya.However, two years of intensive drought parched the land to the point that they could no longer raise the camels, cattle, sheep and goats that supported them. As her family faced economic ruin, Abdi’s husband died. She was two months pregnant with the couple’s fifth child. Desperate to feed her children, Abdi felt she had no choice but to make the two-day journey to a camp for internally displaced persons to ensure the safety of her four young children and unborn child. Against the background of Somalia’s civil war, the journey was fraught with danger, including the possibility of attack from armed groups and assault. “We had nothing to take with us, and we had to beg for water,” she says. Abdi’s mission to bring her children to a safe refuge was successful. Now she and her children receive a monthly allocation of rice, beans, cooking oil and sugar that One Great Hour of Sharing gifts help provide. While their day-to-day life remains difficult, Abdi and her children, including her new baby, are safe and nourished. “The food aid has improved the living conditions of my family,” she says. “I was able to feed my starving children.”Sadly, Abdi’s story is not unique. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 5.4 million people in Somalia are food insecure, and another 2.6 million people are displaced. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) partners with Kaalmo Relief and Development to provide food aid to people in the camp. “We are very grateful for your contribution,” says Mohamed Ahmed Iriri,

Kaalmo’s director. “It will help us a lot in fighting the hunger and poverty affecting our people in Somalia.”One Great Hour of Sharing gifts are helping to address famine and extreme hunger through PC(USA) partners in other countries, including Northern Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen. These partners help with emergency food assistance and address the underlying causes of hunger and homelessness for the millions of people struggling to maintain their very existence.In Isaiah 58, the prophet calls us to be “repairers of the breach, restorers of streets to live in,” to care for the hungry, the weak and the vulnerable. Through One Great Hour of Sharing, we extend shelter to those who have no place to stay, food to those who are hungry and compassion to those who have pain—be it physical, emotional or spiritual. Together, we become the household of God; and all are welcome. Won’t you join us with a gift to One Great Hour of Sharing? Because when we all do a little, it adds up to a lot.

Let us pray,

God of refuge, gather us into your household. Under your roof, let us meet together at your table of grace to be fed with good food. Grant us the dream of your world where all are fed, all are housed and all have the dignity you granted from the beginning. May our gifts begin to build this dream. Amen.