Adult Education – September 2018

September Classes
For a look at all the Adult Education offerings in September, download the brochure: Adult Education September 2018

Please note: there will be no Adult Education Classes on September 2

September 9

I’ll Say a Little Prayer for You…

Ann Schoonover

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

 What are our sensibilities when it comes to praying? Join me in an informal conversation, where there are no right or wrong answers, and questions are encouraged.  We will consider our denomination’s tradition of prayer during worship, and explore the role(s) prayer plays in our congregation’s life together. What about contemporary views, practices and expressions of prayer? If time permits, we will share stories about praying and its impact upon ourselves as well as the world around us.

Ann Schoonover, a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, is ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the PCUSA and currently serves Covenant and Hamilton Square Presbyterian churches. She is developing a regional older adult ministry (ROAM) program involving PCUSA churches in the greater Trenton area.  Formerly, Ann served in hospital, behavioral health, hospice and homecare settings as a chaplain. She has obtained certificates from Good Shepherd Mediation program and additional training in spiritual direction from Oasis Ministries. Keenly interested in people, Ann is fulfilled by guiding individuals, families and congregations through change and transition. Before attending seminary, Ann had a first career in labor relations, where she met her husband Tim Brown; they both now serve the PCUSA in various capacities.

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Ongoing: September 9 through December 16

In-Depth Bible Study: Colossians

George Hunsinger

9:15 AM
Maclean House

George Hunsinger returns for the 21st year to lead this verse-by-verse examination of Colossians. Bibles are available for use during the class. Find them on the Deacon Desk by the church kitchen. Class meets next door in Maclean House (Garden Entrance).

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September 16

Preaching the Gospel

Andrew Scales

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

How do we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ today? That question has shaped worship and preaching for Presbyterians since the Reformation. In a world filled with plenty of bad news, preachers are listening to the Scriptures to discern what the Spirit is saying to God’s people. Join Andrew Scales as we explore together how preachers craft sermons that speak truth amid our hopes, fears, and needs.

Andrew Scales is a PhD Candidate in Homiletics at Princeton Theological Seminary. He also serves as a Chaplain and Executive Co-Director of the Princeton Presbyterians campus ministry with his wife, Len Turner Scales. He is currently finishing his dissertation, “’Every Last Christian Takes Part’: Oscar Romero and Remembrance of Disappeared Persons in El Salvador.”

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September 23

Confessions in Worship and Life?

Dirk Smit

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

The Presbyterian and Reformed practice of weekly corporate confession of sin in worship, and weekly unison reading of a selection from a confession or creed in the PC(USA) Book of Confessions, often garners questions and strong reactions from congregants. Do Reformed people really need creeds and confessional documents? What role could they play in worship and life, and what role do they play?

Dirk Smit is the Rimmer and Ruth De Vries Professor of Reformed Theology and Public Life at Princeton Theological Seminary. He recently came to Princeton from South Africa, with years of experience in Reformed circles and the ecumenical church, including experience with confessional documents and their reception and use in church and public life.

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September 30

Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place

David A. Davis and Noel Werner

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

At each weekly gathering of the church staff, one of our major tasks is the preparation of Sunday worship. Within the four-fold movement of Reformed worship, all of our choices are governed by fidelity to scripture, the pastoral needs of the congregation, commitment to discipleship, and our calling in the world. Come hear Dave Davis and Noel Werner as they describe the creative and prayerful process of shaping the worship life of our church.

Dave Davis has been pastor and head-of-staff at Nassau since the fall of 2000. His PhD in Homiletics from Princeton Theological Seminary focused on preaching as a corporate act and the active role of the listener in the preaching event. He has published two sermon collections, A Kingdom You Can Taste and Lord, Teach Us to Pray.

Noel Werner has been the Director of Music at Nassau Presbyterian Church since 2006. He lectures on occasion at Westminster Choir College and Princeton Theological Seminary, and spearheads many cooperative music endeavors in the community, in addition to directing Nassau’s adult choir, coordinating Nassau’s extensive music program, and staffing the Worship and Arts Committee.

[Unfortunately this class was not recorded.]

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Adult Education – August 2018

August Classes
For a look at Adult Education offerings (June-August), download the brochure: Summer2018

Please note: there will be no Adult Education Classes on September 2

August 5

Peter Paul Rubens: His Life and Work

Karlfried Froehlich

11:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) was one of the great, if not the greatest artist of Dutch Baroque painting in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries whose famous monumental works of religious as well as secular art are found in numerous churches and museums all over the world. While born into a strictly Reformed family who fled persecution in the Spanish Netherlands, he was raised as a Catholic after his father’s death and became the most influential representative of the Catholic Counter-Reformation. Living in the harbor city of Antwerp, he was extremely successful and widely in demand for altar pieces and portraits by wealthy patrons including the French, English, and Spanish royal courts, Italian princes and the Vatican. Come and learn all about him!

Karlfried Froehlich, a native of Saxony, Germany, studied theology, history, and classical languages in Germany, Paris, and Basel. Moving to the United States in 1964, he taught at Drew University and from 1968 to 1992 at Princeton Theological Seminary where he held the Benjamin B. Warfield chair in church history. An active member of the Lutheran Church in America (today the ELCA), he was a member of the Lutheran – Roman Catholic National Dialogue in the 1970s and 80s and of the Reformed – Lutheran Conversations in the 1990s which led to the 1997 declaration of full communion between the churches involved.  His scholarly interests include the history of Christian art and the history of biblical interpretation, a field to which he has contributed significantly through his teaching and writing.

August 12

Peter Paul Rubens: The Constantine Tapestries at Philadelphia

Karlfried Froehlich

11:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

The Philadelphia Museum of Art houses a fabulous and quite unique treasure—thirteen large pieces of tapestry woven in Paris and Rome after sketches by Rubens and a friend which depict the story of Constantine the Great, the first Christian Emperor. While much of it is legend, the scenes constitute a fascinating account of one of the most important periods of Early Christian history. Focus on the story told in the tapestries as you hear highlighted its intended parallels to the religious history of France during those turbulent times of upheaval and religious wars.

Karlfried Froehlich, a native of Saxony, Germany, studied theology, history, and classical languages in Germany, Paris, and Basel. Moving to the United States in 1964, he taught at Drew University and from 1968 to 1992 at Princeton Theological Seminary where he held the Benjamin B. Warfield chair in church history. An active member of the Lutheran Church in America (today the ELCA), he was a member of the Lutheran – Roman Catholic National Dialogue in the 1970s and 80s and of the Reformed – Lutheran Conversations in the 1990s which led to the 1997 declaration of full communion between the churches involved.  His scholarly interests include the history of Christian art and the history of biblical interpretation, a field to which he has contributed significantly through his teaching and writing.

August 19

A Year as a Young Adult Volunteer in Peru

Katie Hastings

11:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

Selected for a year of service from Nassau Presbyterian Church, Katie will tell us about her time in Peru working in the Casa Del Buen Trato Hovde shelter for women and girls. Come see and hear about her emotional journey, what she found to be most valuable about the YAV program, and what she has learned.

Katie Hastings was born and grew up in Tokyo as a missionary kid. She moved to Princeton at the age of fourteen and was very involved with the youth group and choir at Nassau Presbyterian Church which she attended with her parents, Tom and Carol Hastings. In May of 2017 she graduated from Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York, studying psychology and economics. She has always been passionate about traveling and learning from different cultures.

August 26

Teaching with Nassau’s Mission Partner, Villages in Partnership, in Malawi

Carla Tuan

11:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

After completing a final senior year semester in Paris this spring, Carla flew to Malawi and was introduced to the work of Nassau’s mission partnership in Africa by Liz Heinsel-Nelson, VIP’s Executive Director. Carla divided her time between teaching mathematics at a local high school, teaching computer classes to hopeful college students, and going to the homes of twenty vulnerable families. “They are incredibly poor, with not enough to eat. I am hoping to be able to raise money for them when I get back. Malawi is engulfed in poverty, and yet sometimes not just money, but communicating with villages and letting them do the work is the best solution.” On her return, Carla raised over $1,600.00 for one goat per family and other life-giving supplies.

Carla and her family – sister Susanna and parents Wayne and Emily – have been at Nassau all of Carla’s life. She graduated from the University of Chicago with a major in Mathematics this spring. Beginning in July she started working in NYC doing trading with BMO Capital Markets. Carla loves traveling, running, and reading, and she can do a Rubik’s cube!


Garden Tour of Trenton – Saturday, July 7, 2018

Only 4 seats left!

Saturday, July 7

Join David Byers, Landscape Architect, Master Gardener, Member of Westminster Presbyterian Church and Stephani Register, Senior Planner, City of Trenton, for a guided tour of community gardens and urban development.

Meet at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1140 Greenwood Ave, Trenton, NJ 08609, at 9:30 a.m., parking available behind the church. We’ll end with lunch at Trenton Social (449 S Broad Street Trenton NJ). Please bring $10.00 cash for transportation expenses.

Contact Linda Gilmore for reservations (; 609-924-0103 x134). Questions? Joyce MacKichan Walker (, x103).

Adult Education – July 2018

July Classes
For a look at Adult Education offerings (June-August), download the brochure: Summer2018

Please note: there will be no Adult Education Classes on July 1

July 8

“O Sacred Head Now Wounded,” A Hymn for the Ages

Paul Rorem

11:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

With loose attribution to Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153), “O Sacred Head Now Wounded,” has become a hymn for the ages – through the Lutheran Reformation to J.S. Bach to James Alexander of Princeton.  Originally written in Latin, the text is comprised of seven parts that outline the body of Christ:  feet, knees, hands, sides, heart and head. This hymn was later translated into German and, during the Thirty-Years War, became a profound source of comfort for those affected. James Alexander of Princeton translated this hymn into English, and this piece has remained a prominent fixture in worship services ever since.

Paul E. Rorem is Princeton Theological Seminary’s Benjamin B. Warfield Professor of Medieval Church History. An ordained Lutheran minister, he is interested in medieval church history. His courses cover the confessions and influence of St. Augustine, the Christian mystical tradition, medieval Christianity, and the spiritual and theological legacy of the Pseudo-Dionysian writings.

July 15

Momentous Moment: Ethical Reflections on the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2017-2018 Term

Larry Stratton

11:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told Georgetown University law students just before the Supreme Court’s 2017-2018 term began, “There is only one prediction that is entirely safe about the upcoming term, and that is: It will be momentous.” Come and focus on several of the U.S. Supreme Court’s “momentous” decisions involving bakers and wedding cakes at gay weddings, political gerrymandering of legislative districts, immigration travel bans, and the taking of private property for burial ground access. Assess the judicial opinions in a wide-ranging discussion which will raise issues of constitutional interpretation, Christian ethical engagement, and the Separation of Powers.

Lawrence M. Stratton, Director of Waynesburg University’s Stover Center for Constitutional Studies and Moral Leadership, and Associate Professor of Ethics and Constitutional Law has both religion and law degrees. As a field education intern at Nassau during his Princeton seminary M.Div. studies, Larry began an ongoing exploration of American constitutional law in relation to insights from the Christian faith during many sessions at Nassau Presbyterian Church beginning in the fall of 2001.

July 22

Universities and Free Speech

Keith E. Whittington

11:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

Universities have a distinctive and important mission in American society. They assemble and nurture an open and diverse community of scholars, teachers and students dedicated to the production and dissemination of knowledge. The robust protection of free speech and civil discourse is essential to that mission.  Better understanding the relationship between the critical functions of the university and the principles of free speech can help guide us in resolving the difficult challenges that confront the members of modern universities.

Keith E. Whittington is the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Politics at Princeton University. He writes about American constitutional law, politics and history and American political thought. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Texas School of Law, is a member of the American Academy of the Arts and Sciences, and is currently a fellow with the National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement. His most recent books include Speak Freely: Why Universities Must Defend Free Speech and Repugnant Laws: Judicial Review of Acts of Congress from the Founding to the Present.

July 29

Pay Up or Die!

Eric Barreto

11:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

It’s hard enough to imagine that we would, like the earliest believers in Acts, choose to sell our possessions and trust the church to take care of our every need. Harder still is making sense of the strange story of Ananias and Sapphira whose deceptions and deaths don’t exactly seem to function as a lesson for us today. Come and read these puzzling texts together.

Eric Barreto is Weyerhaeuser Associate Professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary, an ordained Baptist minister, and a Nassau parent.


Adult Education – June 2018

June Classes
For a look at Adult Education offerings (June-August), download the brochure: Summer2018

Please note: there will be no Adult Education Classes on June 3

June 3

Nassau Goes to Westminster

[ezcol_1third]Join us at 11:00 a.m. at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1140 Greenwood Ave, Trenton, to worship God and celebrate the Nassau-Westminster Mission partnership. This is an annual event, and we encourage participation by making this a emphasis of our educational ministries on this day. An opportunity for fellowship follows worship. If you need a ride, or can take someone in your car, let Joyce MacKichan Walker know.[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end][/ezcol_2third_end]

June 10

Then I Saw a Vision: Visions, God, and Christian Faith

John L. Williams

11:15 a.m.
Music Room

“The most fruitful and profound understanding of vision and visioning processes are not in organizational theories or management techniques. They are instead in the bible and Christian theology.” Come and explore an Old Testament vision story, through presentation and conversation. Then examine the relationships between and among visions, God, and our Christian faith.

John L. Williams is a retired minister. He has served the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as a pastor, presbytery executive, and synod executive and is currently an active member of New Brunswick Presbytery. His spouse Linda is a member of Nassau Church where they regularly worship. John is the author of a recently published book, Old Man Dreaming: A Theological Essay on Vision.

June 17

And My Eyes were Opened: Visions, God, and Nassau Church’s mission

John L. Williams

11:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

How can biblical vision stories guide our discovery of what God is calling us to do, and who God calls us to be, for the church in our time? Through presentation and conversation, explore a New Testament vision story. Then examine how that story might guide and shape our lives as partners in the mission of Nassau Presbyterian Church?

John L. Williams is a retired minister. He has served the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as a pastor, presbytery executive, and synod executive and is currently an active member of New Brunswick Presbytery. His spouse Linda is a member of Nassau Church where they regularly worship. John is the author of a recently published book, Old Man Dreaming: A Theological Essay on Vision.

June 24

Freud and God in Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

Eliot Daley

Follows the Congregational Meeting at 11:00 a.m.
Assembly Room

Eliot Daley speaks about “Freud and God in Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” Earlier that weekend, on Friday, June 22, the new documentary Won’t You Be My Neighbor opens at the Garden Theatre. The first screening benefits the Trenton Children’s Chorus (tickets available at, and Eliot will do a Q&A in the theater afterwards. This moving film takes us beyond the zip-up cardigans and the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, and into the heart of the man who inspired generations of children with compassion and imagination.

While serving as associate minister of First Presbyterian Church, now Nassau, Eliot wrote about the influence of TV on American families and children. This led to his connection with Fred Rogers, who invited Eliot to join him in producing Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Eliot served as president of the production company and wrote many early episodes.

Westminster Presbyterian Church – June 2018

Join us for one (or all!) of these events with our Mission Partner church in Trenton

Sunday, June 3

Join us as we worship God and celebrate the Nassau–Westminster Mission partnership. This an annual event in which we worship with our friends at  Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1140 Greenwood Ave, Trenton. An opportunity for fellowship follows worship. If you need a ride or can take someone, let Joyce MacKichan Walker (, 609-924-0103 x103) know. Come for this special Sunday!

Saturday, June 9

Join David Byers, Landscape Architect, Master Gardener, Member of Westminster Presbyterian Church and Stephani Register, Senior Planner, City of Trenton, for a guided tour of community gardens and urban development.

Bus leaves Mountain Lakes parking lot at 9:00 a.m. and returns by 1:30 p.m., lunch included. Cost: $25.00; Limited seating so register now on the website or through Lauren Yeh (; 609-924-0103 x106). Questions? Joyce MacKichan Walker (, x103).

Sunday, June 10

Families from Nassau Presbyterian Church are invited to join Get S.E.T. families from Westminster Presbyterian Church to watch the Trenton Thunder (AA Yankees) play the Binghamton Rumble Ponies (AA Mets) on Sunday, June 10, at 1pm. Sign up online.

Tickets are $8 per seat (normally $12).

Make checks out to “Nassau Presbyterian Church” indicate “Baseball-June 10” in the memo line. Mail or bring to the church office:

Lauren Yeh, Nassau Presbyterian Church, 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542

Questions? contact Lauren Yeh.

Saturday, June 23

Come to the 6th Annual Bethany Community Garden Party, on Saturday, June 23rd from 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM at 426 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton, NJ. The celebration will include an open mic, spoken word, drumming, and dancing from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Light refreshments will be provided by Arm in Arm and Bonner Foundation.

Bethany Community Garden was designed by David Byers of Westminster Presbyterian Church. It was initially funded and supported by New Brunswick Presbytery’s Urban Mission Cabinet member churches, Isles of Trenton, I Am Trenton, Arm in Arm, the Jewish Community Center of Princeton, and the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville. In 2015, Westminster Presbyterian Church received a Faithful Families grant to expand the Bethany Community Garden. The produce harvested is shared with clients of Arm in Arm, and the Bethany House of Hospitality residents and neighbors. Muchisimas Gracias, once again to Arm in Arm for providing light refreshments!

Want more details?  Email Rev. Karen Hernández-Granzen at


Guatemala Dinner – June 16

“Paellada” – ‘Paella Dinner’ for New Dawn School

At the home of Jonathan and Jane Holmquist
10 Allegheny Avenue, Lawrenceville, NJ
Saturday, June 16, 5:30 p.m.

Join us for a “paellada” ‘paella dinner’ hosted by Charo Juega (from Madrid), Fredy Estrada, and Jane and Jonathan Holmquist.  The authentic menu will include tapas, gazpacho, paella, salads, dessert, and Spanish beverages.

All proceeds support New Dawn school in Parramos, Guatemala; a donation of $50 is requested.

Sign up at the table outside Niles Chapel or contact .

Retirement Celebration for Joyce MacKichan Walker

Joyce MacKichan Walker
Joyce MacKichan Walker

The word is out! The Rev. Joyce MacKichan Walker has announced her retirement at the end of August. “How can that be?” we all thought. Joyce has served Nassau Presbyterian Church as director of Christian education and minister of education for 30 years.

It is time to celebrate her years with us and wish her well in her retirement endeavors. We can be assured that retirement won’t mean rocking on the porch for Joyce.

Therefore, you are invited to celebrate Joyce in these ways:

  • Register for a luncheon on Sunday, July 1, at 12:30 p.m. at MacKay Center, Princeton Theological Seminary.
  • Contribute to a purse to express our thanks for her ministry among us.
  • Submit your words of thanks and well wishes to Joyce and photographs of Joyce during these years of ministry — contribute to the scrapbook below.

The deadline for each of these is June 15 extended to June 21. But don’t put it off, do it now.


Choose the meal for each attendee:
Chicken, which is gluten-free, or Vegan[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]

Choose the “Staff Retirement Fund” [/ezcol_1half_end]

Thank you,

The Committee to Celebrate Joyce

Carol Wehrheim and Kathie Sakenfeld, co-chairs; Larry Alphs, Cathy Cook Davis, Ned Walthall

Joyce’s Scrapbook

Visual instructions for uploading pictures and/or documents (PDF)


Concerts – May 2018

Westminster Conservatory at Nassau
Thursday, May 17

The 2017-2018 season of Westminster Conservatory at Nassau will conclude on Thursday, May 17 at 12:15 p.m. with a performance by Trio Brillante. The recital will take place in the Niles Chapel and is open to the public without charge.  The performers, Katherine McClure, flute; Melissa Bohl, oboe; and Phyllis Alpert Lehrer, piano are members of the Westminster Conservatory faculty.

The program on May 17 includes J.S. Bach’s Sonata in E-flat BWV 1031 for flute and continuo and the Trio for flute, oboe, and piano by Jean-Michel Damase.

Westminster Conservatory at Nassau recitals will resume on Thursday, September 20.

Westminster Conservatory of Music

Adult Education – May 2018

May Line-up
1st Amendment Freedoms
Sanctuary: A Legal Perspective
In-Depth Bible Study: First Corinthians

Download the brochure: AE May 2018


Please note: there will be no Adult Education Classes on May 20 (Confirmation) or May 27 (Memorial Day Weekend).

Our First Amendment Freedoms

Americans have abruptly stumbled—with almost no preparation—into an era of corrosive anxiety. In the space of two or three years, respected political scientists and policy experts have come to worry that our democracy itself is at risk. We will also consider whether leaders past have not left us the tools to save our unique political system now.

May 6

Making Use of Our First Amendment Freedoms in the Midst of Dangerous Times

Gustav Niebuhr

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

In a year in which so many feel overwhelmed by signs of debilitating disruption and savage eruptions, can we draw inspiration and action from the ideals of the Founders? The rights they left us may be the greatest defense of our civic culture that we have.

Gustav Niebuhr is Director of the Carnegie Religion & Media Program and Associate Professor at Syracuse University in New York. During a 20-year career in journalism, most recently at The New York Times and, prior to that, at the Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Gustav Niebuhr has established a reputation as a leading writer about American religion. His work has been published in books, magazines and online, and he provides occasional commentary on religion for NPR’s “All Things Considered.” Niebuhr is the author of Beyond Tolerance: Searching for Interfaith Understanding in America (Viking, 2009). He was previously a visiting fellow and scholar in residence at Princeton University.

May 6

Using Our Freedoms

Gustav Niebuhr

5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
In partnership with Princeton Public Library

How do the first 16 words in the Bill of Rights point us toward a better society than the one that so challenges our sense of decency now? We will look at a vital legacy of James Madison, 18th century genius whose ideas can act on our behalf now.


Part of the continuing process of discernment regarding this topic.

May 13

Immigration Law related to Church Sanctuary

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

Join us for a summary of the legal issues relevant to churches offering sanctuary to undocumented residents. Our guest will address questions about the status of those who enter the US and remain without immigration classification; obstacles to gaining immigration status on one’s own; and possibilities for undocumented workers, particularly those who have houses, jobs, families with American children. Also explore questions about a church’s role and process, including risks and expectations. Following a presentation there will be some time for questions which have not been addressed.

Sally L. Steinberg is an Attorney, Arbitrator and Mediator, practicing Immigration Law as well as Family Law since 1980. She is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the New Jersey State Bar Association and Immigration Court Volunteer Lawyer Project.  She participates in the Ask a Lawyer sessions at the Princeton Public Library and actively works with politicians, lobbies for Immigration Reform and works with local Immigration clients. Her office is located at 281 Witherspoon Street, Princeton.


1 Corinthians In Depth

Sunday, May 6 & 13, 9:15 a.m.
Maclean House (Garden Entrance)

George Hunsinger leads a verse-by-verse examination of the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians. In this epistle the Corinthian congregation wrestles with doctrinal and ethical issues in conversation with their “founding pastor,” Paul, and Paul offers compelling good news in his understanding of the cross, the resurrection, worship, and life together in Christian community.

George Hunsinger is Professor of Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. He is the founder of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture.