Adult Education – March 2018

March Line-up
Faith Formation
Bible Big Picture: The New Testament
In-Depth Bible Study: First Corinthians

Download the brochure: AE Mar 2018

Witnessing to Faith 24/7

Darrell Guder, Moderator

On each of the four Sundays in March, come and hear three of Nassau’s members speak to why it is important to them to live out their faith in their  daily lives, and how they attempt to do so. Expect a variety of life stories, challenges, joys, and testimonies to the life to which Christ has called them,  and the places to which they understand Christ has sent them to serve the world God loves.

Darrell Guder, a member of Nassau’s Mission and Outreach Committee and an ordained Presbyterian minister, is the Professor of Missional and  Ecumenical Theology Emeritus at Princeton Theological Seminary. Guder has a life-long interest in and commitment to forming faith in  congregations that reflects one’s understanding of being sent by Christ, as Christ was sent by God, to serve the world God loves. Guder continues to  teach all over the world, including regularly at Vancouver Theological Seminary. He is the author of many books, most recently Called to Witness: Doing Missional Theology.

March 4

Marshall McKnight, Nicos Scordis, Rebekah Sterlacci

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

March 11

Lee Davis, Olivia Moorhead, Monisha Pulimood

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

March 18

Rozlyn Anderson Flood, Jason Sterlacci, Bill Wakefield

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

March 25

Sharilyn Tel, Deborah Toppmeyer, Nick Valvanis

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

A Romp through the New Testament

Bill Phillippe

Sundays, 9:15 a.m.
Niles Chapel

True to the definition of romp, “to play boisterously,” Bill Phillippe will move participants quickly throught the 27 books of the New Testament and do it with a style he believes the writers would approve, even if some biblical interpreters might not. One reviewer of the book says, “Phillippe’s work will  be seen by some as blithe and brash. That’s the best part. He takes us on a tour of what and where and why the Bible happened, and by peeling off the  dusty old trappings he brings to light an enchanted story about people, and a God, we’d like to know better.”

William R. (Bill) Phillippe, upon retirement, chose to move to Princeton primarily so he could worship and engage at Nassau Presbyterian Church. He is a retired Presbyterian minister and author of A Romp through the Bible, and most recently, The Pastor’s Diary. Bill has served a number of  churches as pastor, was a Synod Executive for 10 years, and has served as Acting Executive Director of the General Assembly Mission Council.

1 Corinthians In Depth

Sundays, 9:15 a.m.
Maclean House (Garden Entrance)

George Hunsinger leads a verse-by-verse examination of the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians. In this epistle the Corinthian congregation  wrestles with doctrinal and ethical issues in conversation with their “founding pastor,” Paul, and Paul offers compelling good news in his understanding of the cross, the resurrection, worship, and life together in Christian community.

George Hunsinger is Professor of Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. He is the founder of the National Religious Campaign  Against Torture.


2018 Summer Trips – Pre-Trip Details

Forms & Payment Day for All Trips
Appalachia Service Project

Beyond Malibu

Links to trip forms and instructions listed under each trips section below.

All Trips

Sunday, April 22 – Final Payments and All Completed Forms Due

On Sunday, April 22, between services (10:15-11:00 a.m.) and after the 2nd service (12:00-1:30 p.m.), we will host a final payment & forms event in the 2nd Floor Office Suite (above the kitchen).

Linda Gilmore will also be here that day to notarize documents. Please bring photo ID if you are the person who will be signing the documents and also do NOT sign documents that need to be notarized until you are in her presence.

If you or your child cannot make the April 22 event – please contact Lauren Yeh to make arrangements for a different day.


  • For Middle School (rising 7th to 9th grade)
  • Thursday, June 28, to Monday, July 2

No mandatory meeting for this trip. Please visit the NorthBay 2018 Trip Page to access required forms. If you have any questions about the trip, please get in touch with Mark Edwards (, 609-933-7599). Questions about the forms should be directed to Lauren Yeh (, 609-924-0103, x106).

Appalachia Service Project

  • For ages 13 and up (at the time of travel)
  • Sunday, July 15, to Saturday, July 21

Please visit the ASP 2018 Trip Page to access required forms. If you have any questions about the trip, please get in touch with Mark Edwards (, 609-933-7599). Questions about the forms should be directed to Lauren Yeh (, 609-924-0103, x106).

ASP Mandatory Meeting:
Sunday, June 3, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Assembly Room

If you cannot make this meeting, contact Mark Edwards ASAP!

Hear some general overview of the trip from Mark, go over the 3 S’s, and other ASP Rules & Regulations (part of the downloadable forms, see above). Meet with the team you’ll be working with in Tennessee.

RSVP for this meeting here: Summer Trips 2018 – Mandatory Meetings

ASP Fundraising Opportunities

Sunday, March 18 – Youth Sunday Worship Services (9:15 & 11:00 a.m.) – contact Mark Edwards to get involved.

Sunday, April 29 – Communiversity (11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., in 2 hour shifts) – questions? contact Mark Edwards, sign up online: ASP April 29

Beyond Malibu

Mountain Trip: 2018 Trip Forms

  • For ages 15 and up (at the time of travel)
  • Friday, July 27, to Saturday, August 4

Sea Kayak Trip: 2018 Trip Forms

  • For ages 15 and up (at the time of travel)
  • Wednesday, August 8, to Friday, August 17

Please visit the Mountain and/or Sea Kayak 2018 Trip Page (links above) to access required forms. If you have any questions about the trip, please get in touch with Mark Edwards (, 609-933-7599). Questions about the forms should be directed to Lauren Yeh (, 609-924-0103, x106).

Beyond Malibu Mandatory Meeting:
Sunday, April 15, 12:00-1:00 p.m., Room 304
Sunday, May 13, 12:00-1:00 p.m., Assembly Room

If you cannot make this meeting, contact Mark Edwards ASAP!

Meet your fellow travelers, make plans for group hikes to get physically prepared, make plans to carpool to and from the airport and get your “gear checked” – we want everyone well prepared for the rigors of hiking and kayaking in the Canadian Rockies!

Print the packing list, pack your bag and bring it to church.

  • If you bring your bag to church school at 9:15 a.m., Mark will lock it in Room 304
  • If you bring your bag to the 11 a.m. service, you’ll be able to leave it in a designated area in the Sanctuary
  • Otherwise, bring it to the meeting room at noon.

Mark will go through your bag with you making suggestions for improvement! We’ll also have sign up sheets for Airport Transportation (Princeton-Newark Airport).

RSVP for this meeting here: Summer Trips 2018 – Mandatory Meetings

Please indicate any food allergies when you RSVP as we will provide lunch for this meeting.

Special Offering in Lent: One Great Hour of Sharing

Around the world, millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing — Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People — all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.

Received during the season of Lent, each gift to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) helps to improve the lives of people in these challenging situations. The Offering provides us a way to share God’s love with our neighbors in need. In fact, OGHS is the single, largest way  that Presbyterians come together every year to work for a better world.

Nassau Presbyterian Church will receive this offering on March 25, 2018, Palm Sunday, along with the “Fish Banks” the church school children will be bringing forward that day. Resources for families, below.

One Great Hour of Sharing, makes a difference in the world. Read more by clicking the links below.


  • Works alongside communities as they recover and find hope after the devastation of natural or human-caused disasters, and support for refugees
  • Receives 32% of funds raised


  • Takes action to alleviate hunger, care for creation, and the systemic causes of poverty so all may be fed
  • Receives 36% of funds raised


  • Invests in communities responding to their experiences of oppression, poverty and injustice and educates Presbyterians about the impact of these issues
  • Receives 32% of funds raised

Resources for Families

“Fish Banks” are handed out in church school on the first Sunday of Lent, February 18, and collected in Worship on Palm Sunday, March 25.

Use the placemat and interactive map (at to guide your family’s conversation about One Great Hour of Sharing. Download  OGHS18-Place-Mat (pdf)

Moments for Mission:

Prayer Litany (from Isaiah 58, The Message)

Dear God,

Sometimes you need to shout at us to tell us what is wrong.
*We pray for our community.
We can be busy, busy, busy, trying to be faithful, and we complain that you don’t even notice. We bicker and fight.
*We pray for our community.
God, you call us to break the chains of injustice,
*May we be repairers of the breach.
Get rid of exploitation in the workplace,
*May we be healers of the wounded.
Free the oppressed,
*May we be fixers of the broken.
Cancel debts,
*May we be restorers of fortune.
Share food with the hungry,
*May we be providers of meals.
Invite the homeless poor in,
*May we be welcomers of all.
Put clothes on the shivering,
*May we be givers of warmth
Be available to our families.
*May we be present to those who know us best.
God, you will turn our lives around and show us where to go.
*May we be followers of the light.
We will be known as those who can fix anything, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.
*We pray for our community.
And we will all be free to enjoy God!

Concerts – February 2018

New School for Music Study
Sunday, February 11

The New School for Music Study, in partnership with Nassau Presbyterian Church, will present a faculty recital on Sunday, February 11 at 2:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary of Nassau Presbyterian Church.  “From Russia with Love” will feature music by beloved Russian composers performed by Kristin Cahill, Jason Gallagher, Esther Hayter, Kairy Koshoeva, Charl Louw, and Margie Nelson.  Join us for an afternoon of beautiful music!

The recitals are free and open to the public. Donations accepted.

New School for Music Study

Westminster Conservatory at Nassau
Thursday, February 15

On Thursday, February 15 at 12:15 p.m. Westminster Conservatory at Nassau will present pianist Erik Allesee in a solo recital.  The recital will take place in Niles Chapel and is open to the public free of charge. The program includes works by Domenico Scarlatti, Frederic Chopin, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sergei Prokofiev, and Maurice Ravel.  Erik is a member of the piano faculty at Westminster Conservatory.

 On Thursday, March 15 clarinetist Kenneth Ellison will perform with Ena Bronstein Barton, piano.

Westminster Conservatory of Music


Adult Education – February 2018

February Line-up
Focus on Mass Incarceration
Hope for Preventing and Treating Addiction
In-Depth Bible Study: First Corinthians
Special Event: Mozart’s Coronation Mass

Download the brochure: AE Feb 2018

Focus on Mass Incarceration

Sundays, 9:15 a.m in the Assembly Room

During Mass Incarceration Awareness Month, we will focus on exposing the human cruelty of mass incarceration, advocating for change in our criminal justice system, and honoring Christ in those incarcerated.

February 4

Sketching the Problem of Mass Incarceration in the U.S.

Mark Lewis Taylor

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

Explore a portrait of what “mass incarceration” has become in the U.S. today, its various dimensions of social suffering for its primary sufferers and its impact upon all of us in what has been termed “Prison Nation” or “Lockdown America.” Special emphasis will be placed on efforts to abolish “mass incarceration,” with even the New York Times’ editorial staff calling to “End Mass Incarceration Now.”

Mark Lewis Taylor is Princeton Seminary’s Maxwell M. Upson Professor of Theology and Culture. A member of the Presbyterian Church, he frequently teaches and lectures in churches and supports church communities in their efforts to organize on justice and peace issues. He teaches the theologies of Paul Tillich and Gustavo Gutierrez, white racism as theological challenge, feminist and womanist theologies, and empire and capital in theological perspective. He is author of The Executed God: The Way of the Cross in Lockdown America and Religion, Politics, and the Christian Right: Post-9/11 Politics and American Empire, among others.

February 11

New Theologies for Challenging Lockdown America

Mark Lewis Taylor

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

Examine how mass incarceration and related issues in the “criminal justice” system can become a theological problem, and not only a political, economic, and social one. Special treatment will be given to the challenge of transforming key understandings of Christian atonement theory and biblical and theological views of the cross of Jesus in ways that can enable Christians to contribute to prison criminal justice activism in “Lockdown America” today.

Mark Lewis Taylor is Princeton Seminary’s Maxwell M. Upson Professor of Theology and Culture. A member of the Presbyterian Church, he frequently teaches and lectures in churches and supports church communities in their efforts to organize on justice and peace issues. He teaches the theologies of Paul Tillich and Gustavo Gutierrez, white racism as theological challenge, feminist and womanist theologies, and empire and capital in theological perspective. He is author of The Executed God: The Way of the Cross in Lockdown America and Religion, Politics, and the Christian Right: Post-9/11 Politics and American Empire, among others.

February 18

The Beautiful Struggle: Building Knowledge & Courage to Transform the World

Ruha Benjamin

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

Consider the pairing of social scientific insights on racism and inequity with spiritual insights on human oneness and justice—which, taken together, offer tools that we urgently need to transform the world.

Ruha Benjamin writes and speaks widely on the connections between science, technology, race and justice. She is an Associate Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, a recent fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, and author of numerous publications. In 2017, she received the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching at Princeton.

February 25

The Devastating Effects of Mass Incarceration: Find Your Place

Mass Incarceration Task Force

9:15 a.m.
Assembly Room

Over-incarceration can be addressed on several fronts: Pre-incarceration, Incarceration, and Post-incarceration. Hear about the Task Forces’s history, mission, and current and future initiatives, including tutoring, pen pals, mentoring, advocacy and support. Learn ways to become involved that fit your schedule, add your voice, and tap your talents and expertise.

Jonathan Shenk and Mary Beth Charters co-moderate Nassau’s Mass Incarceration Task Force.

Hope for Preventing and Treating Addiction

Sundays, 9:15 a.m in the Music Room

We don’t need statistics to tell us how prevalent addiction is. We have our own stories and families and friends. Come look for some hope in treatment, recovery, and ideas about how to help.

February 11

Addiction, Spirituality, and Family Recovery

Nancy Gardner

9:15 a.m.
Music Room

Addiction creates isolation, secrecy, shame, hopelessness, and a feeling of a downward spiral of options. Spiritual connectedness creates antidotes to these feelings and transforms fear and shame. Using a brief overview of AA/NAs 12 Steps as a roadmap for spiritual growth and Pia Mellody’s model for healing trauma-driven developmental immaturity, look at transforming fear into hope and activating spiritual principles to thrive in recovery.

Nancy Gardner is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, working with addicts, alcoholics, and their families for the past 36 years. She has worked as an  Employee Assistance counselor for Jersey City Medical Center; a psychiatric social worker for Princeton House, running their family addiction education program and family aftercare program; a family therapist for Catholic Charities Alternative School students; an adjunct instructor for Mercer County Community College; and a therapist in private practice in Hopewell. She specializes in trauma and addictions treatment, using cognitive behavioral interventions, Gestalt, energy psychology, and Pia Mellody’s Model of Developmental Immaturity to treat trauma, addiction, and family systems.

February 18

The Look of Recovery

John Mincarelli

9:15 a.m.
Music Room

A personal view into recovery.

John Mincarelli is a recovering addict who has over eight years of consecutive clean time. He works for the nonprofit organization Recovery Advocates of America, which helps people suffering from the disease of addiction. John is a certified peer recovery specialist, recovery coach, and a certified recovery coach trainer. He has given years to helping others and sharing the hope of recovery. John is a loving father and a grandfather to two beautiful grandchildren.

February 25

Opioids — Please Help

Malissa Arnold

9:15 a.m.
Music Room

Malissa will discuss substance abuse in Mercer County and New Jersey and trends in drug and alcohol misuse, with special focus on the rise of the opioid epidemic. The class will learn more about identifying drug misuse, strategies to prevent misuse, and where one can start to get help when they or a loved one has a substance abuse problem.

Malissa Arnold works in the drug abuse prevention field because she wants to help her community be a healthier place. She worked previously in the White House Office of National Drug Control policy and currently administers a federal grant for drug abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery in Mercer County.

Further Series and Events

Weekly in February

In-Depth Bible Study: First Corinthians

George Hunsinger

9:15 a.m.
Maclean House

George Hunsinger returns for the 21st year to lead this verse-by-verse examination of the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians. Bibles are available for use during the class. Find them on the Deacon Desk by the church kitchen. Class meets next door in Maclean House (Garden Entrance).

February 18
Special Noon Session

Mozart’s Coronation Mass

Noel Werner

12:15 p.m.
Music Room

Explore W.A. Mozart’s stirring and delightful Mass in C, nicknamed the “Coronation Mass.” We’ll explain compositional techniques used to illuminate the traditional text of the mass, and the particular context of Mozart’s life in Salzburg and his work for the church will add dimension to our experience of this glorious choral masterpiece. Be sure to attend the choral evening service at Nassau on Saturday, February 24, to hear choir, soloists, and instrumentalists present the Coronation Mass.

Noel Werner has been Director of Music since 2006. He has lectured at Westminster Choir College, Princeton Theological Seminary, and the Presbyteries of Elizabeth and New Brunswick. His wife, the Rev. Wendi Werner, is the solo pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Dayton, New Jersey. They have two daughters, Sophie and Emily.

Share Your Bread with the Hungry


[ezcol_1half]Najjuma, a 56-year-old widow in Uganda, grows enough food on eight acres to feed the three children and eight orphaned grandchildren in her care. Without the crops that spring from this soil she carefully tends, Najjuma has no means to support these children.

However, while Najjuma was providing the nurture her children and grandchildren needed, her in-laws ordered her to leave the land her husband had inherited.

Fortunately,  Najjuma learned that laws were in place to protect widows like her. Your One Great Hour of Sharing Gifts empowered Naijuma to exercise her lawful  right to remain on the property.

Thanks to training programs held by Action for Rural Women’s Empowerment (ARUWE), a partner of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, Najjuma knew the law was on her side. She successfully appealed for help through local land governance structures.  Yet too often widows aren’t aware of their rights, says Sylvia Nalubega, program officer for ARUWE.[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]“When widows  do not know their entitlement to their property or if the husband doesn’t leave a will, many times they are evicted and have nowhere to go,” Sylvia says. One Great Hour of Sharing gifts helped Naijuma avoid this fate.

“Najjuma depends on the land for her livelihood,” says Agnes Mirembe,  programs manager for ARUWE. “It is everything to her. Her income is tied to the land.”

In addition to benefitting from ARUWE’s legal aid clinics,  Naijuma also learned more efficient farming techniques from this group. She planted two acres of corn and beans that serve as demonstration plots  for her neighbors. She freely shares how she was able to increase crop yields and take better care of her children and grandchildren.

Yet Najjuma  could have been without a place to plant even a single seed, a plight that would have spelled disaster for her family. Your One Great Hour gifts helped  keep this from happening.

In Uganda and around the world, Presbyterians are being faithful to the biblical mandate to care for people who live on the  margins. [/ezcol_1half_end]

Through your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts, Christ’s concern for “the least of these” is being expressed and lives are being transformed.

Let us pray:
Gracious God, We pray for the widows in Africa who struggle to provide for their families. We give thanks that you walk with them in their quest for  justice, and we hear your call to come alongside people who live on the margins. May we be faithful to your summons. Amen.

This Minute for Mission is available to download/ print for your convenience (

Loose the Bonds of Injustice


[ezcol_1half]The Front Porch Café in Akron, Ohio, serves up healthy portions of food and friendship for people needing a new start in life.

At the Front Porch,  individuals recovering from addiction or re-entering society after spending time in prison can eat a good meal, grow and learn alongside others who  share their struggles, and receive guidance on housing and employment opportunities.

When Diretha joined the Front Porch community five years  ago, she had been sober and drug-free for a year, but a decade of unemployment threatened the sustainability of her success. She volunteered at the café and attended its support groups. The staff helped her develop a resume and interviewing skills.

These efforts helped Diretha land a job at a  catering company, where she has worked for four years. She continues to live a life free from alcohol and drug abuse.

Your One Great Hour of Sharing  gifts contributed to Diretha’s transformation. The Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP) made a grant that helped  renovate and equip the building that houses the café after Eastminster Presbytery’s Committee selected the project for funding. SDOP partners with  economically poor people in projects they present, control, own, and are the direct beneficiaries.

[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]The Front Porch Café is part of South Street Ministries, which serves youth and adults in one of Akron’s poorest and  most racially diverse neighborhoods. “We get people from the church, the recovery world, and the neighborhood who come in just for a place to gather,” says Joe Tucker, the ministries’ executive director. By purchasing one of the Front Porch’s reasonably priced meals, neighborhood patrons support its witness to hope.

“We give people a lot of hope and redirection,” Joe says. “We tell people, ‘Hey look, half of our staff are in recovery or in  re-entry themselves—we know what it’s like. What you are wanting to do is absolutely doable. We believe in Christ, and we will pray with you.’ The consistent reminder of hope is probably the deepest area we have.”

Diretha continues to attend a support group at the Front Porch and its weekly  worship service. “If I hadn’t gotten involved with the Front Porch, there is a chance I would have started using again and been in prison or even died,”  Diretha says. [/ezcol_1half_end]

Your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts help people move themselves from the depths of despair toward vistas of hope. Please give generously.

Let us pray:
Transforming God, we pray for people who struggle with addiction. We give thanks for ministries like the Front Porch Café that help people overcome  his challenge and begin new lives. May we join them in bearing witness to Christ’s desire that all people experience freedom and hope. Amen.

This Minute for Mission is available to download/ print for your convenience (

Restore Streets to Live in


[ezcol_1half]Even before Hurricane Maria made landfall in September, Edwin González-Castillo and other Presbyterian leaders in Puerto Rico  received promises of help from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA).

Edwin, the stated clerk of the Presbytery of San Juan, says PDA lived up to its word quickly. Days after the storm hit, the first wave of PDA grants  arrived and immediately pressing community needs were being met.

In the presbytery, funds were distributed among each of the 15 congregations,  and the presbytery matched PDA’s initial funding for community assistance. Desperately needed items such as food, water, diapers and medical  supplies were swiftly in the hands of hurricane survivors. “We were able to help families who had lost almost everything,” Edwin says. Maria’s 150  mph winds destroyed homes, infrastructure and vegetation across the island and resulted in the death or injury to many. In addition, Maria left  millions without electricity or drinkable water.

Your generosity helped PDA respond immediately after three major hurricanes pounded the United  States and/or the Caribbean, a devastating earthquake shook Central Mexico, and raging wildfires wreaked havoc across the Pacific Northwest. One  Great Hour of Sharing gifts enabled PDA to mount responses that were timely, nimble and effective.

[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]In Puerto Rico, Presbyterians never doubted that  PDA would respond fast, and they know that PDA will remain for the long haul, Edwin says. “The help PDA brings is long-term, and we are grateful  that when other groups leave Puerto Rico we will still have PDA giving us a hand.”

Puerto Rican Presbyterians appreciate the prayer support and encouraging words they have received from across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). When people from the  mainland ask them about providing tangible help, Edwin says Puerto Rican Presbyterian leaders have a standard reply: “We tell everybody the best  way to help us is through PDA.”

The hurricane response has elevated Presbyterian visibility in Puerto Rican communities, and Edwin expects that  denomination’s name recognition will continue to grow as the recovery efforts continue.

“In many places here, Presbyterians are not very well known,  but through things like this, when we attend disasters and when our communities get the kind of help PDA is helping to provide, the Presbyterian  name becomes familiar and people see that our church is here to help,” Edwin says.

Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing enable our church to bear this kind of caring witness in Puerto Rico and around the world. Please give generously.[/ezcol_1half_end]

Let us pray:
Gracious God, we pray for the survivors of disasters. Comfort them as they struggle with unspeakable grief and the monumental task of rebuilding  their lives. Help us to extend neighborly love to them wherever they live. Amen.

This Minute for Mission is available to download/ print for your convenience (

This is Church

Have you ever taught a child to fold their fingers inside their hands and say the rhyme, “here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors and see all the people?” The wiggling fingers teach children, and adults, too, that the church is not the building — the steeples, windows, or structure, but people gathering to worship God.

There’s something else in the children’s rhyme. As the child breaks open their hands to reveal the people,” they move their fingers back and forth, often as fast as they can. This simple move reminds us that the church is the energy and actions that share the love of Christ.

  • When a disaster strikes, people give, volunteer, and pray so that those impacted receive help and hope, this is church.
  • When poverty and violence cause hunger and people join together to respond to the need and address its root causes, this is church.
  • When injustice falls on those who are vulnerable and people join hands with one another and lift their voices against the interests of power, this is church.

The church is the Holy Spirit’s transforming power emanating into the world sharing the compassion, justice, love, and peace of Christ. Presbyterians join the movement of the Spirit into every corner of the Earth — and in this season, through our church-wide One Great Hour of Sharing.

  • We share— and church happens with women who were once trafficked for domestic labor and now own their own cooperative business.
  • We share— and church happens with people through land rights training and improvements to farming methods.
  • We share— and church happens with those whose homes have been washed away by flood, as the arms of comfort wrap around them, and hands pick up shovels to assist.

The church is happening right now, all around us — because we share Christ’s love.

Let us pray:
God of Compassion, move your church into the world with imagination and love. May the gifts we give and the kindness we offer be shared with the most vulnerable of your children. Amen.

This Minute for Mission is available to download/ print for your convenience (

Gifts at Work


[ezcol_1half]When the forces of chaos and calamity rip the fabric of human life, your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts are there to sew it back together.

Your generosity fulfills a vision rooted in the biblical witness and beautifully stated in Isaiah 58:12. The prophet writes: “You shall be called the  repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in.”

Around the world, One Great Hour of Sharing ministries bridge the divides that tear apart the  lives of individuals and communities.

In Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory that was devastated by Hurricane Maria last year, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance promised help to the island’s  Presbyterian leaders even before the storm made landfall. Days after Maria hit, the first wave of PDA grants arrived and immediately pressing  community needs were being met. Desperately needed items such as food, water, diapers and medical supplies were in the hands of hurricane  survivors swiftly. Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing made it possible for PDA to act promptly in Puerto Rico, Texas, Florida and other places  when disasters struck in rapid succession last year. In addition, PDA will continue working in these communities long after other groups leave. [Read more here.]

In Akron, Ohio, Diretha’s recovery from drug addiction was threatened by more than a decade of unemployment. She says her decision to join the Front Porch Café community helped her get a job and remain drug-free. [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]The Front Porch consists of individuals who struggle with drug addiction or who seek to re-enter society after spending time in prison. At the Front Porch, they can eat a good meal, learn and grow among others who have  experienced similar struggles, and receive guidance on employment opportunities. A Self-Development of People grant, made possible by One Great Hour of Sharing gifts, helped renovate and equip the building that houses the café.“If I hadn’t gotten involved with the Front Porch, there is a chance I would have started using again and been in prison or even died,” Diretha says. Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing gifts contribute to positive change that lasts. [Read more here.]

In Uganda, Najjuma, a 56-year-old widow, depends on eight acres of farmland to feed three children and eight grandchildren left orphaned by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. However, her in-laws ordered her to leave the land her late husband had inherited. Thanks to training programs held by Action for Rural Women’s Empowerment (ARUWE), a partner of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, Najjuma knew the law was on her side. She successfully appealed for help through local land-governance structures. Your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts helped Najjuma continue to farm the land and improve farming techniques in order to feed her children and grandchildren. [Read more here.][/ezcol_1half_end]

In places far and near, your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts repair breaches that pierce the wholeness that God wants for everyone. Please give generously.

Let us pray:
Holy God, we pray for those who are separated from the fullness of life that you desire for all people. Strengthened by your love and mercy, may we bridge the gaps of injustice that keep people from experiencing lives of wholeness and fulfillment. Amen.

This Minute for Mission is available to download/ print for your convenience (