Update from the Forward in Faith Together working group.
Update from the Forward in Faith Together working group.
During this time of Covid-19, the Deacon Card-makers have transformed into the ministry of the Nassau Cardigans (Card-igans). This team of dedicated crafters, led by Agnes Olah, has prepared in the last 3 months, over 1000 Craft Kits for the children of Trenton.
Partnering with Westminster Presbyterian Church and the Trenton YMCA, the Cardigans utilize materials from our Church School supply closets and monies dedicated for mission and outreach to create individual art projects that are taken home and enjoyed by dozens and dozens of children.
Out of these supplies and funds come creative kits filled with colorful and vibrant hands-on projects. Everything that’s needed is organized into individual packets. The Cardigans meet in Nassau’s parking lot on Wednesday mornings to pick up their homework for the week, then drop off the finished kits back at the church to Lolly O’Brien who delivers 100 kits a week to Westminster and the YMCA.
With huge thanks to Julia Hill, Hanka Spelda, Pamela Long, Anne Steel, Pam Kelsey, Mary Brown, and leaders Agnes Olah and Lolly O’Brien.
Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.
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A pastoral word from Rev. David A. Davis on May 31, 2020
We miss seeing you every week! Share with us what you are doing at home, how you are staying connected to your Nassau Church family, and what is bringing you joy these days! Here is a little of what #NassauAtHome looks like!
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Your church staff continues to make necessary plans this week regarding public health concerns. It is a rapidly changing landscape and we are responding, planning, and sharing decisions with the Session. We are in communication with local government and very aware of the plans announced this week by the University and the Seminary.
Because of our deep concern for the well-being of our church and community, beginning today, Wednesday March 11, 2020 we will be cancelling all programming, events, and activities. We are taking a Lenten Sabbatical and possibly beyond to ensure we are doing all we can to keep COVID-19 / Coronavirus from spreading.
This includes the cancellation of all scheduled meetings, rehearsals, and Sunday worship. March 15th’s Youth Sunday will be rescheduled at a future date. Lenten Small Groups and communion dinners will not be held, but we will work with the leaders to meet by creative means. Arm In Arm already has a plan in place for getting food to those who need it.
Each week we will update the congregation as to our plans and any changes to what is listed above. Please check the church website and your email for these updates. For this Sunday, we will post a filmed service brought to you by the staff.
As we continue on this Lenten journey unlike any other, please remember to check on neighbors, friends, and church members. Communication, support, and reassurance are ultimately important.
You can reach our staff members through their emails and office phones and we will keep our emergency cell phone on each and every day. If needed, please call the cell phone at 1-609-613-1077.
We will continue to review and adapt on a day to day basis.
March 6, 2020
To the Nassau Presbyterian Church Family,
We would like to assure you that your church staff has been discussing plans and making preparations in light of the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus. Our resources have included the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the State of New Jersey Department of Health, and the Presbyterian Church (USA). We are also reaching out to health care professionals in the congregation. Our commitment to you is to make responsible decisions without fueling fear and misinformation.
Please find the items below for your information, safety and health.
If you have any questions, please be in touch with any member of the staff and let us continue to prayer for the sick, medical and public officials, and all the vulnerable who live in fear.
With grace and peace,
David A. Davis
You are invited to help us care for our planet by donating reusable bags to Arm in Arm! In an effort to better steward our resources and to protect the environment, we would like to reduce plastic waste by using reusable bags in our food pantries. We truly appreciate all of your donations and we are very humbled by your continual generosity in partnering with us to continue serving our community’s needs and also caring for our planet. Please stop by our Nassau pantry located at 61 Nassau St. Our 123 E. Hanover pantry or our Hudson pantry located at 48 Hudson St. to donate your reusable bags!
Each Wednesday in Lent, Witherspoon Street Church will be worshipping in the sanctuary at 124 Witherspoon St, Princeton from 12:00-12:45. All are welcome.
You are invited to help us care for our planet by donating reusable bags to Arm in Arm! In an effort to better steward our resources and to protect the environment, we would like to reduce plastic waste by using reusable bags in our food pantries. We truly appreciate all of your donations and we are very humbled by your continual generosity in partnering with us to continue serving our community’s needs and also caring for our planet. Please stop by our Nassau pantry located at 61 Nassau St. Our 123 E. Hanover pantry or our Hudson pantry located at 48 Hudson St. to donate your reusable bags!
ArmInArm invites you to attend the second in a series of three Community Matters panel discussions, dedicated to education that inspires action. Find out more.
ArmInArm is asking for your support of the 16th annual Valentines for Food, its biggest hunger awareness event of the year. Visit www.arminarm.org/valentines or find out more here.
Saturday, February 22, 7:30 p.m.
Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church – Church Life is sponsoring Brothers on Broadway featuring Keith Spencer performing in concert at the Patriots Theater in Trenton at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 22. We only have 25 tickets! Please contact Jeffrey Mascoll or Barbara Flythe if you are interested in purchasing tickets. Tickets are $45 each and will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. Visit this website for details.
Presbyterian Women Winter Gathering and Mission Fair
Join our Presbytery Mission Fair on Saturday, January 18, 2020 from 10:30 am-1:30 pm at the Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church, Princeton for a light lunch followed by Epiphany Cake and projects including bedding for children in Puerto Rico who are suffering the effects from Hurricane Maria and sleeping mats for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen. Program, lunch, and registration: $5. RSVP by January 15.
Find out more about the 2020 VIP friendship trips here.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
124 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ
Come enjoy the music of the season. Reception to follow. Free Will offering.
To the Members and Friends of Nassau Presbyterian Church,
Each Lord’s Day morning in our life together at Nassau Church, I find myself awed by the spirit, the movement, and the vitality in the building. In each service of worship, we have new faces that I do not know. The energy in the classes all around is palpable. The sharing of the peace, the welcome in the narthex, the conversation in the hallways, and the enjoyment of refreshments all serve to tend to and deepen the ties of our fellowship. Every Sunday morning, I try not to take the whole experience for granted. Yes, our congregational life and commitment go far beyond Sunday morning and include so much more than what happens at 61 Nassau Street, but I would like to invite you to join me both looking around on Sundays with a bit of wonder and not taking any of it for granted. For God has blessed each one of us to be called to be part of this Body of Christ.
I want to thank each one of you who support Nassau Church with a financial gift. More than 98% of our annual operating revenue comes from those who pledge and give regularly. Every contribution we receive serves to sustain the breadth, health, and future of this ministry. November is the time when we express as a congregation our gratitude for all God is doing in our midst and prayerfully discern our commitment looking ahead to 2020. Celebrating God’s abundance and God’s grace is a defining quality of our community’s identity. This November, please be a part of our celebration and reflection.
Moving into 2020, the Session will be sharing more of the vision and strategy conversation they began last year. We believe it is a very exciting time for our congregation to discern initiatives, commitments, and convictions as we strive to answer God’s call to be the Body of Christ for one another so together we can be the Body of Christ in the world. I have included a copy of the recently approved Mission Statement for you to see.
More information will be coming about our Celebration and Pledge Dedication Sunday which will be December 1, 2019 in both services of worship. Until then, I am confident of God’s call on our lives to grow in faith and service, our salvation promise in Jesus Christ, and the overwhelming generosity of the people who know themselves to be Nassau Presbyterian Church.
With gratitude, grace, and peace,
David A. Davis