2025 Summer Camps and Trips

2025 Summer Camps

David, Shepherd KingVacation Bible School (VBS)

  • Mon-Thu, June 30 – July 3, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • For age 3 through rising grade 6, join us for a morning full of crafts, music, Bible stories, and more!

Register VBS (link)

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Splash Camp

  • Mon-Thu, June 30 – July 3 12:00 – 4:30 pm
  • For rising grades 6 and up, enjoy afternoons filled with exciting water adventures like pool time, creek exploration, and a dip in the quarry.

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Chancel Drama Week (CDW)

  • Mon-Fri, August 10-15, 12:00-4:30 pm, Sunday, August 17, 9:00-11:00 am
  • For rising grades 3-12, learn and stage a faith-based musical in one week! Perform in worship on Sunday, August 17. Everyone is cast. Friends are welcome!

Register Chancel Drama(link)

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Youth and Adult Volunteers we need your help to make each of these events successful.

VBS & CDW Contact Ingrid Ladendorf (email, x105)
Splash Camp Contact Mark Edwards (email, x108)

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2025 Summer Trips

Schedule your forms and final payment appointment.

Appalachia Service Project (ASP)

  • Sunday, July 6 – Saturday, July 12
  • Age 15 and up
  • Spaces are still available

Download Forms (link)

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Camino de Santiago

  • Tuesday, July 15 – Thursday, July 31
  • Age 15 and up
  • This trip is FULL

Download Forms (link)

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2024-25 Child/Youth Registration

Dear Parents,

Summer greetings!

We are excited about the coming program year at Nassau Presbyterian Church. This post contains registration and program information for the upcoming year.


We ask you to complete a new form each year to ensure we have accurate information on you and your child to ensure your child’s health and safety. If you have multiple children in your family, you will receive a separate registration email for each.

To complete your registration, please:

  • print the registration form that was emailed to you,
  • make changes/additions using the fields on page two,
  • with or without changes, please sign and date page one of the form, and
  • return these two pages to the church office as soon as possible – by Tuesday, September 3 or earlier – to make sure your child’s name appears correctly on our attendance lists.

If you are new to our church – Welcome! – or have an additional child to register, blank forms are available here and in the literature rack outside the church office:

Registration Form(pdf)


This attachment lists the regular schedule and the start up dates for our program year long (Sept-May) activities:

Start Up Dates (pdf)

Please be in touch if you have any questions. With anticipation for the coming year!

Mark Edwards (x109)

Director, Youth Ministries

Ingrid Ladendorf (x105)

Director, Children’s & Family Ministries
Director, Choirs for Children & Youth

Ingrid Ladendorf to take a new role at Nassau

To The Community at Nassau Presbyterian Church,

On behalf of the HR committee, we are excited to let you know that Ingrid Ladendorf has been offered and accepted a full time position with Nassau Church to staff both Children’s and Youth Choirs and Children’s and Family Ministries. Ingrid’s ability to build relationships with families, youth, and children, and especially new families, makes her a wonderful choice for this revamped position. Her position will now be full time and salaried.

After reopening our search for a part time director of Children’s and Family Ministry, we widened the search when few viable candidates arose. It became clear to the HR committee through this process that Ingrid was the ideal choice for Nassau in the here and now.

The leadership of the HR committee and Dave Davis as head of staff will continue ongoing conversations with Ingrid, Noel Werner, and Jeanne Radimer as Ingrid settles into this role. Obviously, there will be some conflicts because Ingrid cannot be in two places at once especially on Sunday mornings. We will also look to continue to ask parents and volunteers for specific tasks as well. Ingrid will make this transition August 1, 2024.

All the members of our staff, the HR committee, and the Session all remain committed to staffing our robust Children and Family ministry. Nassau is incredibly blessed. This spring and summer we have had a festival of baptism! We know the future for this ministry looks strong! Thanks be to God.

We all look forward to Ingrid Ladendorf continuing to share many gifts God has given her and expanding her role at Nassau Church.


Faithfully yours,

Dave Davis, Pastor

Anne Kuhn, HR Committee Chair


A Child’s Advent at Nassau

All are welcome!

Children’s Devotional Advent Calendar

Pick up a family devotional Advent Calendar during fellowship on November 26 or December 3, and reflect daily with your child on the coming of our Lord.

Advent Craft Fair

Wednesday, November 29, 4:00-6:00 pm

Children, age 3 and up, join us for this festive afternoon of crafts, treats, and Christmas stories by the tree. There will be a variety of projects suitable to every ability. Parents are encouraged to stay and participate with preschool-age children.

Wee Christmas

Sunday, December 10, 10:15 am, Sanctuary

Hear the Nativity story and join a low-expectation, high-participation flash pageant (costumes provided!). Wee Christmas is intended for families with children age 2 to grade 2. Older siblings are welcome to participate, if inclined. Joyful Noise and Carol Choir will NOT meet on December 10.

Christmas Pageant and Tea

Sunday, December 17, 4:00 pm, Sanctuary

All are invited to come and enjoy this beloved tradition led by our children and youth, and stay for refreshments and fellowship at 5:00 pm.

Christmas Eve Family Worship

On Christmas Eve, December 24, our 3:00 pm worship service is especially suited to families.

Dan + Claudia Zanes Community Concert

Saturday, January 13, 2024, 5:00 pm

Join us for a special community concert that supports Arm in Arm. Stay tuned for more details!

All Ages Valentine’s Day Dance to support Arm In Arm

Friday, February 14, 2025 | 7:00-8:00 pm in the Assembly Room

The Children’s and Family Ministry Committee looks forward to welcoming you and your families to our All Ages, Intergenerational Valentine’s Family Dance! No experience necessary, easiest for ages 4 and up. We’ll have a live caller, live musicians, great fun and lasting memories. Bring your friends! A cookie reception will follow the dance.

In lieu of tickets, we ask that each attendee please bring one of the food items listed below in support of Arm In Arm’s Valentines for Food Drive.

Shopping List:

  • Maseca Flour
  • Canned fruit
  • Canned vegetables
  • Rice
  • Peanut Butter
  • Cereal
  • Shelf Stable Milk
  • Honey
  • Vegetable/Corn Oil
  • Canned tuna, salmon, chicken, or chili
  • Canned beans or 1 lb. bag of dried beans

No glass containers, please. Be sure to check expiration dates. Monetary donations to Arm in Arm will also be accepted.


2023-24 Child/Youth Registration

Dear Parents,

Summer greetings!

We are excited about the coming program year at Nassau Presbyterian Church. This post contains registration and program information for the upcoming year.


We ask you to complete a new form each year to ensure we have accurate information on you and your child to ensure your child’s health and safety. If you have multiple children in your family, you will receive a separate registration email for each.

To complete your registration, please:

  • print the registration form that was emailed to you,
  • make changes/additions using the fields on page two,
  • with or without changes, please sign and date page one of the form, and
  • return these two pages to the church office as soon as possible – by Tuesday, September 5 or earlier – to make sure your child’s name appears correctly on our attendance lists.

If you are new to our church – Welcome! – or have an additional child to register, blank forms are available here and in the literature rack outside the church office:

Registration Form(pdf)


This attachment lists the regular schedule and the start up dates for our program year long (Sept-May) activities:

Start Up Dates (pdf)

Please be in touch if you have any questions. With anticipation for the coming year!

Mark Edwards (x109)

Director of Youth Ministries

Ingrid Ladendorf (x105)

Director, Choirs for Children & Youth

Elizabeth Steel (x108)

Director of Children’s & Family Ministries

#MissionMonday – Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center

Celebrating and ensuring the indelible mark of Johnsonburg on the future

Over the past six weeks you’ve heard from friends and members of the Nassau community as they recounted their memories of Camp JBurg and their hopes for its future. We invite you to join the Cook Davis, Mackichan Walker, Olsen, and Wood Yeh families (among many more in our community) in supporting the “Marked for the Future” campaign.

Learn More & Donate

Camp Johnsonburg – Summer Camp Registering Now!

Johnsonburg is a place where all may gather, and all are welcomed in God’s beautiful creation…and we are registering for SUMMER CAMP!

As New Jersey’s only Presbyterian summer camp, we have been the highlight of summer for thousands of kids across our 63 years.
We’ve got six 1-week overnight sessions for kids in rising 1st-12th grades from June to August. We have tons of activities, and our camp counselors are carefully hired, screened, and trained to be great role models for campers. Summer camp has been shown to increase social and emotional wellness in children and youth, as well as teaching them to be more independent and helping them to make friends. Compliment the faith building you are doing in church and at home with what will be your child’s favorite week of the summer. For more information, visit campjburg.org/summer-camp

Learn More (Summer Camp)

Summer – Church School Curriculum

About the Curriculum: A510_Frontmatter

At Home Resources: www.pcusastore.com/GGGdownloads

With advance notice, we can make copies for you during the week and leave them in your attendance folder. Contact Lauren Yeh (609-924-0103, x106)

Summer 2024 Semester

Stories, Colors, and More: SCM_Ages5to10_Sum24



Morning of Mission 2023

Come and participate in hands-on projects when we act on our Christian commitment to human flourishing in all places. All hands are needed and welcome.


Monday, January 16, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, Assembly Room

We will be making pet blankets for orphaned animals, putting together sack lunches for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK), assembling Creativity Kits for HomeFront, collecting personal care products for Arm in Arm clients and making calendars for ABC Literacy. Donation items are listed below.
Contact Corrie Berg (email)

Creativity Kits for HomeFront

  • pkgs. of crayons (24–48 ct.)
  • pkgs. of colored pencils (24–28 ct.)
  • pkgs. of markers (10–12 ct.)
  • coloring books
  • coloring pads/sketch pads
  • individual packages of stickers

Personal Care Products for Arm in Arm

  • toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • shampoo and conditioner
  • razors and shaving cream
  • soaps and lotion
  • feminine products


Monday, January 16, 1:00-3:00 pm, Mountain Lakes Nature Preserve

We will work to remove invasive species within riparian restoration project areas, as well as install deer-exclusion caging to protect young tree saplings.

Registration Required with Friends of Princeton Open Space (link)

Contact Mark Edwards (email)

Lenten Devotions 2023 – Call for Writers

Ash Wednesday, 3/2/22 – Easter Sunday, 4/17/22

Would you consider writing a meditation for our 2022 Lenten daily devotional series? We are always hoping to encourage new writers to join us. These messages of faith and encouragement have become a meaningful tradition for our community, and for many beyond the Nassau congregation. We will share these messages through a daily email, and later, when the season is complete, as a PDF that can be downloaded from our website.

Participating easy — here’s how:

“God’s Hands and the Holy Spirit,” from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. Original source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/basta-cosi/1547659026/ – Jean Bean.

Each writer will be provided a choice of scriptures and guidelines for writing. Choose one or two verses meaningful to you, write a short reflection on them, and include a sentence prayer to close your reflection. It can be in any literary form: Prose, poem, haiku, dialogue, etc. Examples of our recent devotionals can be found on our website here (link).

It need not be complicated; simply from your heart. We have resources and helpers to guide you through the process. Please join us.

If you have any questions about the process or if you’re ready to sign up, please email Karen Barrows.