Small Groups

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Acts 2:42.

For adult members and friends of Nassau Church, Small Groups of 6-12 people offer a structured opportunity for deep connection based on faith and a desire to live a life of discipleship. Groups discuss a Bible story or a book chapter, share joys and concerns, pray for one another, and send each other in ministry.

Small Groups are held in the Fall and during Lent.

Called to the Impossible: Life through Death

Linked-In Learning Series

Once again, our church community will journey together through Linked-In Learning, where adult education, small groups, and our preaching life intertwine. Our Lenten theme, Called to the Impossible: Life through Death, invites us to explore the transformative power of resurrection hope. Resurrection assumes death yet dares to proclaim that death does not have the final word. Together, we will reflect on what kind of faith is needed in the world we inhabit today.

Small groups provide a space to engage with Scripture and questions in community. Through guided discussions, shared reflections, and deep listening, we will seek to discern God’s movement in our lives and in the world around us. This Lent, we invite you to step into the challenge of resurrection faith—not as a distant ideal, but as a lived reality that calls us to hope, renewal, and transformation.

Sign ups for Lent 2025 are closed.

Contact Lauren Yeh in the church office if you have any questions (email, 609-924-0103 x106)