About Stewardship
Building a culture of generosity, nurturing a culture of generosity, passing on a culture of generosity to the next generation. It’s not uniquely theological, nor is there anything particularly wrong with it.
But when it comes to the church of Jesus Christ, we’re not so much called to create a culture of generosity as much as we called to be a community of believers who reflect His generosity, who embody His generosity, who reflect His generosity, who live because of His generosity, who experience salvation because of His generosity…
His generosity. The church has been called to reflect the very generosity of Jesus Christ since that moment we were first called Christian.
David A. Davis, Pastor
At Nassau Presbyterian Church we believe stewardship is primarily an act of praise and thanksgiving. The breadth of our ministry is dependent on the generosity of our donors. But most of all, we give our tithes and offerings in faithful response to the love and grace of God.
During each worship service, we offer our response to the gifts that God has given us. Our offerings are used to support our mission and outreach, our worship life, our educational ministries and all programs of the church.
Gifts to the church may be made in the following ways:
- offering plate in worship
- mailing a check to the church office
- electronically using an e-check or credit card (via My Nassau)
- stock transfer (Our account is with RBC Wealth Management, DTC 0235, Account 30249456. Be sure to notify Linda Gilmore of stock transfers so they can be properly credited.)
Because the weekly offering on the Lord’s Day is an important movement in the service of worship, we encourage those whose rhythm of giving is not weekly to participate with our offering cards. It is important in each service of worship to offer our resources and ourselves as a living sacrifice in response to God’s love.
For more information about the ways to give, please contact Linda Gilmore, Business Administrator (Email Linda Gilmore, 609-924-0103).