Loaves and Fishes

Since 1992, Nassau Presbyterian has been supporting and contributing to the dinner service called “Loaves and Fishes” in Trenton.  Every month, on the last two Saturdays a dinner is served to those who want a hot meal.  To cover the entire year, there are roughly 24 organizations (faith communities, as well as schools) that prepare and serve the meal.

This is a hospitality focused time where dinner guests are seated and served. Over the years Nassau Church’s dinner service has expanded.  As they leave, each dinner guests is provided a “to-go” bag with a container of the meal that was just served, as well as a bag lunch and periodically they receive personal care products, or other items.  In recent years, we have served around 200 dinner guests – which means we provide 400 dinners, and 200 bag lunches!

Nassau Church has the second to last week in August.  In 2024, we began serving a second date on the last weekend in May.  Our hope is to continue to serve two meals annually.

Our next meal service takes place in August.  Friday, August 23 we will gather at Nassau Church for some meal preparation.  On Saturday, August 24, we will gather at the Cathedral of Saint Mary in Trenton to serve the meal.

Financial donations can be made through the church and will be used to purchase many parts of the meal as well as personal care products to be distributed. Use the “Loaves & Fishes” fund online Give Now

To get more details, contribute time, food, and for directions to St Mary’s please use this link  Sign Up

If you have questions or would like more information please email Scott Harmon or email Allen Olsen