Grace and Peace to you, and thank you for your encouragement and support of our temporary move for Sunday worship, beginning April 27, 2025, to the Chapel at Princeton Theological Seminary, 64 Mercer Street, Princeton, NJ, in the central quad. We will worship in-person at 10:00 AM, and our services will be live-streamed. Linked here is a PDF file of the map of the Seminary, including the Chapel, buildings, entrances, and parking locations.
Work in our sanctuary will begin soon to prepare the attic for the bulk of our lighting project. Be prepared to see scaffolding in the sanctuary chancel on Sunday, March 23. The scaffolding will be removed before the following Sunday.
As promised, we have additional updates. Here are the details.
- All parking lots include handicapped parking spaces and parking can be found (in order of the Seminary’s preference) in the:
- Wright Library Parking Lot (lot next to Building S, enter from Library Place or off of 206) even though this is across the street, it’s actually the most convenient and accessible lot and walkway to the chapel.
- Staff Lot near buildings K and R.
- Parking is also found on Mercer Street, Library Place, Alexander Street, Dickinson Street, and College Road.
Quad Parking
- Around the Seminary Quad, a total of 20 parking spaces are available only for those with limited mobility, with the use of a Parking Pass. Parking Passes are available at the church office.
- A Seminary assistant will be on parking duty around the Quad and will check for Parking Passes.
- No parking is permitted in the fire lane in front of the Chapel & Scheide Hall.
- You are welcome to pull up in front of the chapel for drop off, and then park in one of the other locations.
- There is an incline ramp from the street to the sidewalk to the left of the Chapel. This leads to the Chapel’s railed front steps, or to the entrance for the elevator at the left of the Chapel. Please enter the door and the elevator entrance is inside.
- The elevator goes up one floor for the chapel, and down one floor for the accessible bathrooms. The elevator will comfortably fit a wheelchair and 1-2 additional persons.
- There will be Deacons and ushers on hand to meet the bus and to help anyone in need of assistance.
Buses from Windrows / Stonebridge & Meadow Lakes
- The buses from Stonebridge / Windrows and Meadow Lakes will run as usual on the summer schedule.
- Pick up from Windrows is 9:00 AM and Stonebridge is 9:20 AM, returning after worship. Buses will pull up to the front of the Chapel for drop off and pick up.
- There is an incline ramp from the street to the Chapel sidewalk to the left of the Chapel. This leads to the Chapel’s railed front steps, or to the entrance for the elevator at the left side of the Chapel. Please enter the door and the elevator entrance is inside.
- The elevator goes up one floor for the chapel, and down one floor for the accessible bathrooms. The elevator will comfortably fit a wheelchair and 1-2 additional persons.
- There will be Deacons and ushers on hand to meet the bus and to help anyone in need of assistance.
- All bathrooms are accessible and have changing tables. They can be found on the Chapel’s lower level, accessible in the Chapel entrance by stairs or elevator, and immediately next to the Chapel, on the first floor of Scheide Hall.
Children & Families
- Children Pre-K – Grade 5 will attend church school for the final three Sunday mornings of our program year, April 27, May 4, and May 11 in Scheide Hall and the Chapel’s lower level. Nursery care is also on the Chapel’s lower level. Beginning May 18, children (age 2 – grade 2) leave after Time with Children and go to the Chapel’s lower level for a Bible story and craft time.
- The Adult Education Committee is planning non-Sunday morning events with adult education offerings in May and June.
- Fellowship will continue after worship on the Seminary Chapel’s front plaza (weather permitting).
- Baptisms and Communion will continue as usual.
All the details are coming together and we feel very enthusiastic about our sanctuary lighting project. We are here to answer any of your questions.