Outreach—Faith in Action

Learn more about how we seek to put our faith in action at Nassau Church and how you are being called to reach our neighbors near and far. Look for our #MissionMonday posts on social media as well as our website to learn more about our missing partners.

#MissionMonday Recaps (link)

Len Scales
Pastor for Outreach and Mission
609-924-0103, x105
Email Len

Donations to Nassau Presbyterian’s Hunger Offering are always appreciated.

We are committed to receiving the hunger offering until all are fed. The Hunger Offering is distributed locally, nationally, and internationally through Send Hunger Packing Princeton, HomeFront, Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and the Uniting Reformed Church in Stellenbosch, South Africa.

You may donate electronically online (select the Hunger Fund): My Nassau

or by texting NASSAU Hunger to 73256.

Find out more about our Mission and Outreach Opportunities:

Upcoming Mission & Outreach Events

Life at Nassau – Mission Edition 2019-20 (pdf)

This brochure is out of date but will give you an idea of some of the programs we support and activities that we organized pre-pandemic. Some of these we are able to reschedule with physically distanced protocols in place.

Partners, Groups, and Initiatives

Mission Partners

God calls us to support and serve in many efforts in our community and region and around the world. How will you serve?


Loaves and Fishes

Join us for our 32nd year of service. Volunteering for Loaves and Fishes, whether it’s donating food, money, or time, is an opportunity to be fed and to join our community of faith in action.


Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs)

We send and support young adults for a year of service in places of great need. They experience of a lifetime of change. Read reflections from YAVs who grew up at Nassau: Valentina O’Brien, & Katie Hastings.

Listen to Adult Education classes led by YAVs who grew up at Nassau:

Azing Chin (from August 2019)

Katie Hastings (from August 2018)