Special Presentation on Famed “Red Tail” Tuskegee Airmen

Wednesday May 15, 7:30-9:00 pm, on Zoom

On behalf of Bending the Moral Arc Courageous Conversations (BMA CC), Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church’s Christian Education Committee, and Nassau Presbyterian Church, we are thrilled to invite you to our virtual meeting on May 15th at 7:30 pm honoring the legendary Tuskegee Airmen. This BMA CC meeting will feature Princeton graduate, Gordon Smith. Gordon will tell the inspirational story of how his father, Captain Luther H. Smith of the fabled “Tuskegee Airmen,” fought racism in our country’s armed forces, and served heroically as one of the “Red Tail” fighter pilots in the skies above Germany in World War II. We hope to see you there!!

Join Zoom Meeting (Link)

Meeting ID: 860 0554 4490
Passcode: 046905


#MissionMonday – Courageous Conversations

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. A couple Bending the Moral Arc small groups engaged in courageous conversations on race and justice co-led by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team this summer. The leaders pulled from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here.

Courageous Conversations (Google Doc link)

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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