Summer ’24 Mission Projects

Hunger Offering

June 30, July 28, August 25, during 10:00 am Worship

This offering supports the following mission partners: HomeFront, Presbyterian Hunger Program, Send Hunger Packing Princetons, Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, and Uniting Reformed Church in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Thank you for giving until all are fed. Use the “Hunger” fund when you give online (“Give Now”) or in the memo line of your check.

Give Now

School Supplies Drive

July 7 – August 11

Providing supplies for success. We are once again joining with Westminster Presbyterian Church (WPC), our partner church in Trenton, to provide backpacks filled with school essentials for local students. Our goals are 150 backpacks and $5,000 for the supplies to fill them. Bring backpacks to the Narthex on Sunday mornings; use the “School Supplies” fund when you give online (“Give Now”) or in the memo line of your check.

Give Now

Loaves & Fishes

Friday, August 23 & Saturday, August 24

Join us for our 32nd year of service. Volunteering for Loaves and Fishes, whether it’s donating food, money, or time, is an opportunity to be fed and to join our community of faith in action. Use the “Loaves & Fishes” fund when you give online (“Give Now”) or in the memo line of your check. Use the Sign Up button below to donate food or time.

Sign Up

PTS Coat Drive

August 18 – September 15

Restock the PTS Coat Closet. To help prepare international students at the Seminary for the New Jersey winters, donate gently worn men’s and women’s winter coats, fleece pullovers and winter accessories. This year we are also looking for donations of new socks for both men and women. Bring items to the Assembly Room on Sunday mornings; contact the church office to drop off during the week.

Loaves & Fishes 2023 – our 31st year of service

Our upcoming congregational day of service at Loaves and Fishes at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Trenton, will take place on Saturday, August 19.

Volunteering for Loaves and Fishes, whether it’s donating food, personal care items, money, or time, is an opportunity to be fed and to join our community of faith in action. We do what our Lord asks of us.

As we prepare meals, serve, and clean up, we are serving our most vulnerable neighbors, and if you can take a moment to breathe on that busy day, you’ll find that you are being filled and sustained, too.

Our initial plans this year are to provide 200 hot meals to our dinner guests.  As they leave that day, each guest will each receive a bag with another dinner meal, a bag lunch as well as personal care items. Please consider serving those who need a little extra assistance.

Take this opportunity to serve God and enjoy the community of Nassau Church.

Contact Scott Harmon (email)

Sign Up (link)

Loaves & Fishes – Thank you volunteers!

This past Saturday, it was time for the big one. Loaves and Fishes, the biggest volunteer event at Nassau Church, returned. We got up early, loaded up dozens of meatloaves, hundreds of bagged lunches and trays of brownies for the trip to Trenton. And while we were neither driving at Mach 2 nor flying with our hair on fire, we did arrive on time, and our work day volunteers kicked into action. Teams of people put together the take-home meals, cooked the main meal, and ultimately served a veritable feast of meatloaf, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy.

And although I tend to fly by the seat of my pants, our coordinating committee members, Sharyn and Dave Kerschner, Claire Mulry, Angie and Allen Olsen, and Sallye Zink managed to keep us out of the danger zone.

Dozens served, hundreds were fed, and ultimately the work of our Lord was done. Special thanks to ALL the volunteers who gave their time, talent and resources to make Loaves and Fishes 2022 a success.

With gratitude,

Scott Harmon