Moment for Mission: HomeWorks Trenton

HomeWorks Trenton is a free, community-based, after-school residential program designed to provide a supportive and safe space where high school girls learn to self-advocate, become leaders, and achieve academic success.

Four aspects define our program:

  1. Residential Boarding: From Sunday evenings to Friday mornings, our scholars live in our dorm with three staff and spend weekends with their families. Residential boarding creates a structured, stable environment for scholars to focus on academics and personal growth. It provides an immersive community experience for scholars to collectively grow in ways traditional, non-residential programs do not allow.
  2. Core Curriculum (Academics  & Identity-Driven Leadership): Our academics programming focuses on daily tutoring, skill development, and college preparation. Additionally, scholars engage in Black and Brown girl-centered workshops, social justice discussions and readings, and a public service capstone and internship. This curriculum equips scholars with the tools and confidence to become leaders that ultimately creates systemic change in their communities.
  3. Career Readiness: Third and fourth year internships and electives allow scholars to explore their academic and career interests, making an impact in the community while gaining valuable work experience.
  4. Wellness, Field Trips, and Travel: Group Therapy offer spaces for scholars to develop mindful habits and practice self-love. HomeWorks also sponsors group travel to local organizations (like local theater productions) and cities such as New York and Washington D.C. to further supplement their public education and offer experiential learning opportunities outside of the classroom.

HomeWorks offers the support girls need to graduate from high school, attend college, feel confident in their discovery and evolution of self, become effective leaders, and create change. Our mission is to inspire and equip young women from marginalized communities to achieve their potential and positively transform the world around them by providing a supportive and educational residential environment.

#MissionMonday – Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center

Celebrating and ensuring the indelible mark of Johnsonburg on the future

Over the past six weeks you’ve heard from friends and members of the Nassau community as they recounted their memories of Camp JBurg and their hopes for its future. We invite you to join the Cook Davis, Mackichan Walker, Olsen, and Wood Yeh families (among many more in our community) in supporting the “Marked for the Future” campaign.

Learn More & Donate

Camp Johnsonburg – Summer Camp Registering Now!

Johnsonburg is a place where all may gather, and all are welcomed in God’s beautiful creation…and we are registering for SUMMER CAMP!

As New Jersey’s only Presbyterian summer camp, we have been the highlight of summer for thousands of kids across our 63 years.
We’ve got six 1-week overnight sessions for kids in rising 1st-12th grades from June to August. We have tons of activities, and our camp counselors are carefully hired, screened, and trained to be great role models for campers. Summer camp has been shown to increase social and emotional wellness in children and youth, as well as teaching them to be more independent and helping them to make friends. Compliment the faith building you are doing in church and at home with what will be your child’s favorite week of the summer. For more information, visit

Learn More (Summer Camp)

#MissionMonday – Disaster Relief, opportunities to help

As neighbors near and far face the impact of disasters, we are grateful to partner with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and other organizations working with those on the ground.

Afghan Refugees

As we join our prayers for the individuals and families impacted by the violence in Afghanistan, Nassau is in conversation to help resettle a family through Church World Service. We are grateful for Princeton Seminary’s willingness to partner again regarding housing. More information will be forthcoming on how the congregation can be of assistance in the coming weeks and months.

Donations are also welcome to the overall work Church World Service is undertaking to assist Afghan Refugees at this time. For more information and ways to give, visit: How to Help Afghans – CWS ( To give through Nassau write a check to Nassau Presbyterian Church and note “Refugee Fund” in the memo line.

Assistance for Friends For Health in Haiti (FFHH)

On August 14 at 7:28 a.m., a 7.2 magnitude earthquake occurred in Haiti. Our ministry partners at the Gatineau Clinic in the mountains outside Jérémie need our help. Katie Wolf M.D, Medical Director, from the Kingston Presbyterian Church and her staff are safe and are busy assessing damage and needs of the surrounding communities. FFHH is sharing daily news from the region and has set up an earthquake relief fund. For more information and ways to give, visit: Friends for Health in Haiti.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for Haiti

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has had long-standing decades-long partnerships in Haiti. Working closely with Presbyterian World Mission, our traditional partners on the ground and ACT Alliance, PDA is responding to emergency needs such as WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), emergency power generators, shelter, food, first aid and more. We remain committed to the long-term recovery. To give online go to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance ( To give through Nassau, write a check to Nassau Presbyterian Church and note “Haiti” in the memo line.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for Hurricane Ida

PDA is responding to Hurricane Ida. For donation details and to watch for additional information, visit Presbyterian Disaster Assistance ( To give through Nassau write a check to Nassau Presbyterian Church and note “Ida” in the memo line.

To give to any one of these funds online, please review the details on our “Give Now” page:

Give Now (link)