#MissionMonday – Presbyterian Hunger Program

Thank You from Presbyterian Hunger Program

Your generosity to Nassau’s Hunger Offering is having an impact! Hear how from one of our seven partner organizations in a note from Rebecca Barnes, Coordinator of the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Thank you for giving until all are fed.

Dear members of Nassau Presbyterian Church,

We here at Presbyterian Hunger Program are writing to sincerely say thank you for your gifts. They are a huge help in a hard year, showing both your presence and care, as well as financial undergirding of this ministry that works to alleviate hunger and eliminate its root causes of hunger and poverty.

As people of faith, we’re called to notice, pray for, and act in the world around us. And we’re called to speak hope, to be beacons in difficult times. We all know that so far in 2020, we are living in the midst of an intense, exhausting, difficult period.

Your contributions are a sign of hope. Because of you, churches and organizations are able to distribute more food to people who are hungry and also to do education and advocacy to help ensure future food security for vulnerable communities. Because of you, global partners living in places of war, violence, famine, drought or flooding have better access to safety, health, and basic needs. Because of you, activists working on root causes of hunger who have been targeted, threatened, or worn out, know that they are not alone.

The people, churches and organizations that we relate to in this work also bring hope to this world, and they show signs of how love, mercy, and justice can break through difficult moments in history to shine brightly. We are grateful for them, and grateful for you, and grateful to have this calling entrusted to us by God, who holds the whole world in caring hands.

Thank you,

Rebecca Barnes

Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program


*Photo thanks to PHP partner BeLoved Asheville

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#MissionMonday – Churches for Middle East Peace

Young Adult Summit: Intersections of Faith and Advocacy: A Focus on Peacebuilding in Israel-Palestine

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Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) educates, elevates, and advocates for peace in the Middle East. Their young adult summit for those 18 to 35 years old is soon, and CMEP invites interested members and friends of Nassau to join.


Saturday, November 14

11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST

Speakers will include:
Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, Churches for Middle East Peace
Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac, Bethlehem Bible College
Carla Montilla Jaimes, Morghan Cyr, and Josh Curtis, J Street

Register Here (link)

CMEP1835 engages young adults and university students around the country through educational regional summits as well as advocacy summits in Washington D.C. These events focus on promoting holistic U.S. policies toward the Middle East, with a focus on advocacy around Israel/Palestine. At a CMEP1835 Summit you will learn from thought leaders advocating for the just resolution to conflicts in the Middle East, and gain tools to engage with your elected officials on these issues. The journey to justice and peace across the Middle East requires the effort and unity of voices from all kinds of advocates, especially those ages 18-35!

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Centurion

How Did It All Begin?

[ezcol_1third][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]Jim McCloskey, founder of Centurion, joins Pastor Dave Davis in a conversational interview about Jim’s new book When Truth Is All You Have: A Memoir of Faith, Justice, and Freedom for the Wrongly Convicted.

Listen (or tune in again) to this meaningful discussion about the theological foundation of Jim’s work. [/ezcol_2third_end]

For more information visit:

Centurion (link)

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Princeton Presbyterians

Beyond Breaking Bread

[ezcol_1third][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]Len and Andrew Scales, Presbyterian Chaplains at Princeton University and Executive Co-Directors of the Westminster Foundation will share ways they’ve seen God at work through the Princeton Presbyterians campus ministry. Learn about what theologically grounds the ministry, and hear from a few undergraduate leaders about why they love Princeton Presbyterians.[/ezcol_2third_end]

For more information visit:

Princeton Presbyterians (link)

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Courageous Conversations

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. A couple Bending the Moral Arc small groups engaged in courageous conversations on race and justice co-led by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team this summer. The leaders pulled from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here.

Courageous Conversations (Google Doc link)

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Arm in Arm

In case you missed it, last week David Fox offered us a look at how Arm in Arm is transitioning during the pandemic.

Paul, in 2 Corinthians 8, encourages us to share abundance in pursuit of equality for the sake of Gospel. In a video for Nassau’s Adult Education series, David Fox, Executive Director of our Mission Partner, Arm in Arm, guides us from the theological foundations to the daily implications of this mission. Learn how the ministry of service brings forth shared blessings and how we truly are “better together.”

[ezcol_1half]To learn more or donate to Arm in Arm:[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Arm in Arm website[/ezcol_1half_end]

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – MITF

For more information or to contact Jonathan or Anne, visit the MITF pages on our website.

Nassau’s Mass Incarceration Task Force (MITF) works to address the devastating effects of mass incarceration on several fronts: pre-incarceration, incarceration, and post-incarceration. MITF connects Nassau members with organizations already involved in these areas. Join the Fall zoom meeting on September 21 at 7 pm EDT to get connected. Hear more from MITF leaders Anne Kuhn and Jonathan Shenk, and read MITF’s call to action here: August 2020 Update

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – LALDEF

Mission Partner Update

[ezcol_1third][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]Nassau is grateful for all the ways members of the congregation and our partners from Westminster Presbyterian Church have been instrumental in the work of The Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund (LALDEF)! Since 2004, LALDEF has worked to defend the civil rights of Latin Americans, offer educational assistance, and advance cross-cultural understanding in Mercer County. Nassau’s Mission & Outreach Committee is proud to have moved from offering one-time grants to LALDEF over the years to including LALDEF as a recurring partner beginning in the 2020-2021 budget.[/ezcol_2third_end]

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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Mass Incarceration Task Force – August 2020 update

A Note to the Congregation from NPC’s Mass Incarceration Task Force:

The nationwide protests in the wake of the tragic killing of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor at the hands of police officers affords our country the unprecedented opportunity to reassess our priorities and values.  As Christians, we believe that God’s breath flows through all beings and that Jesus calls us to demonstrate our faith through acts of love, justice and mercy.  Many of us are prayerfully considering how to respond within this urgent and vital Kairos moment – this time of God’s appointment.

Our nation’s racial justice crisis reaches far beyond occurrences of police brutality.  For generations, people of color in the United States have struggled to earn the same rights and privileges automatically granted to white people.  Biases in our institutions and systems have created barriers to the pursuit of health, well-being and prosperity.

People are asking: what can I do? How can I be a part of the solution?

The focus of Nassau’s Mass Incarceration Task Force – formed over 3 years ago – has been to raise awareness about the inhumanity of racially-oppressive over-incarceration and to facilitate opportunities to make a difference.  Because we are largely a congregation with little firsthand experience of poverty, violence, or incarceration, we find inspiration in the words of Just Mercy author Bryan Stevenson: “You can’t understand most of the important things from a distance. You have to get close.” We have undertaken a series of baby steps toward getting closer — including deepening our understanding through reading, video, and seminars, and most especially, through hands-on involvement.

The Mass Incarceration Task Force’s web page can be found on the NPC website here.

Below are some opportunities our task force has engaged in and recommends:

  • Increase your understanding through materials offered in our bibliography on race and incarceration here.
  • Educate yourself on legislation and reform efforts at the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice website here.
  • Sign up here for a zoom conference from 7-9 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 24: Transforming Criminal Justice in Our Lifetime: Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow, 10 Years Later
  • Get involved in one of the opportunities listed here, we would especially recommend:

We invite you to join us at our next MITF meeting to be held virtually at 7 p.m., Monday, September 21.  For more information or to get on the MITF mailing list, please contact Anne or Jonathan.

We are grateful for Nassau Church’s history of faithful witness to God’s renewing work in the world, and we pray that we might courageously rise to the challenge of the present moment, trusting in God’s strength and wisdom.

Grace & courage,

Anne Kuhn & Jonathan C. Shenk
MITF co-chairs