2016-17 Young Adult Volunteers – Apply Now

A Year of Service for a Lifetime of Change

Nassau believes that God calls young adults through their experiences in relationship and in serving others. Memorable mission trips as youth or as college students stir in us a desire to know God more and to see God’s world with eyes other than our own. The PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer program (YAV) is a wonderful opportunity to do so!

YAV sends young adults to US and international mission sites to do such things as:

  • Engage in environmental protection work in Peru
  • Work on immigration reform in Arizona
  • Work on sex traffic prevention in Kenya
  • Tutor children and youth
  • Support art education in underserved populations

Read on below to learn about financial and one-on-one support to serve God in a variety of national or international mission sites. You can participate if you are between the ages of 19 and 30.

Where do I start?

Apply through YAV

To learn how to become a PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer, visit the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s YAV website.

Application Deadlines

  • Early Decision: December 1 (National and International)
  • Round 2: February 1 (National and International)
  • Round 3: April 1 (National Only)
  • Last Call: June 1 (National Only)

Apply for Nassau’s fellowship

YAVs commit to fundraising a minimum amount to contribute to the costs of the year. The minimums are $3,000 (National) or $4,000 (International). You can apply to Nassau for us to contribute half of your fundraising goal ($1,500 for national, $2,000 for international)! The PC(USA) covers the remaining costs of the year. The total cost for a year of service is $22,000 on average, including travel costs, orientation and debriefing retreats, health insurance, room and board, and a basic living stipend.

To apply for the Nassau fellowship, send a of copy your YAV application and letters of reference to Nassau Presbyterian Church (ATTN: YAV, Joyce MacKichan Walker), 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ, 08542. After reviewing your application, we will contact you to set up an interview, either in person or by phone.

We hope that through YAV you will experience God’s deep love for humanity and the mission of the church as one and the same. Through you, Nassau Church will be blessed by learning about your experience and the places and people you serve.
