Stewardship 2017: A Letter from Session


On Sunday, November 6, we kicked off our Stewardship season for 2017. We have done this with thanksgiving for God’s overflowing grace in our lives. On Consecration Sunday, November 20, we will offer pledges for our monetary gifts as affirmation of our steadfastness with God. We will consecrate our giving to this purpose during a special time in our worship service. We ask you to attend one of the services on Consecration Sunday. If you cannot be with the rest of the church, you can make your intention known by mail or with online giving before November 20. We will then include your pledge with all of our other gifts as we lift them up to God during our worship.

The following Sunday, November 27, we will announce the results of our commitment. Most importantly, however, we will offer thanks to God for giving us both the money to gift and the courage to dedicate some of it to God’s service.

A recent sermon on Isaiah 12:1-6 reminded us that God is our salvation, on whom we should trust and not be afraid. With joy we draw water from the wells of salvation and give thanks to God. We should give as we find joy and strength from giving. We should give in thanksgiving. Therefore, we only ask you to pray on, and then act on, this simple question: What percentage of my income is God calling me to give to my church this year as I walk in faith with my church?

Visit the Stewardship page for a pledge form or to make a pledge online.

In Growing Faith and Sweet Assurance for the Future,

Nicos Scordis
Ruling Elder
On Behalf of the Session