From David A. Davis, a Letter of Gratitude

On Consecration Sunday, November 26, we will offer our 2018 pledges during worship and we will consecrate our giving during a special time in the service. Make your pledge now or learn more on the Annual Stewardship page. The following Sunday, December 3, we will give thanks to God.

Stewardship: Celebrating God's Abundance
Nassau Church Stewardship 2018

To the Body of Christ at Nassau Presbyterian Church,

As I sit to write this letter of gratitude to you, our Reformation Sunday morning experience here at Nassau Church is so fresh: a wonderful lecture folks can’t stop talking about, vibrant worship, an adult baptism, new members, great hymns, Bibles for second graders, a stunning presentation on our outreach and partnership in Malawi. A memorable morning like so many when we gather here on the Lord’s Day. I know you must join me in affirming that Nassau Presbyterian Church is such a gift from God.

God continues to bless our congregation in so many ways. What a privilege it is for us to pass forward what has been entrusted to us when it comes to worship, fellowship, discipleship, education, service, outreach, and advocacy. By all measures the ministry of Nassau Presbyterian Church is robust, healthy, and vibrant. I invite you to join me in expressing thanks to God for our life together. As I said at the end of my sermon on October 22:

The Body of Christ, today at Nassau Presbyterian Church. For your work of faith, your labor of love, your steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ — thanks be to God!

I also want to personally thank each of you who support Nassau Church with your financial gift and pledge. Every single contribution helps to make this congregation the thriving community of faith that it is. Every gift is important and adds to the rich tapestry of our life together. Thank you!

It is with a grateful heart that I ask for your financial support for Nassau Presbyterian Church in 2018. As we enter this season of gratitude, as a congregation we are once again committing to a time of prayerful discernment about our generosity, our giving, our ministry. In prayer for ourselves and for one another, let us ask God to lead us and inspire us.

So that God might be glorified, we might be faithful, and our life together as the Body of Christ might continue to grow and flourish by God’s grace and in the power of God’s Spirit.

With Grace and Peace,

David A. Davis