July Adult Ed: Justice & Journeys

“Plan of Princeton” an 1875 map of Princeton, New Jersey, drawn by C.L. Fulton from Lewis Library – Map Collection, Princeton University.

This summer, join us in looking back at the fall session of the Supreme Court. Congregational favorite Larry Stratton returns on July 9 at 9:00 am to guide us through the key rulings that took place.

On the following three Sundays, Nassau members will lead tours of the Princeton area – Princeton Cemetery, local landmarks, and the remarkable sculpture collection that resides on Princeton University’s campus. Each tour begins in the Assembly Room, at 11:15 am. Water bottles and granola bars will be available for all participants.

Adult Education classes will take a summer sabbatical in August and return in the fall on September 10.

Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.

July 9 | 9:00 a.m., Assembly Room

Summary and Reflections on the U.S. Supreme Court’s October 2022 Term

This session will summarize the U.S. Supreme Court’s major rulings from the October 2022 term regarding student loan debt forgiveness, environmental regulation, affirmative action in college admissions, public accommodations and free speech, religious accommodations, copyright laws and artwork, tax debts and public takings, union strikes and property, and other critical topics. The discussion will not only report on the holdings and arguments of the majority and dissenting opinions, but also explore analytical and interpretive themes from the decisions. Moreover, the class will discuss the role of the judiciary in the constitutional order.

Lawrence M. Stratton is Professor of Ethics and Constitutional Law and Director of the Stover Center for Constitutional Studies and Moral Leadership at Waynesburg University in Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. in Christian Social Ethics and M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, his J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center, and his B.S. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. As a Field Education Intern at Nassau Presbyterian Church during his M.Div. studies, he deepened his exploration of American Constitutional Law in relation to insights from the Christian Faith.

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July 16 | 11:15 a.m., Assembly Room

A Tour of some Meaningful Places in our Church Neighborhood

A walk of about 2 miles to locations associated with memories of indigenous people, slaves, some 18th and 19th century Presbyterian presidents/pastors, and other notable people, including Betsy Stockton, Paul Robeson, and Albert Einstein.

Gordon Thomas is an Emeritus Professor of Physics at NJIT, retired physicist at Bell Laboratories, hiker, swimmer, and runner, as well as a 37-year member of our church, where he is a pre-K teacher and recently a tenor. He has led informal walking tours of our area several times, inspired by our Men’s Bible Study group and by our group that works with the Witherspoon Presbyterian Church to bend the moral arc of justice.

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July 23 | 11:15 a.m., Assembly Room

The Shape of Faith: A Sculpture Walk

Explore the backyard of Nassau Church, home to one of the country’s most significant collections of 20th and 21st century sculpture. Join Elizabeth Steel, Princeton Seminary doctoral student studying art and theology, for a tour of sculpture on the campus of Princeton University. During an easy, one-mile stroll, we’ll view several pieces, consider how each work interacts with scripture, and reflect on what that may mean for our own faith.

Elizabeth Steel is continuing her studies at Princeton Theological Seminary as a PhD student after earning an MDiv and an MA in Christian Education and Formation in 2022. With a BA in art history from the University of Virginia, she is currently exploring the capacity art holds for theology reflection and formation. She grew up in McLean, VA and didn’t anyone could be anything other than Presbyterian until high school.

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July 30 | 11:15 a.m., Assembly Room

Princeton Cemetery – 266 Years of Princeton History

Princeton Cemetery was established in 1757 and has been in active use as a community burial ground ever since. We will tour the older part of the cemetery and learn a bit of Princeton History. Join us to hear about notable residents, observe the evolving ways Princetonians have been memorialized and learn some bits of cemetery trivia.

Linda Gilmore
Linda Gilmore

Linda Gilmore is the business administrator of Nassau Presbyterian Church. She joined the staff in 2002 and added the administration of the cemetery to her duties more recently. She has enjoyed learning more about the non-business side of the cemetery and looks forward to sharing this with others.

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