Next Week at Witherspoon (May 1-7)

Nassau is invited to join our siblings at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church (WSPC) for worship and study. Find information below for upcoming events, and contact the WSPC Office for zoom links.

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here. (updated January 2022)

Courageous Conversations Resources (PDF)

The Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording and resource can now be found online:

Watch the Webinar (YouTube) | Download the Resource (pdf) | Read the news story (link)

(Resource is now updated through January 2022)

Worship Service – Livestream or In-Person

Sunday, May 1 at 10:00 a.m.

This service can be viewed online.

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Morning Prayers

May 2-6  at 7:00 a.m.

Each morning (Monday through Friday) WSPC will come together for daily morning prayers.

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Mid-Week Prayer / Devotional Bible Study

Wednesday, May 4, at 12:30 p.m.

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Adult Bible Study

Saturday, May 7, at 10:00 a.m.

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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon Church
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-1666 – church office

General Email




Arm In Arm – Volunteers Needed

Arm in Arm depends on volunteers to help us prepare and distribute bags of groceries through 3,000-4,000 food pantry visits and grocery deliveries per month.

We have been fortunate to have the help of students from The College of New Jersey and Rider University who have been volunteering in our Hudson Street and Hanover Street pantries about 45 hours per week. As they wrap up their semester this month, we will be left with a big gap in our pantries.

Especially now as we are serving at historic levels, averaging more than 4,000 pantry visits and deliveries per month, we need help. We are pro-actively outreaching to current volunteers, faith communities, and other groups with the potential to help us fill this gap and are also promoting a May Volunteer Challenge (below), encouraging individuals to volunteer, take an additional shift, and/or bring a friend with them to volunteer.

Food pantry volunteering 2022 — Signup Sheet

Next Week at Witherspoon (April 24-30)

Nassau is invited to join our siblings at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church (WSPC) for worship and study. Find information below for upcoming events, and contact the WSPC Office for zoom links.

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here. (updated January 2022)

Courageous Conversations Resources (PDF)

The Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording and resource can now be found online:

Watch the Webinar (YouTube) | Download the Resource (pdf) | Read the news story (link)

(Resource is now updated through January 2022)

Saturdays: January 29, February 26, March 26, April 30

Christian Education Committee Criminal Justice Series

Mass Incarceration and the Criminal Justice System in New Jersey
Saturdays, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

This Week: In this the fourth and final program in our Criminal Justice Reform Series, our presenter is Chris Hedges, noted Pulitzer Prize-winning author and prison reform activist. Hedges has become a fierce critic of mass incarceration in the United States, and his experience as an educator in New Jersey prisons served as inspiration for his 2021 book: Our Class: Trauma and Transformation in an American Prison. Available at Labryinth Books and Amazon.

Read more

Worship Service – Livestream or In-Person

Sunday, April 24 at 10:00 a.m.

This service can be viewed online.

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Morning Prayers

April 25-29  at 7:00 a.m.

Each morning (Monday through Friday) WSPC will come together for daily morning prayers.

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Mid-Week Prayer / Devotional Bible Study

Wednesday, April 27, at 12:30 p.m.

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Adult Bible Study

Saturday, April 30, at 10:00 a.m.

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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon Church
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-1666 – church office

General Email




Criminal Justice Series: Chris Hedges on Sat. April 30, 1:00 p.m.

Christian Education Committee Criminal Justice Series: April 30, 2022

Beyond Talking: Challenging New Jersey Mass Incarceration Practices and Policies

New Jersey continues to have the highest rate of racial disparities in its prison population in the country, with Black residents incarcerated at a rate of 12.5 times that of whites, even as the Black incarceration rate is 19% below the national average; more than half of New Jersey’s prison population is Black and, additionally, the state has the 10th highest Latino to white racial disparity in the nation.

In this the fourth and final program in our Criminal Justice Reform Series, our presenter is
Chris Hedges, noted Pulitzer Prize-winning author and prison reform activist. Hedges has worked for a decade teaching writing classes in prisons in New Jersey through a program offered by Princeton University and later Rutgers University. A class that Hedges taught at East Jersey State Prison in 2013 went on to collaborate in the creation of a play titled Caged. Hedges has become a fierce critic of mass incarceration in the United States, and his experience as an educator in New Jersey prisons served as inspiration for his 2021 book: Our Class: Trauma and Transformation in an American Prison. Available at Labryinth Books and Amazon.

Join the discussion with Chris Hedges this Saturday at 1:00pm on Zoom. Contact Witherspoon St. Presbyterian Church for the Zoom link (email).

Bishop Peter Storey at Nassau – April 21, 6PM

Faithful Witness in a Time of Crisis

We are living through an age of compounding crises, with unrelenting racism, impending climate catastrophe, and the drumbeats of war producing great suffering and anxiety. Amidst these great challenges, Christians in the United States continue to disagree bitterly over the shape of faithful witness in the public square. Join us as Bishop Peter Storey, in conversation with Dr. Heath W. Carter, shares his insights about what the American churches have to learn from the remarkable life of Archbishop Desmond Tutu and other South African siblings engaged in the struggle for a better nation and world.

Join us in person or on livestream.

Livestream (link)

Co-sponsored by Office of Religious Life, Princeton Presbyterians, Nassau Presbyterian Church

Adult Education – April 24, May 1 & 8

Faith ‘n Technology

From phones to drones; cars to Mars, technology is reshaping, indeed, remaking the worlds we live in. But what can our ancient and analog faith offer such brave new futures? These all-ages classes will plug into the big questions about belief in the digital age.  Gather around as we ask, “Should we have Faith in Technology?”

Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.

April 24 | 9:30am, Assembly Room

From Plato to Instagram: Truly Knowing the Shadows on the Wall

As more of life is spent online, and more knowledge is gained through digital media, how will we know what is true and real? This week explores the power of image, the nature of knowledge, and some ancient wisdom for escaping our computer caves.

May 1 | 9:30am, Assembly Room

Will Robots Pray to Electric Gods?: Machines, Cyborgs, and the Meaning of Humanity

Will organic people become obsolete hardware? This week we turn to questions of artificial intelligence and what it means to be human as we address the dreams and dystopias of robotic futures.

May 8 | 9:30am, Assembly Room

Beauty Great and Nano: The Brilliance of Nature

The heavens declare glory and beauty. But what about the nano scale cosmos below us? Our final session looks to the natural world for inspiration and hope as we contemplate the wonders our technology may achieve.

Mark Edwards

Mark Edwards is Director of Youth Ministry here at Nassau Presbyterian Church. In his spare time he teaches “Ethics and Technology” at nearby The College of New Jersey.

Holy Week at Witherspoon (April 13-17)

Nassau is invited to join our siblings at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church (WSPC) for worship and study. Find information below for upcoming events, and contact the WSPC Office for zoom links.

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here. (updated January 2022)

Courageous Conversations Resources (PDF)

The Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording and resource can now be found online:

Watch the Webinar (YouTube) | Download the Resource (pdf) | Read the news story (link)

(Resource is now updated through January 2022)

Morning Prayers

April 11-15  at 7:00 a.m.

Each morning (Monday through Friday) WSPC will come together for daily morning prayers.

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Mid-Week Prayer / Devotional Bible Study

Wednesday, April 13, at 12:30 p.m.

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Maundy Thursday Service – In-Person or Livestream

Thursday, April 14, at 7:30 p.m.

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Good Friday Service – Livestream

Friday, April 15, 12:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

from Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church, NYC

This service can be viewed online.

Good Friday Service – In-Person

Friday, April 15 at 3:00 p.m.

Princeton Theological Seminary Chapel
64 Mercer St., Princeton NJ

Easter Sunrise Service – Livestream or In-Person

Sunday, April 17 at 6:00 a.m.

Princeton Cemetery

29 Greenview Avenue (vehicle entrance). Pedestrians may park in town and enter through the Witherspoon Street gate, which will be the vehicle exit at the conclusion of the service.

Worship Service – Livestream or In-Person

Sunday, April 17 at 10:00 a.m.

Sermon Title: Friday Was Good, But Sunday….HALLELUJAH!!!

Preacher: Rev. Lukata A. Mjumbe

Scripture: Proverbs 21:3 and 1 Corinthians 15:12-22

This service can be viewed online.

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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon Church
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-1666 – church office

General Email




Next Week at Witherspoon (April 10-16)

Nassau is invited to join our siblings at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church (WSPC) for worship and study. Find information below for upcoming events, and contact the WSPC Office for zoom links.

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here. (updated January 2022)

Courageous Conversations Resources (PDF)

The Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording and resource can now be found online:

Watch the Webinar (YouTube) | Download the Resource (pdf) | Read the news story (link)

(Resource is now updated through January 2022)

Worship Service – Livestream or In-Person

Sunday, April 10 at 10:00 a.m.

Sermon Title: Hidden Within Our Own Hosannas

Preacher: Rev. Lukata A. Mjumbe

Scripture: Psalm 55:12-14 and Matthew 21:8-17

This service can be viewed online.

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Morning Prayers

April 11-15  at 7:00 a.m.

Each morning (Monday through Friday) WSPC will come together for daily morning prayers.

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Mid-Week Prayer / Devotional Bible Study

Wednesday, April 13, at 12:30 p.m.

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Adult Bible Study

Saturday, April 16, at 10:00 a.m.

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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon Church
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-1666 – church office

General Email




Next Week at Witherspoon (April 3-9)

Nassau is invited to join our siblings at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church (WSPC) for worship and study. Find information below for upcoming events, and contact the WSPC Office for zoom links.

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here. (updated January 2022)

Courageous Conversations Resources (PDF)

The Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording and resource can now be found online:

Watch the Webinar (YouTube) | Download the Resource (pdf) | Read the news story (link)

(Resource is now updated through January 2022)

Streaming Worship Service

Sunday, April 3 at 10:00 a.m.

This service can be viewed online.

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Morning Prayers

April 4-8  at 7:00 a.m.

Each morning (Monday through Friday) WSPC will come together for daily morning prayers.

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Mid-Week Prayer / Devotional Bible Study

Wednesday, April 6, at 12:30 p.m.

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Adult Bible Study

Saturday, April 9, at 10:00 a.m.

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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon Church
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-1666 – church office

General Email