Music Support Staff

Marissa Chalker

Marissa Chalker
Marissa Chalker

Marissa Chalker, Alto Section Leader and Soloist, is an active chorister, soloist and teacher in the greater Philadelphia area. She performs with local ensembles such as the Opera Philadelphia Chorus, Curtis Opera Theatre, the Philadelphia Symphonic Choir and Philadelphia Orchestra, the Philadelphia Singers, the Thirteen Chamber Choir, and the Princeton Festival. She has a B.M. degree from Baldwin-Wallace College and Conservatory of Music and a M.M. degree from Westminster Choir College. Marissa currently lives in Philadelphia with her husband, George (NPC tenor section leader), son, Roscoe, and chihuahua best friend, Todd.

Don Dolan

Donald Dolan

Don Dolan, Assistant Organist, has been singing and ringing in choirs as well as playing piano and organ in churches ever since since growing up in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. Music has taken him around the world as a piano soloist, choral singer, and accompanist.  Holding degrees in piano performance from Vanderbilt University and The University of Michigan, Don had his Carnegie Hall solo debut shortly after moving back to his native New Jersey. He later received his D.M.A. in piano performance from Rutgers University. Don previously served as accompanist and organist at Pennington Presbyterian Church for 22 years. He has taught at Westminster Conservatory in Princeton and at Temple Music Prep in Philadelphia. As an accompanist, he toured with the American Boychoir and accompanied the All-Eastern Honor Choir, again at Carnegie Hall. Don is currently on the faculty of The Pennington School, where he is the director of the instrumental music program. He lives on campus with his wife, Sarah, and their photogenic cat, Fluffernut. When not playing and teaching music, Don enjoys cycling, cooking, and repairing model trains.

Email Don Dolan

Elem Eley

Elem Eley
Elem Eley

Elem Eley is Bass Section Leader and Soloist. Elem creatively blends his active performing career with an extensive life as teacher of singing. He is frequently heard in recital and in master class, boasts a discography of ten CDs, and has performed in concert and opera in New York’s most prominent venues, throughout the country, and in Europe. Winner of the 1996 Joy in Singing Award, Elem Eley is Professor of Voice Emeritus at Westminster Choir College and founder/director of Westminster’s study program, Vienna: Language of Lieder. 

Carol Fagundus

Carol Fagundus

Carol Fagundus is our Choral Librarian. When not managing our extensive musical library, singing and ringing in our vocal and handbell choirs, and playing clarinet in the Princeton Presbyterian Quintet, Carol is enjoying her retirement from 39 years as a librarian at Princeton University.

Kelsey Hendler

Kelsey Hendler

Kelsey Hendler is Soprano Section Leader and Soloist.  Kelsey earned her Bachelor’s Degree of Music Education from Penn State University, and her Master of Music in Choral Conducting from Michigan State University. She is a classroom and choral music editor for J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc., and she is a member of the Essence of Joy Alumni Singers, an organization of Penn State Alumni.

Joseph Kelley-Obando

Joseph Kelley-Obando
Joseph Kelley-Obando

Joseph Kelley-Obando is a Tenor Section Leader and Soloist.  Joseph is a recent graduate of Westminster Choir College of Rider University, with a BM and MME in Music Education. With experience in both high school and collegiate choir ensembles, Joseph has been in numerous school run and private musical theater productions and served as the secretary for one of the a cappella groups at Westminster for two and a half years. Joseph is currently teaching private piano and voice at Pineville Music Studios and Music Notes Academy. Aside from music, Joseph enjoys watching movies and TV with his wife, Sophia, and their two dogs, Loki and Sylvie.

George Ross Somerville

George Ross Somerville
George Ross Somerville

George Ross Somerville is a Tenor Section Leader and Soloist. George has sung with many opera companies including Sarasota Opera, Des Moines Metro Opera, Opera Saratoga, Opera Theater of Saint Louis, Opera Philadelphia, and The Metropolitan Opera. As a professional chorister, he has sung in the ensemble with The Cleveland Orchestra, The Philadelphia Orchestra, The New York Philharmonic, and The Berlin Philharmonic. He is on the full chorus roster of Opera Philadelphia and is a member of the Extra Chorus at The Metropolitan Opera. He currently lives in South Philadelphia with his wife, Marissa (NPC alto section leader), and son Roscoe