Next Week at Witherspoon (January 2-8)

Nassau is invited to join our siblings at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church (WSPC) for worship and study. Find information below for upcoming events, and contact the WSPC Office for zoom links.

On Sunday, December 19, “Here and Now,” a news program from ABC 7 (New York), aired a follow up story on the Paul Robeson House of Princeton restoration including an interview with Pastor Lukata Mjumbe. We are sandwiched in between two really good segments on NYC Mayor Elect Eric Adams and Black ballet dancer Misty Copeland — watch them all!

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here.

Courageous Conversations (Google Doc link)

The Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording and resource can now be found online:

Watch the Webinar (YouTube) | Download the Resource (pdf) | Read the news story (link)

Streaming Worship Service

Sunday, January 2 at 10:00 a.m.

“Lost Wisdom”

Daniel 2:17-28a | Matthew 2:1-2

This service can be viewed online.

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Morning Prayers

January 3-7  at 7:00 a.m.

Each morning (Monday through Friday) WSPC will come together for daily morning prayers.

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Mid-Week Prayer / Devotional Bible Study

Wednesday, January 5, at 12:30 p.m.

Book study of The Last Christmas

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Adult Bible Study

Saturday, January 8, at 10:00 a.m.

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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon Church
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-1666 – church office

General Email




Learn More about Affordable Housing – January 9, 5:30pm

Affordable Housing in a Just World: Basics and Beyond

Sunday, January 9 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm on Zoom

Our speakers will include Diane Ciccone, attorney and former West Windsor councilperson, who had to deal with the challenge of complying with affordable housing requirements in a suburban town; Mitchell Newman, senior vice president at Lennar, a Fortune 500 national affordable housing builder;  and Alice Small, president, Princeton Community Housing Development Corp., which builds 100% affordable developments.

The social justice committees of Beth Chaim in Princeton Junction, Har Sinai in Pennington, and the Jewish Center in Princeton are offering the panel discussion in accordance with the value of welcoming the stranger, including people who are unable to afford market rate housing in our communities.

This free program is open to all. To register for the Zoom link or more information, email Linda Oppenheim. Hope you can make it and encourage others to attend.

Next Week at Witherspoon (Dec 26-Jan 1)

Nassau is invited to join our siblings at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church (WSPC) for worship and study. Find information below for upcoming events, and contact the WSPC Office for zoom links.

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here.

Courageous Conversations (Google Doc link)

The Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording and resource can now be found online:

Watch the Webinar (YouTube) | Download the Resource (pdf) | Read the news story (link)

Streaming Worship Service

Sunday, December 26 at 10:00 a.m.

This service will be virtual only.

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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon Church
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-1666 – church office

General Email




Next Week at Witherspoon (Dec 19-25)

Nassau is invited to join our siblings at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church (WSPC) for worship and study. Find information below for upcoming events, and contact the WSPC Office for zoom links.

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here.

Courageous Conversations (Google Doc link)

The Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording and resource can now be found online:

Watch the Webinar (YouTube) | Download the Resource (pdf) | Read the news story (link)

Streaming Worship Service

Sunday, December 19 at 10:00 a.m.

This service can be viewed online.

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Christmas Eve Service

Friday, December 24 at 7:00 p.m.

This service will be virtual only.

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Morning Prayers

December 20-24  at 7:00 a.m.

Each morning (Monday through Friday) WSPC will come together for daily morning prayers.

They are recorded and available for later viewing on YouTube and Facebook.

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Mid-Week Prayer / Devotional Bible Study

Wednesday, December 22, at 12:30 p.m.

The Biblical Foundation of the Christmas Story: Matthew 2 and Luke 2

They are recorded and available for later viewing on YouTube and Facebook.

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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon Church
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-1666 – church office

General Email




Next Week at Witherspoon (Dec 12-18)

Nassau is invited to join our siblings at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church (WSPC) for worship and study. Find information below for upcoming events, and contact the WSPC Office for zoom links.

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here.

Courageous Conversations (Google Doc link)

The Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording and resource can now be found on the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s website: The Scattered Church

You may also use these direct links to each part of the resources:
Watch the Video (Vimeo) | Watch the Webinar (YouTube) | Download the Resource (pdf) | Read the news story (link)

Streaming Worship Service

Sunday, December 12 at 10:00 a.m.

This service can be viewed online.

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Morning Prayers

December 13-17  at 7:00 a.m.

Each morning (Monday through Friday) WSPC will come together for daily morning prayers.

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Mid-Week Prayer / Devotional Bible Study

Wednesday, December 15, at 12:30 p.m.

The Biblical Foundation of the Christmas Story: Matthew 2 and Luke 2

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Adult Bible Study

Saturday, December 15, at 10:00 a.m.

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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon Church
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-1666 – church office

General Email




UPDATE: Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording & resources

Synod of the Northeast 2022 Innovation Grant awarded to the Bending the Moral Arc Courageous Conversations project.

Good news! A Joint Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church and Nassau Presbyterian
Church Bending the Moral Arc Courageous Conversations grant writing team of Karen
Brown, Monica Burch, Barbara Flythe, Michelle Peal, Len Scales, and Pam Wakefield
submitted a winning proposal to the Synod of the Northeast for one of its coveted 2022
Innovation Grants. The $15,000 award will be used to extend the Bending the Moral Arc
Courageous Conversations model to more congregations and organizations. God is good,
All the Time!

The Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording and resources are now available online:

Read the Article

During a webinar this week, lay leaders from two congregations — one predominately Black, the other primarily white — shared how their conversations about race and justice in the past year have strengthened their resolve to learn more about systemic racism. They also discovered what they can do together and as individuals to bend the moral arc toward justice.
Read more online (link)

Bending the Moral Arc Manual

The Bending the Moral Arc manual, written to encourage and assist others in creating race and justice ministries in their own communities, includes sample conversations and other resources and tools.
Download the Manual (pdf)

Courageous Conversations Resources

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here. (updated January 2022)

Courageous Conversations Resources (PDF)

Watch the Webinar

Two congregations came together in partnership around the invitation of Matthew 25 to have courageous conversations and to take steps towards dismantling structural racism. They were transformed!

We will hear from these churches, one predominately white and one historically black, that developed a small group model for conversation and action, all during the pandemic and on zoom! Leaders from Nassau Presbyterian Church and Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church in Princeton, New Jersey will be present to share their story and best practices as you learn to translate this model to your own context.

A template for this small group ministry partnership has been created and will be available as a FREE download during this webinar. Background, tips for creating your own ministry and sample lessons and resources will be included. There will be break-out groups and a Q and A.

All church leaders are welcome to attend.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021 | 7pm-8:30pm (EST)

No registration necessary. Join us on zoom using this link:
This webinar is hosted by Theology, Formation and Evangelism in the Presbyterian Mission Agency and is part of our Scattered Church ministries.

Next Week at Witherspoon (Dec 5-11)

Nassau is invited to join our siblings at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church (WSPC) for worship and study. Find information below for upcoming events, and contact the WSPC Office for zoom links.

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here.

Courageous Conversations (Google Doc link)

The Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording and resource can now be found on the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s website: The Scattered Church

You may also use these direct links to each part of the resources:
Watch the Video (Vimeo) | Watch the Webinar (YouTube) | Download the Resource (pdf) | Read the news story (link)

Streaming Worship Service

Sunday, December 5 at 10:00 a.m.

This service can be viewed online.

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Morning Prayers

December 6-10  at 7:00 a.m.

Each morning (Monday through Friday) WSPC will come together for daily morning prayers.

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Mid-Week Prayer / Devotional Bible Study

Wednesday, December 8, at 12:30 p.m.

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Adult Bible Study

Saturday, December 11, at 10:00 a.m.

Informed by our Matthew 25 mission, we are studying the book of Matthew.

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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon Church
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-1666 – church office

General Email




Next Week at Witherspoon (Nov 28-Dec 4)

Nassau is invited to join our siblings at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church (WSPC) for worship and study. Find information below for upcoming events, and contact the WSPC Office for zoom links.

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here.

Courageous Conversations (Google Doc link)

Webinar this week!

Tuesday, November 30 at 7PM

The joint Witherspoon-Nassau small groups on race and justice have been transformative for participants. Hear more from fellow congregants and friends from Witherspoon at a webinar hosted by the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Read more and find the Zoom link:

Bending the Moral Arc Webinar 

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Streaming Worship Service

Sunday, November 28 at 10:00 a.m.

This service can be viewed online.

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Morning Prayers

November 29-December 3  at 7:00 a.m.

Each morning (Monday through Friday) WSPC will come together for daily morning prayers.

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Mid-Week Prayer / Devotional Bible Study

Wednesday, December 1, at 12:30 p.m.


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Adult Bible Study

Saturday, December 4, at 10:00 a.m.

Informed by our Matthew 25 mission, we are studying the book of Matthew.

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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon Church
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-1666 – church office

General Email




Adult Education – Advent 2021

Advent in…

From the Annunciation to the Alleluias, Advent is a season of Anticipation. In music, art, movement and speech, we look forward to the birth of Christ. Come, Lord Jesus!

Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.

Current Covid Protocols for Adult Education

Our presenters are fully vaccinated and will comply with our testing protocol for worship leaders. Social distancing will apply in the Assembly Room with seating limited to 40 and masking inside the building will continue.

November 28 | Elizabeth Steel

Advent in Pictures: Joy and Gladness

Joy is a central theme to the Advent narrative. We will explore the concept of “joy” in visual art and usher in the season by reflecting on how we are called to express joy in our own lives. By encountering a variety of different works, we will discern how we can be open to receiving and sharing God’s “joy and gladness” this season.

Elizabeth Steel is a fourth year student at Princeton Theological Seminary earning her MDiv and MA in Christian Education and Formation. With BA in Art History at the University of Virginia, she is exploring the capacity that art holds for theological reflection and formation, including an internship at the Princeton University Art Museum. She grew up in McLean, Virginia and didn’t know anybody could be anything other than Presbyterian until high school.

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December 5 | Paul Rorem

Advent in Song: Pandemic Hymnody

“Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying” may be an Advent hymn, but not in the modern sense.  It has more to do with the plague than with Christmas. And “How Brightly Beams the Morning Star” (How Fair, How Bright the Morning Star) may sound like it refers to the Epiphany star the Wise Men saw, but it doesn’t! These two hymns, (“Wachet auf” and “Wie schoen leuchtet der Morgenstern”) appended in tandem to a big book by Philipp Nicolai (1556-1608) and later favorites of J. S. Bach and F. Mendelssohn, became known as the King and Queen of German Chorales.

Paul Rorem is Princeton Theological Seminary’s Warfield Professor Emeritus of Ecclesiastical History, a title he now shares with his own doctor-father Karlfried Froehlich.  His courses covered St. Augustine, mysticism, women writers, and hymn texts as windows into church history in general.

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December 12 | Annalise Hume

Advent in Motion: The Word Became Flesh

During Advent, we turn our attention to the coming of our Incarnated Christ, the Word made Flesh. By also tuning in to our own bodily experiences, we can freshly experience the season this year. Together we will consider how and why embodied spiritual practices can enliven our faith. Then we will get up and play with a bit of movement for ourselves. All bodies are welcome!

Annalise Hume is a passionate, creative, down-to-earth Spiritual Director who loves listening and asking questions to help others recognize the movement of God in their life. She has a BFA in Dance from the University of Minnesota as well as an MDiv and MA in Christian Education from Princeton Theological Seminary.  In her spare time, you will find her playing with her toddler, watching Princeton tennis matches, and dreaming up her next trip.

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December 19 | Michael Morgan

Advent in Speech: Good Tidings of Great Joy

Join us as we explore and hear Luke 2:8-10 as if for the first time. What tools do orators use to highlight meaning and story in scripture? Through these tools we will discover the patterns, contradictions, and hidden gems in a passage we know (almost) too well.

Michael Dean Morgan and family (Shana, Dean, and Avery) joined Nassau Church in 2013. Michael is a professional actor, head of Voice and Speech at Rowan University, and a longtime adjunct professor of Speech Communication at Princeton Theological Seminary.

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Thanksgiving Day Service at PU Chapel

Princeton Community Thanksgiving Day Service

Thursday, November 25 at 11:00 a.m.

All are welcome to this treasured annual community gathering, the Interfaith Thanksgiving Worship Service, in the University Chapel. Sponsored by Princeton University’s Office of Religious Life and the Princeton Clergy Association.

This service will be live streamed on the Office of Religious Life’s YouTube page.

*All persons, including members of the broader community, are welcome to attend this event if they are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 if over age 12. Face coverings must be worn at all times by everyone over age 2. Registration is required for contact tracing purposes.

Please follow this link for advance in person registration.