Jan 18: Clean Up at Mountain Lakes

The Friends of Princeton Open Space (FOPOS) is looking for some more volunteers to join us on Monday 1/18 for a day of service in the woods, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Can you participate? Email  to sign up! 

  • Monday 1/18, MLK Day of Service,  9am to 12pm OR 1pm to 4pm.
  • Meet at the Mountain Lake House parking lot, 57 Mountain Ave in Princeton, NJ–take the long driveway entrance to the Mountain lake house parking lot, we will meet here at 9am OR 1pm and walk to the work site.

During this session, we will be working to restore the shoreline of Mountain Lake. Volunteers will use pruners, loppers, and hand saws to remove target invasive species for habitat restoration, as well as work to open up the beautiful lake view! Target invasive species for removal include burning bush, privet, and shrub honeysuckle. Our efforts will help to support existing natives such as Witch hazel, St. John’s wort, Flowering dogwood, Hemlock, and Beech, among others.

BYO: Please be sure to bring your own mask, water bottle, and work gloves to the stewardship session. We will follow social distancing practices when working by maintaining a 6ft distance from others and by wearing a mask when unable to maintain this distance. We ask that if you are feeling sick, have traveled, or have potentially been exposed to the COVID-19 virus to please stay home and join us at another time. We recommend wearing long sleeves, long pants, and work boots for volunteer days–it is best to dress and layers and keep in mind it can be muddy out there!

Service Opportunities for Morning of Mission 2021

January 18 – February 22

Make Lunches and/or Hygiene Kits for TASK

Sign Up!

Sign up to volunteer over the next several weeks. to assemble bag lunches or simple hygiene kits at home for use at the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.

Finished kits and lunches can be dropped off at the TASK main building, 72 ½ Escher Street, Trenton, New Jersey, Mondays, 8:30am-2:00pm. (Google Maps Link)