Arm In Arm: Preparing for the Holidays

There are many ways to help hungry families set the table this Thanksgiving and throughout the year. Learn about new developments with Arm in Arm and how you can get involved below.

In order to distribute Thanksgiving food in time for the day, please make sure these donations are here at the church by Wednesday, November 16. Use the wooden box outside the door near the playground.

Donate Food – Thanksgiving (pdf)

We are better together because of you!


Donate Money (link)

Donate Food (pdf)

Donate Time (link)


I am excited to share with you that we are embarking on a transformative chapter in Arm In Arm’s history: we are moving our headquarters to Mill One at One Johnston Ave. in Hamilton as of October 1st. Arm In Arm is on the move!

We will continue to serve and even deepen our service to people in Trenton, continuing and enhancing our presence at 48 Hudson Street, and at our Sustainable Garden on E. Hanover St. In fact, through pioneering mobile delivery, using our new state of the art food distribution center at Mill One and new refrigerated truck, we intend to deepen our presence in Trenton, executing more off-site Grab ‘n Go grocery events and reaching community members in their own neighborhoods, at times that are convenient for them. Using data collected by the Trenton Health Team, we have already begun forging partnerships with institutions such as Capital Health, to deliver food where the need is the greatest in a more equitable way.

As you well know, we continue to see an unprecedented increase in our level of service. We are serving more people than ever before, and our current home simply cannot accommodate the storage and efficiency needs we now have. Mill One will essentially operate as a “distribution hub” and offer us more and better space for food storage, including a loading bay so our truck can load and unload easily, as well as space for volunteers to prepare bags for mobile delivery. While families will not come to Mill One for food, as is the case at our other pantries in Trenton and in Princeton, families will come by appointment to meet with our Housing Stability Team to receive help with rental and/or utilities assistance and longer-term case management and/or for financial fitness, nutrition and parenting classes. Our Housing Stability Team will combine in person and virtual meetings to provide the most professional, compassionate and convenient ways to help families in need.

Finally, we will be downsizing our administrative space to provide more in service to our families. We have learned a lot during the pandemic and are incorporating more efficient, best practice use of space in which our staff will have safer, more professional space that they will share as they flex time between being in person and working remotely. Our board, leadership, and staff are all in agreement that this move will enhance our work and increase our impact by providing better space for our services and administrative functions, and by providing a safe and welcoming environment for clients, staff and volunteers, which better embodies our values of dignity and hospitality.

We want to assure you that our mission will remain unchanged as we continue to focus on securing basic needs of food, housing, and work to promote longer-term stability. Our plans are being clearly communicated with our clients, so they know where and when they can find us, ensuring we are meeting their needs.

Thank you for your support and your partnership. Once we are settled in, I will invite you to visit us in our new home.

Let’s continue working better together, helping our community thrive.

David Fox, Ph.D., M.Div.

#MissionMonday – Arm In Arm Update (August 2022)

Arm In Arm continues to serve the community at historic levels and this video created earlier this summer details their incredible work in the community. Arm In Arm is providing food to families through an average of more than 4,700 pantry visits and deliveries per month, which is more than double their pre-pandemic average. They are also providing more assistance than ever before to keep families in their homes. Arm In Arm is grateful to the Nassau Presbyterian Community for your partnership in helping them to serve at these historic levels and hopes you will continue to support us, and the community we serve, in the days, months, and year ahead– as an advocate, donor, volunteer, or ambassador. We are better together because of you!

Donate Monday (link)

Donate Food (pdf)

Donate Time (link)

#MissionMonday – Valentines for Food Program

Help the Hungry in Mercer County Feed Their Families


Did you know that in a single year Arm In Arm provides enough food for its clients to prepare almost half a million meals for themselves and their families? This year your support is even more important as we work to meet the incredible needs presented by the pandemic.

Arm In Arm (website)

Watch a Moment for Mission from Arm in Arm’s Executive Director, David Fox:

When you support Valentines for Food, you support Arm In Arm’s effective response to food insecurity in our area:

  • In 2020, over the course of 27,000 visits, mobile deliveries, and grab ‘n go events executed by Arm In Arm’s three food pantries – including the one located at Nassau Presbyterian Church – people had access to healthy, high quality food for themselves and their families.
  • In December alone, Arm In Arm provided groceries at more than 3,200 pantry, mobile pantry, home-delivery, and grab ‘n go visits.
  • While some area food pantries occasionally must turn hungry people away, Arm In Arm has NEVER seen its shelves go empty, thanks to the generosity of its supporters.
  • Approximately a third of people who receive food through Arm In Arm are under age 18.
  • About one fifth of Arm In Arm’s food clients are aged 60 and above.
  • Many older clients live in Princeton Community Housing and receive food on a regular basis through Arm In Arm’s volunteer delivery service.
  • Arm In Arm provides fresh, local produce for its customers, much of it donated by farmers and farmers’ markets and supporters of Yes We CAN! Food Drives … by community, school, and church gardens … Whole Foods Market … Farmers Against Hunger … and our own community vegetable garden right in downtown Trenton!
  • Arm In Arm’s volunteer-tended vegetable garden is an ideal hands-on learning space
  • A generous group of individuals from Nassau Presbyterian Church have pledged to match donations, potentially doubling the amount collected.



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  • DONATE: healthy, non-perishable food to our pantry.
    • Canned Proteins (tuna, salmon, chicken, chili)
    • Cereal
    • Canned Fruits
    • Canned Vegetables (low-fructose)
    • Canned Beans (low-sodium)
    • Seasonings
    • Honey
    • Rice
    • Peanut Butter
    • Shelf-Stable Milk (Parmalat)
    • Vegetable/Canola Oil
    • Maseca Corn Flour
  • PARTICIPATE: in our Valentines for Food virtual food drive. Visit to purchase food that will be delivered directly to Arm In Arm.
  • CONTRIBUTE: On-line ( ) or by mail and remember, that your gift will be potentially doubled thanks to the generosity of several Nassau Presbyterian Church members.
  • VOLUNTEER: at one of our food pantries during the week. Email for more details.