Moment for Mission: HomeWorks Trenton

HomeWorks Trenton is a free, community-based, after-school residential program designed to provide a supportive and safe space where high school girls learn to self-advocate, become leaders, and achieve academic success.

Four aspects define our program:

  1. Residential Boarding: From Sunday evenings to Friday mornings, our scholars live in our dorm with three staff and spend weekends with their families. Residential boarding creates a structured, stable environment for scholars to focus on academics and personal growth. It provides an immersive community experience for scholars to collectively grow in ways traditional, non-residential programs do not allow.
  2. Core Curriculum (Academics  & Identity-Driven Leadership): Our academics programming focuses on daily tutoring, skill development, and college preparation. Additionally, scholars engage in Black and Brown girl-centered workshops, social justice discussions and readings, and a public service capstone and internship. This curriculum equips scholars with the tools and confidence to become leaders that ultimately creates systemic change in their communities.
  3. Career Readiness: Third and fourth year internships and electives allow scholars to explore their academic and career interests, making an impact in the community while gaining valuable work experience.
  4. Wellness, Field Trips, and Travel: Group Therapy offer spaces for scholars to develop mindful habits and practice self-love. HomeWorks also sponsors group travel to local organizations (like local theater productions) and cities such as New York and Washington D.C. to further supplement their public education and offer experiential learning opportunities outside of the classroom.

HomeWorks offers the support girls need to graduate from high school, attend college, feel confident in their discovery and evolution of self, become effective leaders, and create change. Our mission is to inspire and equip young women from marginalized communities to achieve their potential and positively transform the world around them by providing a supportive and educational residential environment.

#MissionMonday – Housing Initiatives of Princeton (HIP)

Do you have furniture to donate?

Consider donating to the Raritan Valley Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Manville. They have a partnership with Housing Initiatives of Princeton (HIP), one of Nassau’s Mission Partners. HIP received an exceptional grant from Nassau’s Mission & Outreach Committee in January for their transitional housing move-in/move-out days. Often a family is in need of furniture as well as a home. HIP’s partnership with the ReStore helps families furnish their new apartments.

Let the ReStore know you heard about them through HIP, and schedule a pick-up or drop-off at

#MissionMonday – Refugee Resettlement Update (Feb. 2024)

The Nassau Church Refugee Coordinating Team has provided this update on the Hashimi family, the Afghan refugee family that Nassau Church has sponsored.

This past summer, the Coordinating Team reported the good news that the family’s asylum applications had been approved. This gave the family the legal right to live and work in the United States and to apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship.

More recently, the father of the family who is stranded in Dubai has received preliminary approval for his spousal asylum application and an invitation to submit his information for a visa. That could still take a long time to resolve, but the Coordinating Team is hopeful that things are moving in a positive direction.

There is other good news. The second oldest daughter has passed her GED and is enrolled at Mercer County Community College. Her mother and older sister are also enrolled there.

The oldest son is still working at Princeton Orthopedics, and his brother is in the process of enrolling in a commercial pilot training program which will prepare him for a promising career.

We are grateful that they and all the members of the family have been such cheerful and enthusiastic partners in our work together.

We want to recognize the ongoing commitment of the Refugee Coordinating Team, who are walking alongside the Hashimi’s as they continue to navigate immigration, education, and medical systems.  Our thanks to them and the other volunteers who have given of their time and resources as part of Nassau’s commitment to support refugees.

#MissionMonday – Refugee Resettlement Update (August 2023)

From the Refugee Coordinating Team, an update on the Hashimi family, the Afghan refugee family that Nassau Church has sponsored.

Last October, the Hashimi family was kind enough to share their inspiring story during an adult education class. Since then, they have continued to make progress in building a new life in Princeton.

By the end of last year, they had completed the arduous process of applying for asylum in the United States. After waiting patiently for months, now all of their asylum applications have been approved (except for one still pending for one of the sons). For those who have been approved, that means they now have legal status to live and work in the United States – and may eventually apply for permanent residency and citizenship.

As asylees, the family can also seek approval to visit the father in Dubai, where he is stranded. He has applied for humanitarian parole status and is also applying under other programs for the right to join his family here, including through his wife’s new status. All of these options have significant wait times.

There is also progress on the housing front. We are glad to report that the Hashimi family has moved out of the temporary housing that had been provided through Princeton Seminary and are now in their own housing at Princeton Community Village.

Another key priority had been their education, and they are making progress on that as well. One of the older sisters is working hard to earn a high school equivalency degree. She had been on the verge of finishing high school when they had to leave Kabul, and her credits could not be transferred. We are excited that she recently passed the social studies section of the GED and continues to work on the rest.

All of this progress was aided by volunteers from Nassau, including many of you here this morning. So, on behalf of the Refugee Coordinating Team, our thanks to you and all others who have given of your time and resources as part of Nassau’s commitment to support refugees. We are truly grateful for your support and ask for your continued prayers for the family, and particularly for their reunification with the father. Thank you.

#MissionMonday – Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center

Celebrating and ensuring the indelible mark of Johnsonburg on the future

Over the past six weeks you’ve heard from friends and members of the Nassau community as they recounted their memories of Camp JBurg and their hopes for its future. We invite you to join the Cook Davis, Mackichan Walker, Olsen, and Wood Yeh families (among many more in our community) in supporting the “Marked for the Future” campaign.

Learn More & Donate

Camp Johnsonburg – Summer Camp Registering Now!

Johnsonburg is a place where all may gather, and all are welcomed in God’s beautiful creation…and we are registering for SUMMER CAMP!

As New Jersey’s only Presbyterian summer camp, we have been the highlight of summer for thousands of kids across our 63 years.
We’ve got six 1-week overnight sessions for kids in rising 1st-12th grades from June to August. We have tons of activities, and our camp counselors are carefully hired, screened, and trained to be great role models for campers. Summer camp has been shown to increase social and emotional wellness in children and youth, as well as teaching them to be more independent and helping them to make friends. Compliment the faith building you are doing in church and at home with what will be your child’s favorite week of the summer. For more information, visit

Learn More (Summer Camp)

#MissionMonday – Homeworks Trenton Volunteer Opportunities

Support HomeWorks

Homeworks Trenton, a mission partner of Nassau Presbyterian Church, is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing free after-school and residential support for marginalized high school girls in the Trenton public school system.  For more detailed information, please see its website:


Homeworks is asking for volunteers to tutor their high school scholars (9 freshmen, 1 junior and 1 senior) in high school level math (including pre-calculus), English, science, and history (particularly US history).  The tutoring is done late afternoon (3-4:30pm for 1 Junior) or the evenings (7-8:30pm for all other scholars) four      nights a week at their facility located on the main campus of Rider University in Lawrenceville, N.J.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering as a tutor at HomeWorks, please apply through its website,; go to the tab for ways to give, volunteer and click tutor.

Donating Books and Snacks    

Homeworks is also trying to build its own library to supplement and enhance the learning opportunities and environment for its scholars.  They are currently looking for used high school textbooks, study aids for collegiate entrance examinations and other standardized tests, and books by and about girls and women of color.

They are also looking for snacks for scholars to eat after school, specifically dry snacks that do not expire (cheese-its, cheetos, lays, cup noodles – chicken, sun chips, granola bars, popcorn, fruit snacks, takis, poptarts, velveeta microwavable mac and cheese, apple sauce) and drinks (ex: Caprisuns, Hawaiian Punch).

Anyone who is interested in donating any of these snacks, please go to the website, and complete the In-Kind Donation form which can be found under the ways to give, donate tabs.

Contact Homeworks Trenton

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Natalie Tung, Executive Director and founder of Homeworks, at , and Len Scales at .  Thank you for your kind generosity.

#MissionMonday – Mass Incarceration Task Force

As a task force we are motivated by the deep conviction that each being is a beloved child of God. This extends to people who are impacted by the carceral system in New Jersey, including those whose life circumstances place them at risk of being caught up in the system. We also realize, in the words of justice advocate Bryan Stevenson, that “you can’t understand most of the important things from a distance. You have to get close.”

Please join us at our next Mass Incarceration Task Force meeting to be held via Zoom at 7 p.m. on Monday, February 6. To get on the mailing list or if you have any questions, please reach out to Anne Kuhn (email) or Patti Daley (email), the co-chairs of the Mass Incarceration Task Force.

On Sunday, January 29, Liz Beasley offered these words to the congregation:

Two of the things I like best about Nassau Church are our focus on being Jesus’ hands and feet in the world – and the opportunities the church provides for service to others, both in our own community and around the world.

The mission of the Mass Incarceration Taskforce is to educate ourselves about the causes and consequences of mass incarceration in the United States – and to find ways to put our passion and commitment to justice and equity into action. We have three areas of focus:

  • Pre-incarceration (volunteering with agencies such as LifeTies to mentor and tutor at-risk young people);
  • During incarceration (volunteer opportunities include the Pen Pal Program and tutoring through the Petey Greene Program);
  • Post-incarceration (providing tutoring, job skills, and other forms of support for people upon release from prison, in partnership with other nonprofits).

We are excited to introduce two new opportunities to get involved:

WorkWell is a nonprofit designed to equip returning citizens with job skills, dignity and hope. Their program consists of a four-week period of training and counseling, with qualified trainers and advocates to help prepare returning citizens not just for a job, but for sustained employment. Volunteers are needed to participate in two Saturday morning training sessions with these men and women in transition and to cheer them at their graduation from the program.

The second opportunity, Abolishing Prison Slavery, may require a little more explanation. This project grew out of conversations with Bending the Moral Arc, a discussion group between members of the Witherspoon and Nassau churches.

    • In the U.S. Constitution’s 13th Amendment, slavery was outlawed everywhere BUT prison. Slavery – defined as forcing people to work for free or for extremely low wages – is still allowed in some states, including New Jersey. This system acts as an incentive to incarcerate more people because it provides an ongoing source of revenue for state activities, including those unrelated to the carceral system.
    • Members of the Mass Incarceration Taskforce are working to add an amendment to the New Jersey state constitution specifically outlawing the enslavement of incarcerated people. We feel that prisoners should have opportunities for paid employment or to learn a trade – but they should be paid a fair wage for their labors.
    • There are a variety of ways to get involved – and we invite you to become part of this effort. At our November meeting, Audi Peal described five initiatives to move this agenda forward:
      • Creating a shared repository of information about similar initiatives in other states;
      • Drafting a strategy for passing this amendment;
      • Creating a Policy Paper for sharing information about this work;
      • Engaging allies/partners in this work: faith groups, community groups, community leaders, and justice reform advocates;
      • Seeking grants and other funding sources for this initiative.

Can you help? If you would like to know more about any of these volunteer opportunities, please reach out to Anne Kuhn (email) or Patti Daley (email), the co-chairs of the Mass Incarceration Task Force.


#MissionMonday – Valentines for Food 2023

Help the Hungry in Mercer County Feed Their Families

Each year at this time….


How can you help? Follow the links for more detailed information below.

  • DONATE: Drop off food to the pantry at Nassau (download the shopping list below).
  • PARTICIPATE: in the online virtual food drive.
  • CONTRIBUTE: Monetary donations can be sent to Nassau or directly to Arm In Arm.
  • VOLUNTEER: your time at one of our pantries in Trenton or Princeton.


  • DONATE: healthy, non-perishable food to our pantry, 12-16 oz. cans, no glass containers, please! Remember to check expiration dates.
    • Corn Flour (Maseca)
    • Canned Vegetables (low-fructose)
    • Rice
    • Canned Proteins (tuna, salmon, chicken, chili)
    • Canned Beans (low-sodium)
    • Peanut Butter
    • Cereal
    • Canned Fruits
    • Seasonings
    • Shelf-Stable Milk (Parmalat)
    • Honey
    • Vegetable/Canola Oil
  • PARTICIPATE: in our Valentines for Food virtual food drive. Visit to purchase food that will be delivered directly to Arm In Arm.
  • CONTRIBUTE: On-line or by mail and remember that your gift will be DOUBLED thanks to the generosity of several Nassau Presbyterian Church members.
    • Arm In Arm: or by using the Valentines for Food envelopes in Nassau’s pew racks (make checks payable to “Arm In Arm” and note in the Memo: “Nassau”)
    • Nassau: mail to 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542 (make checks payable to “Nassau Presbyterian” and note in the Memo: “Valentines for Food”)
    • Contact the church office by phone 609-924-0103 or by email if you have any questions.
  • VOLUNTEER: at one of our food pantries during the week. Email for more details.

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Did you know that in a single year Arm In Arm provides enough food for its clients to prepare approximately one million meals for themselves and their families? When you support Valentines for Food, you support Arm In Arm’s effective response to food insecurity in our area.

Our Princeton Food Pantry at Nassau Presbyterian Church

  • Arm In Arm’s Princeton Pantry serves approximately 300-400 families on a regular basis. These are local families and seniors, many of whom are served bi-monthly through home deliveries made by volunteers to communities on: Clary Street, Witherspoon Street, Redding Circle, and Spruce Circle.
  • In 2022 this pantry provided groceries to families through more than 7,800 visits and deliveries, this is more than four times our pre-pandemic number.
  • Families receive fresher, healthier food and Arm In Arm has made a commitment to providing families with fresh produce on a regular basis. Our food budget has tripled since before the onset of the pandemic.
  • Nutrition education is provided to community members including by virtual zoom classes in both English and Spanish.

Our Agency

    • Arm In Arm operates 2 brick-and-mortar food pantries in Mercer County, as well as a Mobile Food Pantry and Resource Center which is deployed to food insecure communities and neighborhoods 2-4 times per week. Brick-and-motar panties are located at :
      • Nassau Presbyterian Church in Princeton
      • 48 Hudson Street in Trenton
    • On the heels of the pandemic, the need continues and in 2022, over the course of more than 48,000 visits to Arm In Arm’s food pantries, and through mobile deliveries and grab ‘n go events in the community, people had access to healthy, high quality food for themselves and their families. This is more than DOUBLE our pre-panemic level.
    • People are coming more often: it is expensive to live in our area and hte food we provide helps to ease the burden, freeing up resources to covr rent, medical bills, car repairs, or even shoes for their children.
    • Donations of In-Kind Food from Food Drives are critical: Every grocery order includes approximately $20-25 of food that Arm In Arm purchases. This food is supplemented with $30-$40 of food that is donated by the local food bank and by communities like Nassau Presbyterian Church, Trinity Church, and Princeton Public Schools, who conduct food drives and donate much-needed non-perishables. This means that the value of a grocery order for a family is approximately $50-$60.
      • While some are food pantries occassionally must turn hungry people away, Arm In Arm has NEVER seen its shelves go empty, thanks to the generosity of its supporters.
    • Approximately one third of the people who receive food through Arm In Arm are under age 18.
    • About one fifth of Arm in Arm’s food clients are aged 60 and above. Many older clients live in community housing in Princeton and Trenton and receive food on a regular basis through Arm In Arm’s volunteer delivery service.
    • Arm in Arm provides fresh, local produce for its customers, much of it donated by farmers and farmers’ markets, and also from supporters of Yes We CAN! Food Drives; community, school, and church gardens; Whole Foods Market; Farmers Against Hunger; and our own community vegetable garden right in downtown Trenton!
      • Arm in Arm’s volunteer-tended vegetable garden produced nearly 900 pounds of fresh produce this past summer.
    • Arm In Arm supports the Robbins Elementary School in Trenton through the Princeton Area Community Foundation’s All Kids Thrive Program, which seeks to improve educational performance by reducing chronic absenteeism. The food and case management support we provide results in improved family stability and thus far, has led to increased attendance.