The call of the Gospel has always been to the impossible: resurrection. Resurrection presupposes death. It also dares to believe that death does not get the last word. A central question of this series, then, is this: In our moment, what might need to pass away so that the abundant life of Christ’s resurrection might be known?
Be linked in for Lent: each week small groups will study the same texts from a more personal and contemplative point of view, and Pastor Davis will preach them in Worship. Join us each Sunday morning as Nate Stucky leads the discussion in the Assembly Room.
Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.
Nate Stucky serves as Director of the Farminary Project at Princeton Theological Seminary. He grew up on a farm in Kansas where his love for Christian faith and agriculture first took root. After earning a BA in Music from Bethel College (KS), Stucky spent six years doing ecumenical youth ministry on the eastern shore of Maryland, and two years farming back in Kansas. After farming, Stucky earned an MDiv and a PhD (Practical Theology, Christian Education and Formation) from Princeton Theological Seminary. His scholarship explores questions of land, ecology, theology, agriculture, justice, joy, and Sabbath as they relate to theological education. He is the author of Wrestling with Rest: Inviting Youth to Discover the Gift of Sabbath. Ordained in the Mennonite Church (USA), Stucky engages Farminary work as integral to his calling to teaching ministry. Nate and Janel along with their children Joshua, Jenna, and Isaac, have been worshiping at Nassau Church since 2016.
Sundays, 9:30 am, in the Assembly Room, unless otherwise noted
Explore how faith inspires meaningful action, deepens cultural understanding, and fosters justice and hope. Through hymn singing, historical reflections, theological insights, and community empowerment, these sessions invite participants to engage the world with compassion, courage, and purpose.
Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.
February 2 | Noel Werner
Lord, Make Me an Instrument: A Hymn Sing
Our bodies are instruments tuned for praise, singing with the Spirit and understanding, proclaiming the redeeming work of God, and carrying the Gospel into our homes, community, and world. Come for a hymn sing that celebrates songs of welcome in the midst of exclusion, courage in the midst of fear, hope in the midst of despair, love in the midst of hate, and light in the midst of darkness. Lord, make us instruments of thy peace!
Due to the interactive nature of this class, no recording was attempted.
Noel Werner has been the Director of Music at Nassau Presbyterian Church since 2006. Prior to this position, he was the Minister of Music at Central Presbyterian Church in Summit, New Jersey. Noel holds degrees from Westminster Choir College, Indiana University (Bloomington), and Christian Theological Seminary (Disciples of Christ) in Indianapolis. His wife, the Rev. Wendi Werner, is the solo pastor of First Presbyterian Church at Dayton, New Jersey. They have two daughters, Sophie and Emily.
The Sense of Our Small Effort: Faithful Witness in Dangerous Times
The word “unprecedented” is often overused these days. The reality is that U.S. democracy has often been imperiled and that constellations of power in this country have often been deeply unjust. In this session we’ll delve into some examples of how those who have gone before us have engaged faithfully in dangerous times. Far from suggesting that things never change, their example underscores the stakes of even the smallest efforts for a better church and world.
Dr. Heath W. Carter is the Associate Professor of American Christianity and Director of PhD Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary. Carter is the author and/or co-editor of 4 books and is finishing another entitled On Earth as it is in Heaven: Social Christians and the Fight to End American Inequality. He is also an Editor at Large for Eerdmans Publishing Company and the senior co-editor of the Journal of Presbyterian History.
Despite centuries of Christianity in Ghana (Gold Coast in 1471), Ghanaian Christians continue to struggle with what it means to be Christian while maintaining their respective family relations and cultural identities. With ethnographic interview data from an ongoing Overseas Ministries Study Center (OMSC) research project on “The interplay between Christianity and indigenous religions in Ghanaian Christian funeral rites,” I wish to share with you some of my findings on how contemporary Ghanaian Christians negotiate their dual/multiple identities whether in the homeland or diaspora.
Rose Mary Amenga-Etego (PhD) is an Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Department for the Study of Religions, University of Ghana. She obtained her PhD from the School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, after her BA and MPhil degrees in Religions from the University of Ghana. She is a Research Associate of the Research Institute for Theology and Religion, University of South Africa, Ghana’s Representative of the African Association for the Study of Religions and a member of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians. She is also an Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Eucharistic and a catechist, teaching and learning the faith together with adult English-speaking catechumens of the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Chaplaincy in the University of Ghana campus. She is currently one of the OMSC Resident Scholars at Princeton Theological Seminary.
Introducing Liberation Christianity though a Latin American Lens
Learn about liberation theology in Latin America. Barreto will introduce concepts from his forthcoming book Base Ecumenism: Latin American Contributions to Ecumenical Praxis and Theology (Augsburg Fortress, Feb 2025).
This class was not recorded.
Raimundo C. Barreto is an associate professor of World Christianity at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he has been teaching since 2014. He holds a bachelor’s degree in theology from Seminário Teológico Batista do Norte do Brasil, an MDiv degree from McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University, and a PhD in religion and society from Princeton Theological Seminary. Before coming to Princeton, he taught at various institutions in Brazil and was the director of the Division on Freedom and Justice at the Baptist World Alliance. Barreto is the author of Protesting Poverty: Protestants, Social Ethics, and the Poor in Brazil (Baylor University Press, 2023). He is the co-editor of the Journal of World Christianity and a co-covener of the Princeton World Christianity Conference.
WorkWell Partnership: From Prison Pipeline to Stable Community
Founded by the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville, the WorkWell Partnership provides life skills and job training to people in Mercer County who have been released from prison, or whose lives have otherwise been affected by the justice system. WorkWell Executive Director Jeannette Rizk will give a short presentation, along with a board member and a WorkWell graduate, followed by a Q&A. Equipping people from underserved communities with skills, enabling them to take charge of their own destiny, removing walls—all this lies at the heart of WorkWell’s mission. Some of our most dedicated volunteers come from Nassau Presbyterian Church, which has also generously provided financial support.
Jeannette Rizk, the executive director of WorkWell, grew up in Egypt and earned an MA in anthropology from the American University in Cairo. After a series of adventures in the field of international development: helping launch a media-production NGO, assisting in the creation of a docu-drama series on HIV awareness in the Middle East, and teaching a directing course in Sudan and Morocco, she took a job with the European Union to set up an ecotourism company for the Bedouin Jabaleya tribe in the south Sinai. This was followed by jobs in which Jeannette developed strategies to turn Egyptian women’s handicraft skills into genuine business ventures.
Sundays, 9:30 am, in the Assembly Room, unless otherwise noted Breakfast snacks will be ready by 9:15 am
Everyone experiences twists and turns in life, and God accompanies us along the way.
Our beloved tradition of intergenerational classes in the month of January returns. Middle School, High School, and Adults of all ages are invited to a light breakfast with members of our community as they share stories of God’s faithfulness in their lives.
Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.
January 5 | Jim McCloskey
Jim founded Centurion Ministries, the first organization in the world devoted to freeing the wrongly convicted. Since its establishment forty years ago, Centurion has freed seventy individuals, all of whom spent decades in prison serving life or death sentences for the crimes of others. McCloskey has a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. His memoir, When Truth Is All You Have, was published by Doubleday in 2020. His most recent book, Framed: Astonishing True Stories of Wrongful Convictions, co-written with John Grisham, was published in October 2024.
Dirk is the Rimmer and Ruth De Vries Professor of Reformed Theology and Public Life at Princeton Theological Seminary. Smit came to Princeton from South Africa, where he taught systematic theology at the universities of Western Cape and Stellenbosch, was involved in ecumenical church activities and contributed to public life with both popular and academic writing.
Lizzie is a Senior Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton’s Chief Technology Office, where she serves as a strategist focused on enhancing developer experience. Beyond her professional career, Lizzie is committed to community service. She is currently the President of the Junior League of Greater Princeton, has coached young athletes as a volunteer with Girls on the Run, and served as a mentor for Girls In Technology. Lizzie resides in Lawrenceville, NJ, with her husband Michael and their two young children, Chip and Blair. She and her family have been involved with Nassau Church, Princeton Presbyterians, and St. Paul’s since moving to the area in 2017.
Lauren serves as Nassau’s Associate Pastor with responsibilities in congregational nurture through pastoral care and counseling, membership and the work of the Deacons, and worship and preaching. She is a certified pastoral counselor and a Fellow of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. Before a life in ministry, Lauren was an actor in New York City and is a member of SAG-AFTRA, the American Screen Actors Guild & the American Federation of Television & Radio Artists. She’s the mom of Josie Brothers, the spouse of Michael Brothers, and the dog-mama of Luna, a very sassy 8-year-old Cavapoo.
In this season we anticipate the birth of Jesus and God setting all things right in the world. As we wait, let us look together for glimmers of hope. Our speakers will engage their expertise in art, stories, and community and invite us to join them in paying attention to where God is showing up. You are invited to bring in a poem, image, or story that speaks to hope on Sunday, December 22nd.
Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.
December 1 | Heath Carter
The Sense of Our Small Effort: Faithful Witness in Dangerous Times
Heath Carter’s session will be rescheduled for a ltater date. Due to this change Andrew and Len Scales offered “The Taizé Community: Welcome, Work, and Worship.”
For the past decade, KimyiBo has been exhibiting artworks that have emerged from her experience of motherhood, expanding the concept of mothering to encompass a commitment to creating, nurturing, and supporting the interconnectedness of life. During this talk, she will discuss how mothering has shaped her path as an artist and continues to inform her spiritual growth.
KimyiBois currently an artist-in-residence at Overseas Ministries Study Center at Princeton Theological Seminary. KimyiBo’s art engages with concepts arising from life as an immigrant and caregiver in the form of ink drawings, prints, artist’s books, and collaborative practices. Like a mycorrhizal network, the themes of transition, growth, ambivalence, resilience, and hope form its subterranean network of roots, from which seedlings sprout for new work.
Tolstoy’s Two Old Men: Where are you on life’s pilgrimage?
Leo Tolstoy’s short story, “Two Old Men,” follows two friends who set out to fulfill their lifetime dream of a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Through these characters, the celebrated author challenges us to consider our own life’s journey and how we respond to the twists and turns presented to us along the way. Storyteller Maria LoBiondo will share her oral version of Tolstoy’s classic tale.
Maria LoBiondo believes that a story is a heart-to-heart gift shared between teller and listener. She began practicing the oral tradition of storytelling when expecting her second child; her daughter is now 30 years old. She has shared folk and literary tales several times for Nassau Presbyterian’s Advent programs, as well as locally in schools, other religious settings, and festivals.
The attention economy we find ourselves in grabs us with the shiny fixes, with tasks, chores, and logistics. Perhaps no more so than in the commercial Christmas season. Yet, Advent reminds us that so much of our life is waiting for God, if we can bear to sit still for it. This session is about cultivating hope in our waiting by attending to the slow and human-sized flow of community and connection, mutual care and genuine generosity.
Karen Rohrer is the Associate Academic Dean at Princeton Seminary. She pushes paper with conviction, believing that without trustworthy institutions individualism costs the church and ultimately the world the good gift God intends for us in community. She believes in dogs and the Holy Spirit and writing your way through. She is married to Andy Greenhow, Presbyterian Minister and life-sized cartoon, and lives in Lawrenceville, NJ.
Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.
November 24 | Michele Minter
A Moment to Decide
In 1964, a civil rights icon, a famous Black nationalist and a Presbyterian minister crossed paths in Cleveland, with tragic consequences. Michele Minter shares a civil rights story.
If you have never heard of the name Bruce Klunder, you are probably not alone. And yet, his name is one of only forty-one martyrs inscribed in the famous Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama.
Michele Minter is vice provost for institutional equity and diversity at Princeton University, where her works involves community building and institutional history. She is a trustee of the Princeton Theological Seminary and a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church. She lives in Plainsboro with her husband Jeff.
“They Stood (Daughters of Zelophehad)” Lauren Wright Pittman (graphic image, inspired by Numbers 27:1-11) | A Sanctified Art LLC | Used by special permission. All rights reserved.
October 20 – November 17, 2024
9:30 a.m. | Assembly Room
A queen, mothers of nations, and advocates for themselves and other women are among those we will meet during these weeks. They employ faithfulness and savvy as they navigate a life at the margins. Let’s learn from these women together as we ask challenging questions and remember other women who have helped make a way for us in our own lives.
“Linked-In Learning” helps us explore the same stories from multiple perspectives. In these classes members and friends of the congregation will lead us through the same texts the preachers will take up in worship and small groups will have engaged the week prior. Let’s learn together!
Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.
October 20 | Elaine James
Women, Poetry and God
Proverbs 31 (selected verses)
How can the Bible be a resource for women? How can women and folks on the margins engage texts that are patently androcentric and frankly difficult to read? This session considers the poem about the “worthy women” in Proverbs 31 as an example of how poetry can both reinforce patriarchal ideals and also imagine liberative pathways. Part of the craft of the poem is a celebration of the craft and handwork of women—creativity itself is enshrined in Proverbs as a divine force, in which we are all invited to participate.
Elaine T. James is Associate Professor of Old Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary. Her research interests are in biblical Hebrew poetry, ideas of art in the ancient world, and issues of land, ecology, and gender. She is the author of Landscapes of the Song of Songs: Poetry and Place (Oxford University Press, 2017), and An Invitation to Biblical Poetry (Oxford University Press, 2021).
Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah are known as the Daughters of Zelophad. They are remembered for advocating on their own behalf for the inheritance of their late father’s land. We will use Dr. Wil Gafney’s practice of “sanctified imagination” to enter the text and draw out its revelations of God’s inclusion and the stories’ connections to our own embodied knowledge. Where were these women when their covenant with Moses was broken by the temple’s leadership? Why are they included in the listing of land inheritance if their familial line seems to stop? Who was their mother?
Isabella Shutt is a first-year M.Div. student at Princeton Theological Seminary and recent graduate of Princeton University. Originally from western North Carolina, she became a member of Nassau after worshiping weekly with Princeton Presbyterians at Breaking Bread. Isabella currently serves as the Intern for the Adult Education and Missions and Outreach Committees. She is the eldest of three daughters and brings this perspective to her readings of women in the Old Testament.
We will discuss identity and belonging in the story of Ruth from multiple angles of religion, ethnicity, family, and age. As you read Ruth 1-4 ahead, consider how various characters change their identities throughout the story.
Leslie Virnelson is a Democracy Fellow at Interfaith America through a postdoctoral partnership with Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS) and a scholar of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. Her forthcoming book with Oxford University Press is Fruit of Her Hands: Women, Work, & Society in the Hebrew Bible. She has taught classes for masters and undergraduate students at PTS, Princeton University, Mercer University, Union Theological Seminary, and Union Presbyterian Seminary. She also served as the interim director of the Center for Theology, Women, & Gender at PTS from 2020-2023, organizing events and curricula to educate public and scholarly audiences on the intersections of religion and gender. She lives in West Windsor, NJ and enjoys hiking, foraging, and fermentation.
Sarah is the matriarch of Jews and Christians, while Muslims trace their lineage through Hagar. All three faiths claim Abraham as their forefather. These early biblical stories sow the seeds of both historic and present-day conflicts among Christians, Muslims, and Jews. But could they also offer paths to healing? Sometimes we get stuck with unworkable solutions because we are asking the wrong questions.
Rev. Jonathan C. Shenkis a minister and entrepreneur. He is the owner of Greenleaf Painters, a local painting company. He is also a certified spiritual director and founding member of the Trenton Microloan Collaborative, a joint venture of Nassau and Westminster. He lives in Princeton Junction with his wife, Cynthia Yoder. Their son, Gabriel, is a high school English teacher and frontman for Sonoa, an indie rock band.
According to ChatGPT, the lessons that we can learn from Esther include courage, faith, wisdom, selflessness, leadership, divine timing, and advocacy. But is that all? What else can we learn from Esther? The story of Esther is interesting not only because of its content but also because it reveals the patriarchal structure of Ancient Near Eastern society, the roles of women in different systems, and various power dynamics. This time, we will try to look at it from a new perspective, putting ourselves in Esther’s experience and reflecting on what meaning this story can have for us today.
There is no recording for this class.
Joseph Kwan(he/him) is currently a final year Master of Divinity student at Princeton Theological Seminary, and he joined Nassau Presbyterian in 2022. Joseph is originally from Hong Kong, where he was born, raised, educated, and lived for most of his life. Before coming to the US for ministerial formation, he studied theology for four years in Hong Kong. His living and educational experience in Hong Kong gave him a special lens through which to approach the scriptures and Christian tradition from a post-colonial and East Asian perspective. He is a candidate for ordained ministry in the Presbyterian Church (USA) under care through our church.
“Let Justice Roll Down” Anna Strickland (graphic image, inspired by Amos 5:18-24) | A Sanctified Art LLC | Used by special permission. All rights reserved.
Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.
October 6 | Lorraine Jackson
A Report on the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
As a delegate with the Presbyterian Women’s group to the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW ‘68) Conference held in March 2024, Lorraine Jackson had the privilege of attending a number of discussions, seminars, and presentations by folks from around the world focused on the theme of “Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective.” Having gleaned a number of fascinating personal stories, she will present a report on her experiences and share some of her impressions from that impressive gathering.
Lorraine Jackson, a long-time member of Nassau Church and Choir member, is also currently serving as the Co-Moderator of the Presbyterian Women in the Coastlands Presbytery. She has been a Deacon and Elder and active participant on several Mission and Worship Commissions. A four-decade dedicated library and adult literacy advocate, Lorraine has served as the Director of the South Brunswick Public Library where she founded Literacy Volunteers of America, Middlesex County. She has held executive roles in The American Library Association and the International Federation of Library Associations, where she founded portable library systems in developing countries. She still teaches English as a Second Language for the Library. For many years pre-covid, she practiced weekly with her fellow Scottish Country Dancers. She also leads the Jersey Jam Scottish Fiddlers. Lorraine lives in Cranbury with her husband Bart with whom she paddles, hikes, pedals their tandem bicycle, and grows the grapes for their own Chateau Bonne Chance wine. Together they have explored over 80 countries.
October 13 | Damon Venable & Rev. Dr. Russell Owen
Spotlight on Justice: Who Should Decide Who Gets a Second Chance?
New Jersey also ranks 4th among all states in its percentage of elderly people serving life sentences. Almost 500 people incarcerated in New Jersey are age 65 or older. The Rehabilitative Release bill now pending in the N.J. legislature will provide meaningful opportunities for elders in prison to petition the courts for sentence revisions or reductions. As communities of love, faith, and justice, how are we the voice of the voiceless and/or the vote of the voteless. Come and hear the perspective on the pressing need for this Second Chance legislation from two Lifers who survived over 30 years in the New Jersey Prison System. Rev. Russell Owen and Damon Venable will share their stories accompanied by videos lifting up other voices to explain why your voice and vote on this issue are critical.
Damon Venable is a Community Affairs & Policy Specialist with the New Jersey Office of the Public Defender. He was tried as an adult and convicted to a sentence of life imprisonment for a crime he committed when he was 16. While challenging his sentence, he was released on parole after serving more than three decades in prison. During his time in prison, he continued his education and received a degree in Justice Policy from Rutgers University. After his release, he joined the NJOPD as a paralegal and is now serving in a number of roles in that office, including as a liaison for the recently launched clemency initiative.
Rev. Dr. Russell Owen,at age of 19, was sentenced to 30 to life within New Jersey Correctional Facilities. He was released on parole after serving 32 carceral years. He has earned various degrees and continues to find solace as a student, while gathering tools of freedom and liberation. While incarcerated, he was one of the original contributors/students of the NJ STEP program, which has grown into one of most successful college prison programs nationally. He has received the Esther Award from New Brunswick Theological Seminary for Transformative Radical Truth-Telling. He is a Rutgers alumni and is a member of the Phi Alpha Honor Society for Social Work. Since being released in 2021, he is now the statewide Power Organizer of Live Free New Jersey, which focuses on ending gun violence, mass incarceration, criminalization, and police brutality at the local, state, and national level. He does this in unison with Faith in New Jersey, a multi-faith, multi-racial civic engagement vehicle for faith communities and everyday people who strive to fight for social justice.
Join us for an enriching and dynamic series exploring the gift of divine creativity. You are invited to engage with writers, dancers, poets, and visual artists who will guide our understanding of how creative practices can deepen our spiritual journey. Each artist will uniquely illuminate how we are invited into God’s creative power. Come and be inspired to appreciate and practice creation in ways that reflect the beauty, diversity, and imagination of God. The Adult Education Committee is excited to partner with Art of Faithfulness to more broadly introduce the congregation to a few of the artists who will offer small groups and art exhibits throughout the year.
Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.
September 8 | Carey Wallace
Everyone is an Artist
Carey Wallace is the author of The Blind Contessa’s New Machine (Penguin), The Ghost In The Glass House (Clarion), and The Discipline of Inspiration (Eerdmans). She works to help people from all walks of life find inspiration and build strong creative habits to sustain a lifetime of creation. She performs as a songwriter, exhibits her own fine art, and has spoken on art, faith, and justice with students at Princeton, Julliard, Emory, Pratt, and Yale. Her articles and poems have appeared in Time, Detroit’s Metro Times, and America.
Roz Anderson Flood has been reading, writing, editing and teaching poetry for over 50 years and currently serves on the board of Copper Canyon Press, a non-profit poetry publisher. At Nassau Church, she has worn many hats. Currently, in addition to participation in programs for the Art of Faithfulness, Roz sings in the Adult Choir. In her day job, she is Assistant Vice President for Planned Giving, Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health in Philadelphia.
Meagan Woods is an interdisciplinary artist who works in dance, theatre, and costume design. She holds an MFA in Interdisciplinary Studies from Simon Fraser University and a BFA in Dance from Rutgers University. Her work has been shown at NJPAC, Bryant Park, Lincoln Center and venues across the US, Canada, Portugal, France, Taiwan, and The Philippines. Meagan has had the pleasure of choreographing for Nassau Church services as an artist-in-residence in 2010 and 2018 and is thrilled to be back this season. Learn more at
Portraits of Immigrants: Unknown Faces, Untold Stories
Betsy Ashton studied both international relations and fine art at American University (B.A. 1966). After a 20-year career as a news anchor and reporter on radio and television in DC and NYC, she is now painting in a Long Island City studio. Betsy’s portraits have been shown in numerous juried shows and are included in public and private collections throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, and in Italy, including one that hangs in the collection of the U.S. Embassy in London.
9:00 a.m. | Assembly Room, with coffee and breakfast snacks
In this five-week series through June, we will learn from activists and historians as they seek justice and point the way toward a better future for us all. We will listen and learn with advocates for a humane criminal justice system and an expert on Princeton’s fraught history with race. A scholar on church hymn composition will close the series with song and the history of Lift Every Voice and Sing.
Thank you to the Mass Incarceration Task Force for organizing this month’s leadership.
Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.
June 2 | Sean Washington
Wrongful Conviction to Exoneration: My Journey for Justice
Wrongfully convicted of multiple homicides, Sean Washington served twenty-five years before his eventual release. Come hear about his experiences in prison and the work Sean has done and continues to do since his release to help incarcerated people and their families.
Unfortunately the audio for this class was not captured.
Sean Washington, born and raised in Camden, NJ, dropped out of school to work and help support his family. Earning his GED while in prison and studying to be a paralegal helped develop the skills to prove his innocence. He was also a tutor helping other prisoners complete their high school educations. Since his release in 2020, he has worked as a paralegal, served as a youth mentor, spoken at legislative hearings, and advocates for prison reform. His mission is “to make a difference in this world and leave it in a better place.”
Advocating and mobilizing in New Jersey isn’t enough to truly transform the harmful conditions too many families face. Come learn how relational faith based powerbuilding is the key to building beloved community and living into who we are as people of faith. We’ll take the first steps toward our own internal revolution and begin answering the question of who we need to become.
Charlene D. Walker, Executive Director of Faith in New Jersey, is a New Jersey native and a powerful woman of faith with a consistent record of fiercely advocating for racial, immigrant, economic, and social justice. She challenges leaders and institutions to better unite our social movements and to work towards dismantling systems of hate and oppression.
Rising from the Ashes: A Journey of Redemption, Advocacy, and Education
Come hear the life story of Donte Hatcher, Sr., founder of Knowledge is the New Currency, a non-profit that assists at-risk youth. Learn about his deeply personal journey through incarceration and his transformation through education and his research to reform the system that once held him captive.
Donte Hatcher, Sr.holds a degree in psychology and advocates for mental health awareness. He founded a non-profit organization called Knowledge Is the New Currency which empowers justice-impacted individuals and at-risk youth through education, mentorship, and community support. He is currently researching ways to reform the mass incarceration system.
Hear from lifelong Princeton resident, teacher, historical guide and advocate, Shirley Satterfield as she discusses our town’s segregated history through the lens of her life, her ancestors and descendants, including justice denied and achieved throughout her career.
Shirley Ann Satterfield, the fourth of six generations of the VanZandt Moore May family in Princeton, was educated in the Princeton Schools during the segregated years and graduated from Princeton High School. While a student at Bennett College for Women (Greensboro, NC), Shirley participated in the 1960 sit-ins with the Greensboro Four, students from A&T University. She earned her Master’s Degree in Guidance/Personnel Services from Trenton State College (now the College of New Jersey). She taught English and history for many years and was a guidance counselor in Hightstown and Princeton High Schools.
James Weldon Johnson and his brother, J. Rosamond Johnson, wrote this anthem in 1900 and also devoted their talents to preserving the tradition of the “spirituals.” Now known as the “Black National Anthem,” join us to learn about its place in the history of the Black Church and its impact on the global church’s quest for social justice.
Paul E. Rorem, Princeton Theological Seminary’s Benjamin B. Warfield Professor of Medieval Church History Emeritus, earned an MDiv from Luther Theological Seminary, an STM from The Lutheran Theological Seminary, and a PhD from Princeton Seminary. An ordained Lutheran minister, he is interested in medieval church history and Pseudo-Dionysius. His courses covered the confessions and influence of St. Augustine, the Christian mystical tradition, medieval Christianity, and the spiritual and theological legacy of the Pseudo-Dionysian writings. He is editor of Lutheran Quarterly and Lutheran Quarterly Books.
His new book, Singing Church History: Introducing the Christian Story through Hymn Texts,published in May 2024, is available for purchase in the church office through June for the discounted “author event” price of $18 (retail $34). Contact Lauren Yeh (email) in the church office.