Call to Action: Abolish Prison Slavery

Members of Nassau, Witherspoon and Westminster Presbyterian Churches are creating a coalition of faith groups in Central NJ who are deeply concerned about an exception that was written into the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (in 1874).

The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude except for those convicted of a crime.  We view this exception as morally wrong. It perpetuates the legacy of slavery itself in the form of demeaning involuntary servitude in our prisons.  In the long term, it is socially destructive, since the formerly incarcerated are returned to society impoverished and demoralized rather than rehabilitated.

A number of states copied the language of the U.S. 13th Amendment and its inhuman “exception” into their state constitutions. New Jersey does not have such language in its constitution. Nonetheless, our prison system takes advantage of that exception in its use of involuntary servitude.

A diverse group of seven states have now voted to remove that exception through citizen referendums. Rhode Island recently set an example in 2022 by adding this language to its state constitution:

Slavery shall not be permitted in this state.

The New Jersey bills (download and read them below) are similarly worded.

We are calling on the NJ State Legislature to quickly pass Senate Bill SCR135 and Assembly Bill ACR125 which would put a constitutional amendment before NJ voters in November 2024. This bill would explicitly forbid slavery or involuntary servitude in the state, including for conviction of a crime.

Please join us in this urgent effort and contact your NJ state legislators to urge that these bills be passed.

Search for your State Representatives by town:

NJ Legislature (link)

Mailing Addresses

New Jersey Senate
State House
P.O. Box 099
Trenton, NJ 08625-0099
New Jersey General Assembly
State House
P.O. Box 098
Trenton, NJ 08625-0098


Nassau: Patti Daley (Email)

Witherspoon:  Barbara Flythe (Email)

Westiminster:   Karen Hernandez-Granzen  (Email)

Learn more

Abolish Prison Slavery NJ (link)

July Adult Ed: Justice & Journeys

“Plan of Princeton” an 1875 map of Princeton, New Jersey, drawn by C.L. Fulton from Lewis Library – Map Collection, Princeton University.

This summer, join us in looking back at the fall session of the Supreme Court. Congregational favorite Larry Stratton returns on July 9 at 9:00 am to guide us through the key rulings that took place.

On the following three Sundays, Nassau members will lead tours of the Princeton area – Princeton Cemetery, local landmarks, and the remarkable sculpture collection that resides on Princeton University’s campus. Each tour begins in the Assembly Room, at 11:15 am. Water bottles and granola bars will be available for all participants.

Adult Education classes will take a summer sabbatical in August and return in the fall on September 10.

Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.

July 9 | 9:00 a.m., Assembly Room

Summary and Reflections on the U.S. Supreme Court’s October 2022 Term

This session will summarize the U.S. Supreme Court’s major rulings from the October 2022 term regarding student loan debt forgiveness, environmental regulation, affirmative action in college admissions, public accommodations and free speech, religious accommodations, copyright laws and artwork, tax debts and public takings, union strikes and property, and other critical topics. The discussion will not only report on the holdings and arguments of the majority and dissenting opinions, but also explore analytical and interpretive themes from the decisions. Moreover, the class will discuss the role of the judiciary in the constitutional order.

Lawrence M. Stratton is Professor of Ethics and Constitutional Law and Director of the Stover Center for Constitutional Studies and Moral Leadership at Waynesburg University in Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. in Christian Social Ethics and M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, his J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center, and his B.S. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. As a Field Education Intern at Nassau Presbyterian Church during his M.Div. studies, he deepened his exploration of American Constitutional Law in relation to insights from the Christian Faith.

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July 16 | 11:15 a.m., Assembly Room

A Tour of some Meaningful Places in our Church Neighborhood

A walk of about 2 miles to locations associated with memories of indigenous people, slaves, some 18th and 19th century Presbyterian presidents/pastors, and other notable people, including Betsy Stockton, Paul Robeson, and Albert Einstein.

Gordon Thomas is an Emeritus Professor of Physics at NJIT, retired physicist at Bell Laboratories, hiker, swimmer, and runner, as well as a 37-year member of our church, where he is a pre-K teacher and recently a tenor. He has led informal walking tours of our area several times, inspired by our Men’s Bible Study group and by our group that works with the Witherspoon Presbyterian Church to bend the moral arc of justice.

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July 23 | 11:15 a.m., Assembly Room

The Shape of Faith: A Sculpture Walk

Explore the backyard of Nassau Church, home to one of the country’s most significant collections of 20th and 21st century sculpture. Join Elizabeth Steel, Princeton Seminary doctoral student studying art and theology, for a tour of sculpture on the campus of Princeton University. During an easy, one-mile stroll, we’ll view several pieces, consider how each work interacts with scripture, and reflect on what that may mean for our own faith.

Elizabeth Steel is continuing her studies at Princeton Theological Seminary as a PhD student after earning an MDiv and an MA in Christian Education and Formation in 2022. With a BA in art history from the University of Virginia, she is currently exploring the capacity art holds for theology reflection and formation. She grew up in McLean, VA and didn’t anyone could be anything other than Presbyterian until high school.

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July 30 | 11:15 a.m., Assembly Room

Princeton Cemetery – 266 Years of Princeton History

Princeton Cemetery was established in 1757 and has been in active use as a community burial ground ever since. We will tour the older part of the cemetery and learn a bit of Princeton History. Join us to hear about notable residents, observe the evolving ways Princetonians have been memorialized and learn some bits of cemetery trivia.

Linda Gilmore
Linda Gilmore

Linda Gilmore is the business administrator of Nassau Presbyterian Church. She joined the staff in 2002 and added the administration of the cemetery to her duties more recently. She has enjoyed learning more about the non-business side of the cemetery and looks forward to sharing this with others.

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School Supplies Drive

Trenton students head back to school – help us provide the supplies they need for success.

Every September the new school year brings excitement and lots of new goodies. This year students will be returning from virtual or hybrid learning during the pandemic to the more familiar routines of the schoolhouse. In any event, the supplies add up. In 2022 the average family spent over $270 per student, just too much for many families in our area.

We are joining with Westminster Presbyterian Church (WPC), our partner church in Trenton, to provide 150 backpacks filled with essentials for local kids.  WPC will distribute the school supplies in partnership with Trenton Music Makers, the Apostalic Church, LALDEF, and Sprout University of the Arts.

Donations will be accepted through Sunday, August 11.

Please bring new backpacks to worship on Sunday mornings and place them in the marked basket in the narthex.

To fill the backpacks, we have found that monetary donations go the farthest so that Nassau can purchase grade-specific school supply packs in bulk. Thank you for giving as you are able to help make sure students in Trenton are better prepared for the academic year ahead.

School supply bundles:

  • Elementary Pack, $30
  • Middle School Pack, $40
  • High School Pack, $55

Monetary donations can be made by check or online. Make checks out to Nassau Presbyterian Church, noting “School Supplies” in the memo line and drop in the collection plate or mail to the church office. Use the button below to donate online, choose “School Supplies” from the drop-down Funds box.

Give Now (link)

Every gift helps better prepare children for the year ahead with needed school supplies and with the knowledge that the wider community is cheering them on. Thank you!


Loaves & Fishes 2023 – our 31st year of service

Our upcoming congregational day of service at Loaves and Fishes at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Trenton, will take place on Saturday, August 19.

Volunteering for Loaves and Fishes, whether it’s donating food, personal care items, money, or time, is an opportunity to be fed and to join our community of faith in action. We do what our Lord asks of us.

As we prepare meals, serve, and clean up, we are serving our most vulnerable neighbors, and if you can take a moment to breathe on that busy day, you’ll find that you are being filled and sustained, too.

Our initial plans this year are to provide 200 hot meals to our dinner guests.  As they leave that day, each guest will each receive a bag with another dinner meal, a bag lunch as well as personal care items. Please consider serving those who need a little extra assistance.

Take this opportunity to serve God and enjoy the community of Nassau Church.

Contact Scott Harmon (email)

Sign Up (link)

June Adult Ed: Life After Incarceration

June 2023

9:00 a.m. | Assembly Room (unless otherwise noted)

Bending the Moral Arc Toward Justice in the Season of Juneteenth

In our second Juneteenth series, formerly incarcerated persons will share the paths they have followed after incarceration, and we will learn about programs that support returning citizens as entrepreneurs, job trainers, educators and advocates.

Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.

June 4

Witnessing God’s Transforming Love in our Local Economy

Come learn about the Trenton Microloan Collaborative (TMC), a partnership between Nassau Presbyterian Church and Westminster Presbyterian Church, Trenton. The mission of the TMC is to support formerly incarcerated entrepreneurs in the Trenton area. TMC offers support through zero interest loans and pro bono accounting services to entrepreneurs who have been in business for at least 2 years. The TMC seeks to be a witness to God’s transforming love in our local neighborhoods, in our local economy.

(we join the class in progress)

Jeffrey Augustin is the owner of Dealz Dealz Dealz, a retail store at 103 E. State Street in Trenton. He is the first recipient of business support from the Trenton Microloan Collaborative.
Jacque Howard is an elder at Westminster Presbyterian Church and the owner of the Trenton 365 Show which conducts interviews with people involved in bettering community life in Trenton. He is a founding member of the Trenton Microloan Collaborative.
Jonathan Shenk is a small business entrepreneur and a Presbyterian minister. He is the owner of Greenleaf Painters LLC, based in Lawrenceville. He attends Nassau and Westminster Presbyterian churches. He is
also a founding member of the Trenton Microloan Collaborative.

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June 11

Breaking the Chains of Poverty Through Training and Education

Come hear the life story of Andre Thomas, an award winning professional educator who teaches former carceral citizens, among others, to practice trades that provide sustaining income. A 22-year employee of the nonprofit community builder Isles in Trenton, Thomas provides a compelling testimony of what bending the moral arc toward justice looks like on a daily basis.

Andre Thomas began working at the Isles Youth Institute in 2001 as the Operations Manager. He is currently the Senior Training Manager at Isles, where he trains contractors in leadsafe renovations and energy efficient practices. He and his father, Calvin Thomas, manage a youth leadership program called Healthy Relationship Healthy Choices in partnership with The Father Center of NJ. He is also the Life Skills Coach at the Trenton Circus. Andre takes advantage of every opportunity to use his skills and networks to assist people in his community and beyond.

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June 18

Ministry of Presence: Educating Vulnerable Populations in the Age of Technology

Technology has transformed the way we live, work, and learn. For vulnerable populations, access to technology and quality education remains a challenge. The Ministry of Presence emphasizes the importance of physical presence and human connection in education, aiming to create a more inclusive and equitable education system that empowers all students to reach their full potential.

Nafeesah Ali Goldsmith is cofounder and COO of YFOF (Youth Function Over Form) a youth justice organization focused on creating prison-free furniture. She is also founder and CEO of RISE (Real Intervention Supports Excellence) a mission based sustainability initiative that supports at-risk communities. She holds an MA in Criminal Justice from Monmouth University, along with a BA in Sociology from Rutgers the State University of NJ. Nafeesah began her college career while serving a 15 yr prison sentence at EMCFW (Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women) in Union Township, NJ. Nafeesah’s vision is to connect to the youth and global community by educating on the topic of prison abolition.

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June 25

No Adult Education Class today; Vacation Bible School set up

Art & Theology: A Presbyterian Potpourri

May 7-21, 2023

9:30 a.m. | Assembly Room (unless otherwise noted)

Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.

May 7

Jesus and the Wild Beasts: Incarnation and the Natural World

Church and world today face a monumental ecological crisis. Is the witness of Scripture ecologically unfriendly as some of its critics charge? Does the incarnation of God’s Word in Jesus Christ have significance for the natural world as well as for humanity?

(appologies: the recording begins about 10 minutes in to the presentation)

Dan Migliore holds a B.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Princeton University. An ordained Presbyterian minister, , the 4th edition of his Introduction to Christian Theology, Faith Seeking Understanding, was published in April of this year.

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May 14

God, Time, and Predestination

Does God control the world? Do we have freedom? How is eternity related to time? In this session we’ll map the history of theological dilemma and answers. And we’ll pose one solution that might just rule them all.

Mark Edwards
Mark Edwards

Mark Edwards, author of Christ is Time: The Gospel according to Karl Barth (and the Red Hot Chili Peppers) is an adjunct professor at Princeton Theological Seminary and The College of New Jersey; a Lecturer in the Department of Religion at Princeton University; and Director of Youth Ministry at Nassau Presbyterian Church. He has a PhD in philosophy and theology from Princeton Theological Seminary.

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May 21

9:00 a.m. | Assembly Room

Art of Faithfulness:
Reflection on a year with our artists

Our 2022 – 2023 program year provided multiple opportunities to engage with art and faith in new ways. Come and hear about the evolution of the Art of Faithfulness at Nassau and engage with our panel of artists as they reflect on the year, providing perspectives of their work at the intersection of art and faith. We hope this discussion will intrigue and energize you to engage with the Art of Faithfulness offerings for 2023 -24, sneak previews will be provided!

Annalise Hume is a dancer who spends her time teaching, facilitating movement workshops, and offering Spiritual Direction to others with the hope of helping individuals and groups take steps towards wholeness and flourishing. She holds a BFA in Dance from Univ. of Minnesota and MDiv and MA from Princeton Theological Seminary. Her work brings together faith and movement as she invites participants to live out their own faith and purpose.

Roz Anderson Flood serves as a deacon and sings in the Adult Choir; she is a member of the Worship and Arts Committee and is a ruling elder, not currently on the Session. Roz led Poetic Pathways, a small group to explore poetry and how it speaks to faith. This year her group focused on the Creation Story as a foundation. In addition to her other gifts that she brings to Nassau, she is herself a poet.

Carmelle Beaugelin is a Haitian-American visual artist based in Princeton, NJ. Her creative focus includes paintings inspired by Afro-Latin Caribbean art styles and Christian spirituality. She is the Founder and Lead Curating Artist at BeauFolio Studio. Carmelle received her Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary.


Ned Walthall is a photographer based in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. He received his MFA from the Institute of Art and Design at New England College (formerly the New Hampshire Institute of Art). His work has been shown in galleries throughout the United States and abroad. Ned has led Sacred Art of Photography in our Small Group series since 2015. His group focuses on the intersection of photography and faith, encouraging participants to deepen their faith by exploring the world through their own photography and reflecting on the works presented by others during small group sessions.

Kim Kleasen is a musician and creative spirit. A long-time member of the Adult Choir and flautist, she sees the creativity each of us possesses as a pathway to deepening faith and purpose. She holds a Bachelor of Music from Michigan State and an MBA and Ed.D. in Organizational Studies. During the pandemic she completed a course of study in spiritual direction at General Theological Seminary where she focused on the arts as a pathway to faithfulness, leading several small groups since 2021. Her study launched the Art of Faithfulness at Nassau, where she is one of its leaders.

Celebration of Corrie Berg – June 4, 2023

Corrie Berg

As we prepare to celebrate Corrie with gratitude for her years of service at Nassau Presbyterian Church, we would like to gather your good wishes and memories for her in a memory book.  We will also be collecting financial donations that will be put toward the purchase of a gift certificate for the Berg family to attend a concert of Corrie’s choice in their new hometown of Washington D.C.! We look forward to sharing these gifts with her at our all church catered picnic after worship on Sunday, June 4.

Therefore, you are invited to celebrate Corrie in these ways:

  • Register for the picnic lunch on Sunday, June 4, at 11:00 a.m. here at Nassau Church.
  • Contribute to the gift certificate to express our thanks for her ministry among us.
  • Submit your words of thanks and well wishes to Corrie and photographs of Corrie during these years of ministry — contribute to the scrapbook below.

The deadline for each of these is May 25. But don’t put it off, do it now.

Contribute to the purse

Choose the “Staff Appreciation Fund”

Thank you,

The Committee to Celebrate Corrie

John Parker, Lisa Pisano, Kate Torrey, Kristin Koop, Ingrid Ladendorf

Questions can be directed to Lauren Yeh (email) in the church office: 609-924-0103 x106.

Corrie’s Scrapbook

Visual instructions for uploading pictures and/or documents (PDF)

#MissionMonday – Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center

Celebrating and ensuring the indelible mark of Johnsonburg on the future

Over the past six weeks you’ve heard from friends and members of the Nassau community as they recounted their memories of Camp JBurg and their hopes for its future. We invite you to join the Cook Davis, Mackichan Walker, Olsen, and Wood Yeh families (among many more in our community) in supporting the “Marked for the Future” campaign.

Learn More & Donate

Camp Johnsonburg – Summer Camp Registering Now!

Johnsonburg is a place where all may gather, and all are welcomed in God’s beautiful creation…and we are registering for SUMMER CAMP!

As New Jersey’s only Presbyterian summer camp, we have been the highlight of summer for thousands of kids across our 63 years.
We’ve got six 1-week overnight sessions for kids in rising 1st-12th grades from June to August. We have tons of activities, and our camp counselors are carefully hired, screened, and trained to be great role models for campers. Summer camp has been shown to increase social and emotional wellness in children and youth, as well as teaching them to be more independent and helping them to make friends. Compliment the faith building you are doing in church and at home with what will be your child’s favorite week of the summer. For more information, visit

Learn More (Summer Camp)

Bishop William Barber in Princeton, April 30, 2023

Sunday, April 30, 2023, 3:00-4:00 PM

Jewish Center of Princeton, 435 Nassau Street
No fee, but registration is required.

We would be honored to have you join with community clergy, social justice activists, leaders and elected legislators, and friends as we welcome the visionary and distinguished BISHOP WILLIAM J. BARBER II to Princeton. This is not a fundraiser; there is no fee for attendance, but pre-registration is required to ensure your seat.

Register (link)

Bishop Barber will deliver the 33rd Annual Amy Adina Schulman Memorial Lecture in remembrance of our daughter who was born in Princeton, educated in our public schools, was very involved in social justice activities, but died suddenly at age 20 from a brain aneurysm. These memorial lectures continue her life’s commitment to peace and equality.

The renowned Bishop Barber’s talk is a most timely and critical one for all of us in Princeton, surrounding areas, and across the U.S. – strategies for effective interreligious collaboration and deepening solidarity; building sturdy bridges to advance lasting racial, economic, and environmental equality, justice, and security. (If somehow, you’ve not heard of Bishop Barber, do check online to read his amazing history of activism, extraordinary honors, his pastoral work, and most recently his appointment at Yale’s Divinity School as Director of the Center of Public Theology and Public Policy.)

This 33rd Annual Memorial Lecture will be held at The Jewish Center of Princeton, 435 Nassau St., Princeton. The synagogue has large but limited seating and parking capabilities. We have learned to require prior registration to ensure a smooth seating procedure.

Please register to ensure your seat:

Ruth Schulman, Chair