#MissionMonday – Valentines for Food (2022)

Help the Hungry in Mercer County Feed Their Families


Arm in Arm needs your generous now more than ever!

In 2021 they have DOUBLED the number of food pantry visits, mobile deliveries and community grab ‘n go events”

  • Pre-pandemic = 20,000
  • 2021 = 40, 140

Now you can DOUBLEyour support of Arm in Arm! Financial contributions received by February 24 will be MATCHED by a faithful group of Nassau Church donors.

Arm In Arm has NEVER seen its shelves go empty, thanks to the generosity of its supporters – YOU!

How can you help? Follow the links for more detailed information below.

  • DONATE: Drop off food to the pantry at Nassau (download the shopping list below).
  • PARTICIPATE: in the online virtual food drive.
  • CONTRIBUTE: Monetary donations can be sent to Nassau or directly to Arm In Arm.
  • VOLUNTEER: your time at one of our pantries in Trenton or Princeton. There is a specific immediate need for volunteers at the Princeton pantry on Mondays & Tuesdays.

Watch a Moment for Mission from Arm in Arm’s Executive Director, David Fox:

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  • DONATE: healthy, non-perishable food to our pantry, 12-16 oz. cans, no glass containers, please! Remember to check expiration dates.
    • Corn Flour (Maseca)
    • Canned Vegetables (low-fructose)
    • Rice
    • Canned Proteins (tuna, salmon, chicken, chili)
    • Canned Beans (low-sodium)
    • Peanut Butter
    • Cereal
    • Canned Fruits
    • Seasonings
    • Shelf-Stable Milk (Parmalat)
    • Honey
    • Vegetable/Canola Oil
  • PARTICIPATE: in our Valentines for Food virtual food drive. Visit https://amplify.ampyourgood.com/user/campaigns/3983 to purchase food that will be delivered directly to Arm In Arm.
  • CONTRIBUTE: On-line or by mail and remember that your gift will be DOUBLEDthanks to the generosity of several Nassau Presbyterian Church members.
    • Arm In Arm: arminarm.org/valentines or by using the Valentines for Food envelopes in Nassau’s pew rackS (make checks payable to “Arm In Arm” and note in the Memo: “Nassau”)
    • Nassau: https://nassauchurch.org/giving/give-now/or mail to 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542 (make checks payable to “Nassau Presbyterian” and note in the Memo: “Valentines for Food”)
    • Contact the church office by phone 609-924-0103 or by email if you have any questions.
  • VOLUNTEER: at one of our food pantries during the week. Email for more details.
    • to volunteer in Princeton, immediate need for help on Mondays (11am-2pm or 1:30pm-4pm) and Tuesdays (10am-2pm)
    • to volunteer in Trenton

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Did you know that in a single year Arm In Arm provides enough food for its clients to prepare approximately one million meals for themselves and their families? When you support Valentines for Food, you support Arm In Arm’s effective response to food insecurity in our area.

Our Princeton Food Pantry at Nassau Presbyterian Church

  • Arm In Arm’s Princeton Pantry serves approximately 300-400 families on a regular basis. These are local families and seniors, many of whom are served bi-monthly through home deliveries made by volunteers to communities on: Clary Street, Witherspoon Street, Redding Circle, and Spruce Circle.
  • Visits to and deliveries from this pantry alone in 2021 were more than double from those in 2020, and increased four times from the pre-pandemic number.
  • Families receive fresher, healthier food and Arm In Arm has made a commitment to providing families with fresh produce on a regular basis. Our food budget has tripled since before the onset of the pandemic.
  • Nutrition education is provided to community members including by virtual zoom classes in both English and Spanish.

Our Agency

  • Arm In Arm operates 3 food pantries in Mercer County:
    • Nassau Presbyterian Church in Princeton
    • 123 East Hanover Street in Trenton
    • 48 Hudson Street in Trenton
  • The pandemic has exacerbated the need and in 2021, over the course of 45,140 visits to Arm In Arm’s three food pantries, and through mobile deliveries and grab ‘n go events in the community, people had access to healthy, high quality food for themselves and their families. This is DOUBLE the pre-pandemic level.
  • People are coming more often; it is expensive to live in our area and the food provided helps to ease the burden, freeing up resources to cover rent, medical bills, car repairs, or even shoes for their children.
  • Donations of In-Kind Food from Food Drives are critical: Every grocery order includes approximately $15-20 of food that Arm In Arm purchases. This food is supplemented with $30-$40 of food that is donated by the local food bank and by communities like Nassau Presbyterian Church and Princeton Public Schools who conduct food drives and donate much-needed non-perishables. This means that the value of a grocery order for a family is approximately $35-$50 and provides 3 days worth of food.
  • Approximately one third of the people who receive food through Arm In Arm are under age 18.
  • About one fifth of Arm in Arm’s food clients are aged 60 and above.
  • Arm in Arm provides fresh, local produce for its customers, much of it donated by farmers and farmers’ markets, and also from supporters of Yes We CAN! Food Drives; community, school, and church gardens; Whole Foods Market; Farmers Against Hunger; and our own community vegetable garden right in downtown Trenton!
    • Arm in Arm’s volunteer-tended vegetable garden produced nearly 900 pounds of fresh produce this past summer.
  • Arm in Arm hosts free health screenings at its downtown Trenton location. Clients can pick up groceries, while receiving COVID 19 vaccinations and blood pressure screenings, learning about and receiving screenings for hypertension, diabetes, glucose levels, and heart health.
  • Arm In Arm supports the Robbins Elementary School in Trenton through the Princeton Area Community Foundation’s All Kids Thrive Program, which seeks to improve educational performance by reducing chronic absenteeism. The food and case management support we provide results in improved family stability and thus far, has led to increased attendance.

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#MissionMonday – Disaster Relief, opportunities to help

As neighbors near and far face the impact of disasters, we are grateful to partner with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and other organizations working with those on the ground.

Afghan Refugees

As we join our prayers for the individuals and families impacted by the violence in Afghanistan, Nassau is in conversation to help resettle a family through Church World Service. We are grateful for Princeton Seminary’s willingness to partner again regarding housing. More information will be forthcoming on how the congregation can be of assistance in the coming weeks and months.

Donations are also welcome to the overall work Church World Service is undertaking to assist Afghan Refugees at this time. For more information and ways to give, visit: How to Help Afghans – CWS (cwsglobal.org). To give through Nassau write a check to Nassau Presbyterian Church and note “Refugee Fund” in the memo line.

Assistance for Friends For Health in Haiti (FFHH)

On August 14 at 7:28 a.m., a 7.2 magnitude earthquake occurred in Haiti. Our ministry partners at the Gatineau Clinic in the mountains outside Jérémie need our help. Katie Wolf M.D, Medical Director, from the Kingston Presbyterian Church and her staff are safe and are busy assessing damage and needs of the surrounding communities. FFHH is sharing daily news from the region and has set up an earthquake relief fund. For more information and ways to give, visit: Friends for Health in Haiti.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for Haiti

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has had long-standing decades-long partnerships in Haiti. Working closely with Presbyterian World Mission, our traditional partners on the ground and ACT Alliance, PDA is responding to emergency needs such as WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), emergency power generators, shelter, food, first aid and more. We remain committed to the long-term recovery. To give online go to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (pcusa.org). To give through Nassau, write a check to Nassau Presbyterian Church and note “Haiti” in the memo line.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for Hurricane Ida

PDA is responding to Hurricane Ida. For donation details and to watch for additional information, visit Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (pcusa.org). To give through Nassau write a check to Nassau Presbyterian Church and note “Ida” in the memo line.

To give to any one of these funds online, please review the details on our “Give Now” page:

Give Now (link)

#MissionMonday – Week of Action, August 23-29, 2021

Shades of Oppression, Resistance, and Liberation

Join with Presbyterians across the country August 23–29. PC(USA) staff have curated a week of action on the theme “Shades of Oppression, Resistance and Liberation.” Each day will lift different voices and champion justice. For more information visit: https://www.pcusa.org/weekofaction/

  • Monday, August 23 – Middle East Peace… Our Peace
  • Tuesday, August 24 – Vivencias Hispano-Latinas: Unidad en Cristo AND Systemic and Racialized Poverty
  • Wednesday, August 25 – LGBTQIA+ Resilience
  • Thursday, August 26 – No More Stolen Relatives: Murdered Missing Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People
  • Friday, August 27 – AAPI Resilence, Resistance, Power & Affirmation
  • Saturday, August 28 – Black Lives Matter
  • Sunday, August 29 – Gun Violence Response and Recognition

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Young Adult Volunteers

Introducing Jordan and Helen

The Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program is an ecumenical, faith-based year of service for young people (ages 19–30) in sites across the United States and around the world. YAVs accompany local agencies working to address root causes of poverty and reconciliation. Alongside this work, volunteers explore the meaning of their Christian faith and accountability to their neighbors in the community with peers and mentors.

Nassau is excited to hear from these two young adults connected to our congregation as they prepare for their YAV year in this Moment for Mission. Please join in praying for Helen and Jordan.

Learn more about the YAV program

YAV on PCUSA (website)

Learn more about Nassau’s 2021-22 YAVs:

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Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Forman Christian College

By Love Serve One Another

Forman Christian College (FCC) has pioneered many “firsts” in Pakistani education such as first to admit women, first Biology and first Chemistry courses. FCC enrolls about 7000 students, and provides over $1,000,000 of financial aid. About 20% of students are from the Christian minority and about 35% are women, supporting a unique interfaith coeducational experience. In addition to education, FCC engages service projects in the region encouraging students to act on the FCC motto: “By Love Serve One Another.”

Friends of Forman Christian College is an independent U.S. based 501(c)(3) founded in 2003. Their single mission is to provide support to Forman Christian College (FCC) in Lahore, Pakistan. FCC has educated Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians together in a peaceful, tolerant atmosphere for over 150 years.


Friends of FCC (website)

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Princeton Presbyterians

Campus Ministry

Princeton Presbyterians of the Westminster Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to the faithful discipleship of undergraduate and graduate students in Princeton. Last weekend, they celebrated graduating students and are excited to send them to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly” in the world.


Princeton Presbyterians (website)

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Myanmar

Prayers for Myanmar

Since the coup on February 1, Nassau has been joining in prayer for the people of Myanmar. We pray for their safety and liberation. One of our long-time mission partners Cetana, like most NGOs and INGOs in Myanmar, have suspended operations for now. There are a few smaller organizations still able to operate and the need is great. Marisa Charles spoke with Nassau’s Mission & Outreach Commitee in April. She shared the documents below as an overview of the current situation and examples of how we can continue to support our siblings in Myanmar.

Marisa Charles is an international development specialist raised at Nassau Church with over 10 years experience with NGOs in Myanmar.



Myanmar Presentation 2021 (pdf)



Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Loveland Foundation

Supporting Healing for Black Women & Girls

In memory of the 500,000 lives lost and in honor of each family and community grieving, Mission & Outreach approved a grant of $4,059 (15% of our discretionary funds for the year) to The Loveland Foundation. We know Covid disproportionately impacts communities of color, and that women often carry the heaviest burden. This gift would help support the healing of Black women and girls through therapy. Through supporting their healing, we support the healing in their families, communities, and our world.

The Loveland Foundation: The Therapy Fund for Black Women and Girls was founded in 2018 by Rachel Elizabeth Cargle. Cargle is a public academic, author, and activist. The Loveland Foundation provides access to therapy for Black women and girls across the country.


Loveland Foundation (website)

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Refugee Resettlement

Partnering with the Jewish Center Refugee Group

The Mission & Outreach Committee has partnered with the Jewish Center Refugee Group to support the resettlement of a new family in our area. A grant will assist the two adults in their medical licensing exams to transfer their work as physicians to the United States. A thoughtful Nassau member also provided a bike for the child. Please pray for all new neighbors in our area.

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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#MissionMonday – Churches for Middle East Peace

Working Together: Justice & Peace are Possible

Join CMEP for Journeys: Educate, Elevate, Advocate, Participate.

These are great events around which to gather your group for fellowship, fun, and faith-in-action! The series will introduce the people, issues, and work of pursuing peace and justice in the Middle East through a variety of virtual activities, such as Tours of the Holy Land, Cooking Classes, Book Clubs, Advocacy Action Days, and More! Our six programmatic tracks give you and your community the opportunity to dive deeper into learning about CMEP’s work and relationships, as well as the chance to bring new people into the work of peacebuilding through introductory events.


What is the mission of Churches for Middle East Peace?

Follow #MissionMonday on our social media platforms to hear about how, with your help, Nassau Presbyterian Church is supporting others in our town, our state, and across the world.

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