Adult Education Series: The End of the (Main) Line?

The Surprising Past & Uncertain Future of an American Protestant Powerhouse

October 23 – November 20, 2022

9:30 a.m. | Assembly Room

As Presbyterians, we are part of a much wider stream within American Protestant life, often called the Mainline. This tradition was long a powerhouse, which wielded vast influence across all sectors of society. But in recent years most of the headlines it has garnered have centered on its decline. In this series we will revisit the Mainline’s surprising past, paying especially close attention to how this unwieldy Protestant coalition navigated the fierce challenges of the 20th-century public square. Along the way we will also wrestle with the uncertainties of the Mainline’s present and future. In this moment of flux and crisis, where might God be leading us?

Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.

Heath W. Carter is associate professor of American Christianity at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he teaches and writes about the intersection of Christianity and American public life. He earned a BA in English and theology from Georgetown University in 2003, an MA from the University of Chicago Divinity School in 2005, and a PhD in history from the University of Notre Dame in 2012. He came to Princeton from Valparaiso University, where he was on faculty from 2012 to 2019. He spent the 2016–2017 academic year as the William S. Vaughn Visiting Fellow at Vanderbilt University. He and his family have been actively involved at Nassau Presbyterian Church since moving to Princeton.

Download Study Guide (pdf)

October 23: Surveying the Landscape

Reading: America’s Changing Religious Landscape Pew Research Center

We are living through a season of crisis for both American democracy and American Christianity. Together we’ll explore some of the challenging features of our contemporary cultural landscape, including hyper-polarization, widespread decline of trust in institutions, and the rise of “the nones.”

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October 30: A Surprisingly Big Tent

Reading: Harry Emerson Fosdick, “Shall the Fundamentalists Win?”

For a generation now the story has been that, around the time of the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial, American Protestantism split into conservative and liberal camps, never to meet again. But the reality is much more complicated. Together we’ll explore the surprisingly capacious contours of the 20th-century Mainline tent.

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November 6: The Perils & Promise of a Big Tent, Part I: the Civil Rights era

Reading: Martin Luther King, Jr., “Letter from Birmingham Jail”

Together we’ll reflect on how Mainline Protestants’ record on Civil Rights underscores both the perils and promise of a big-tent faith.

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November 13: The Perils & Promise of a Big Tent, Part II: after the 1960s

Readings: James Forman, “The Black Manifesto” The New York Review of Books; Sarah Azaransky, “The Episcopal Saint whose journey for social justice took many forms, from sit-ins to priesthood,” Religion News Service; and “U.S. Churches Offer Sanctuary to Aliens Facing Deportation,” The New York Times (subscriber link)

Together we’ll reflect on the extent to which Mainline Protestants succeeded in holding together their unwieldy, big-tent coalition in the decades following the 1960s.

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November 20: Listening for God’s Call at the End of the (Main)Line?

Readings: Martin E. Marty, “From Declinism to Discovery,” The Christian Century; James Roh, “First Top Female Pastor at SLC’s First Presbyterian comes as ‘a bolt out of the blue’ for Congregation,” The Salt Lake Tribune

While it’s easy to become overwhelmed by stories of decline and worries about cascading crises, we have not been given a spirit of fear. Where might God be calling us to go from here?

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#MissionMonday – Presbyterian Hunger Program Update

Dear members of Nassau Presbyterian Church,

Hunger is looming around the world: in the face of violent conflicts including the war in Ukraine, in the face of rising costs of food in the United States and around the world, and in the face of heat waves and other climate change related impacts that make agriculture hard and drought and flooding real concerns for food insecurity. Affordable housing is feeling more and more elusive to much of America’s population as the pandemic, inflation and other economic factors have influenced the market.

As we pray for these and all other grave situations, we also are called to act. The Hunger Program continues to partner with you, congregations, and partners around the country and world to “alleviate hunger and eliminate its root causes.”

Churches, communities and networks step up to counter the ongoing impacts of the pandemic and increased hunger and poverty caused by conflict, climate change, and rising costs. We deeply appreciate our grantee partners, networks, Hunger Action and Earth Care Congregations, Hunger Action Advocates in presbyteries, and donors who stand together to advocate for just policies and work to find ways to achieve food sovereignty, affordable housing and justice for communities.

Thank you for your financial support. We could not do the level of ministry we are able to do without the gracious support we receive. Gifts to the Hunger Program help us and our partners to create places of safety, peace, healing, and livelihood in the midst of difficult circumstances. God is present in all places, and we give praise for the ways God has moved in our world.

This summer we released our 2021 PHP Impact Report that shares a bit of the work we were able to accomplish in 2021. While numbers and statistics can’t get at the relationships and organizing that ultimately lead to addressing root causes, we do think some of the numbers are wonderful to see, as well as our strategy and a brief story from our partner in El Salvador. We invite you to read the report online:

PHP Impact Report (link)

We continue to work so that people have more and better food, communities standing for justice know they are not alone, and people around the world are allowed to enjoy the healthiness of creation as it was meant to be. Bless you for joining in this mission with us!

Rev. Rebecca Barnes
Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program

Small Groups for Fall 2022

This Fall brings a wonderful diversity of topics, leaders, and platforms, all designed to deepen your knowledge, faith, and community. Whether you opt for in-person or virtual groups, the promise that the Holy Spirit is present when two or more are gathered in God’s name remains a constant.

Click on the Small Group Name to read more.







10 a.m. (Main)Line Davis
12 p.m. (Main)Line Berg
1:30 p.m. (Main)Line Wehrheim
4 p.m. (Main)Line
(grades 4-8)
7 p.m.
Movies Adventures in Barth (Main)Line Vanderkam
  Art of Faithfulness
  Spiritual Practices
7:30 p.m. Sacred Photography

The End of the (Main)Line? The Surprising Past & Uncertain Future of an America Protestant Powerhouse

Linked In Learning Series

As Presbyterians, we are part of a much wider stream within American Protestant life, often called the Mainline. This tradition was long a powerhouse, which wielded vast influence across all sectors of society. But in recent years most of the headlines it has garnered have centered on its decline. In this series we will revisit the Mainline’s surprising past, paying especially close attention to how this unwieldy Protestant coalition navigated the fierce challenges of the 20th-century public square. Along the way we will also wrestle with the uncertainties of the Mainline’s present and future. In this moment of flux and crisis, where might God be leading us?

Weekly small groups will read Martin Luther King, Jr. Letter from Birmingham Jail, Henry Emerson Fosdicks’ Shall The Fundamentalists Win? as well as recent articles and studies highlighting pivotal moments, remarkable leaders and upcoming challenges of our Protestant tradition.

Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM in the Assembly Room as Heath Carter, Associate Professor of American Christianity at Princeton Theological Seminary, will talk through the wider societal context and continuing impact of the selected readings. Carter specializes in the intersection of Christianity and American public life in the 20th century. Pastor Dave Davis will address these same themes and challenges in his Sunday sermon adding stories of the early church from the Book of Acts as reference and inspiration.

Mondays, October 17-November 14, 12:00-1:15 p.m.
In-person and outdoors at the home of Corrie Berg in Princeton, NJ.

Register Here

Corrie Berg, is the Director of Educational Ministries and always delighted to talk about Bible stories, whether it’s with grown ups or with children. She finds that she often learns the most by discussing the stories of our faith with the people of our church.

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End of the (Main) Line? – just for Kids (4th-8th graders)

Mondays, October 17-November 14, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
In-person and outdoors at the home of Corrie Berg in Princeton, NJ.

This group is full

Corrie Berg is the Director of Educational Ministries and counts small groups as one of the great joys of her job. They offer precious opportunities to build relationships and deepen faith with her church family.

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Mondays, October 17-November 14,  1:30-3:00 p.m.
In-person at the home of Carol Wehrheim in Skillman, NJ

This group is full

Carol Wehrheim is Clerk of Session. She finds small groups a necessary part of her life with Nassau Church, and enjoys playing cornhole.

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Tuesdays, October 18-November 15, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
In-person at the home of Mary and Jim Vanderkam in Princeton, NJ.

Register Here
After retiring, Mary and Jim Vanderkam moved to the Princeton area to be closer to their children and grandchildren. Mary was an educator who taught in several contexts, in the classroom, private tutoring, and adult education. Jim was most recently a professor of Hebrew Scriptures at the University of Notre Dame, with interests in Jewish literature such as the Dead Sea Scrolls. Mary and Jim have much appreciated being members of small groups at Nassau.

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Wednesdays, October 19-November 16, 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Virtual on Zoom

Register Here
Dave Davis has been pastor and head-of-staff at Nassau since the fall of 2000. His PhD in Homiletics from Princeton Theological Seminary focused on preaching as a corporate act and the active role of the listener in the preaching event. He has published two sermon collections A Kingdom You Can Taste and Lord, Teach Us to Pray.

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Additional Small Group Options

Art of Faithfulness: Musica Divina

Mondays, October 17-November 7, 7:15-8:45PM
Hybrid: In-person (Niles Chapel, Nassau Church)
 AND on Zoom

Register Here
The Art of Faithfulness continues this year and begins with exploring the connection between music and faith. We will use the practice of Musica Divina, supported by our art of listening, reflection, journaling and discussion to explore music and it’s power to lift our faith to new heights. Musica Divina is a practice that we will cultivate and every week we will use music selected for the group and by the group, anticipating meaningful experiences and conversations as a result. Bring an open heart and mind, your faith and a desire to grow in faith and your love of music, which we all share. And, watch for more Art of Faithfulness opportunities, to be communicated soon!

Kim Kleasen is a long time member of Nassau and the Adult Choir, is currently a Deacon and has gratefully worked on our Forward in Faith Together initiatives while on Session. During the pandemic, Kim completed a course in Spiritual Direction at General Theological Seminary and using those experiences partnered with Noel Werner to lead small groups in the Art of Faithfulness, evolving to more opportunities to use creative arts as a pathway to faith. At General Seminary, Kim worked with faculty and classes to develop and lead Musica Divina,  which she now joyfully brings to Nassau Church.

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Practices for Spiritual Growth

Mondays (bi-weekly), October 17 & 31, November 14 & 28, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Virtual on Zoom

Register Here

Join us for a series on practices for spiritual growth, based on Sue Monk Kidd’s When the Heart Waits. Blending her own life experience with an intimate grasp of spirituality, Sue Monk Kidd relates the spiritual crisis that led her to a soul-saving discipline of “active waiting.” We will discuss Kidd’s insights and practices and how they may inform our own spiritual journeys. Aruna Bhargava, Lina Genovesi, Pat Costigan, and Liz Beasley will share leadership and facilitate discussions.

Liz Beasley retired from Rutgers in 2019 to spend as much time as possible with her grandchildren. She also takes classes in fiction-writing, co-chairs the activities committee for the Present Day Club, volunteers with Villages in Partnership, and serves as a deacon at Nassau Church.

Aruna Bhargava is a former college professor and an author of 8 books – fantasy/adventure for children and entrepreneurship/entrepreneur stories for adults. Aruna and her husband run a non-profit to help unemployed youth and underprivileged women in India to become entrepreneurs.

Patricia Costigan has a doctorate from Rutgers University in educational psychology with a focus on reading and learning disabilities and she works with a Child Study Team as a learning consultant in a local school district.

Lina Genovesi, a member of Nassau Church since April 2019, is an intellectual property attorney with a law firm in Greenwich, Connecticut. She spends her free time working on her memoir of growing up in Beirut, Lebanon. Her passion is helping seniors maintain optimum mental and physical health and a joyful wellbeing.

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Five Came Back…and Made Great Movies!

Sundays, October 16-November 13, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Virtual on Zoom

This group is full

Led by Frank Capra, five established and well respected Hollywood filmmakers answered the U.S. Government’s call to cover World War Two by filming documentaries aimed at inspiring support. Each artist felt the brutal impact of war and returned deeply affected by what they witnessed and filmed. Inspired by the Netflix documentary and the book, Five Came Back by film journalist Mark Harris, this group will watch and discuss five classic post war films through the lens of artists grappling with atrocity induced trauma and confusing social conflict. Movies: Treasure of the Sierra Madre; My Darling Clementine; I Remember Mama; The Best Years of Our Lives; It’s a Wonderful Life

Marshall McKnight, a lifelong movie buff, has been a Nassau Church member since 2011. He is a deacon and is active on the Mass Incarceration Task Force. He also serves on the Adult Education and Membership Committees. He was a journalist for seven years and for the last 18 has worked for the State of New Jersey.

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Adventures in Barth, Season 6

Mondays, October 10-November 14, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Virtual on Zoom

This group is full

Get “Barth Smart” as we dive into Barth’s rich Christology, including the provocative “The Judge Judged in Our Place.” First-timers and experts are welcome as we gather around this rigorous challenge to church and world. Reading is ~40 pages/week.

Mark Edwards joined Nassau as Director of Youth Ministries in 2013. He is a lifelong Presbyterian and holds a PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary. He also teaches at Princeton University, The College of New Jersey, and Princeton Theological Seminary. Mark is married to Janine and they have two great kids, lots of animals, and a bunch of backpacks. His new book is Christ Is Time: The Gospel according to Karl Barth (and the Red Hot Chili Peppers).

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The Sacred Art of Photography

In this session of Sacred Art, which will run for seven sessions, participants will create photographs in response to seven questions, three posed in the Old Testament, four posed by Jesus in the New Testament.

Download List (pdf)

The Sacred Art of Photography

Thursdays, October 20 & 27, November 3 & 10, December 1, 8, 15, 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Virtual on Zoom

This group is full

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Ned Walthall is a photographer based in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. He received his MFA from the Institute of Art and Design at New England College (formerly the New Hampshire Institute of Art). His work has been shown throughout the United States and abroad.

He and his partner, Mari Walthall, are currently at work on a photo book entitled Covid & Faith, in which they explore in some depth the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed individuals’ spiritual practice and beliefs.

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A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast

Listen as Hannah (Davis) Millson leads discussions about inclusion in the church with current and former members of Nassau’s congregation.

September 1, 2022

Danny introduces the podcast and the interview with Nancy begins about the 22 minute mark.

Listen (website)

Question of the Week: What do you think heaven looks like?

Special Guests: Hannah Millson, Project Coordinator for Employment and Business Services at AHRC NYC; Nancy Wilson & Danny Miller

Guest Question: What is the experience of people with disabilities and their families in the church?

September 8, 2022

Listen (website)

Question of the Week: Having people speak in church and preach who have accents can be controversial or difficult for some churches because of concerns about native speakers not understanding what the person is saying. What do you think about this?

Special Guests: Hannah Millson, Project Coordinator for Employment and Business Services at AHRC NYC; Bill Gaventa, Founder and Director Emeritus, Institute on Theology and Disability

Guest Question: What progress has been made with regards to disability inclusion in faith communities? What progress remains to be done?

Westminster Conservatory Recital – January 19, 2023

Westminster Conservatory Noontime Recitals
Resume on January 19
with Solo and Four-Hand Piano Music

On Thursday, January 19 at 12:15 p.m. Westminster Conservatory at Nassau will resume with a recital of music for solo piano and piano four hands. Westminster Conservatory faculty members Galina Prilutskaya and Inessa Gleyzerova Shindel will perform music of Robert Schumann and others in the Niles Chapel. The recital is open to the public free of charge; masking is optional.

The program on January 19 comprises movements from Schumann’s opus 85 collection of piano duets for “small and large children” (kleine and grosse Kinder), movements from Schumann’s opus 21 Novelletten for solo piano, and two four-hand arrangements based on music from Ireland; Fantasy on “The Last Rose of Summer” by Greg Anderson and Percy Grainger’s setting of Irish Tune from County Derry.

Westminster Conservatory at Nassau recitals will continue on February 16 with a solo recital by pianist Eric Allesee.

Next Week at Witherspoon (September 4-10)

Nassau is invited to join our siblings at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church (WSPC) for worship and study. Find information below for upcoming events, and contact the WSPC Office for zoom links.

In our charge to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” Nassau is grateful to partner with our siblings at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. Ongoing Bending the Moral Arc small groups engage in courageous conversations on race and justice facilitated by members of the Nassau & Witherspoon Partnership Team working in partnership. Those leaders pull from a running resource list to ground discussion, and we wanted to share those resources with you here. (updated January 2022)

Courageous Conversations Resources (PDF)

The Bending the Moral Arc webinar recording and resource can now be found online:

Watch the Webinar (YouTube) | Download the Resource (pdf) | Read the news story (link)

Worship Service – Livestream or In-Person

Sunday, September 4 at 10:00 a.m.

This service can be viewed online.

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Morning Prayers

Monday – Friday  at 7:00 a.m.

Each weekday morning WSPC will come together for daily morning prayers.

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Mid-Week Prayer / Devotional Bible Study

Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.

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Adult Bible Study

Saturday at 10:00 a.m.

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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon Church
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-1666 – church office

General Email




Adult Education: Hearing from All Corners of Our Community

September 11 – October 16, 2022

9:30 a.m. | Assembly Room

We are blessed to live in a global community filled with faithful scholars and individuals doing excellent work near and far. Come meet new faces, hear current voices, and expand your world this Fall. Classes begin at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays in the Assembly Room.

Audio recordings will be posted below each class description.

September 11 | Sanyua Mojola

Faith and Epidemics in South Africa

Join us to examine how societies produce health and illness, especially how gender, race/ethnicity, aging and the life course and socio-economic status shape health outcomes. South Africa is currently battling the worst HIV epidemic in the world. It is also experiencing a severe chronic disease epidemic. Come learn the causes and consequences of the HIV epidemic among middle aged and older adults, as well as the impact of the growing chronic disease epidemic on experiences of aging in rural post-apartheid South Africa.

Sanyu Mojola is Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs and the Director of the Office of Population Research at Princeton University. She holds degrees from Durham University, UK, and the University of Chicago. Her first book, Love, Money and HIV: Becoming a Modern African Woman in the Age of AIDS won multiple awards. She is working on her second book, which investigates the production of racial health inequality in the US, using the case of the HIV epidemic in Washington D.C.

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September 18 | Lisa Bowens

Reception, Resistance, and Transformation: African American Readings of Paul

How have African Americans interpreted Paul and the Pauline epistles from the 1700s to the mid-twentieth century? Come learn about African American Pauline hermeneutics, or in layperson’s terms, black interpretation and how Pauline scripture, language, and tradition, is used to resist oppression and dehumanization.

Lisa Bowens is an Associate Professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary. She holds degrees from the University of North Carolina, Duke University and Princeton Theological Seminary. She is currently working on two commentary projects, one on 2 Corinthians and one on 1-2 Thessalonians.

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September 25 | Elise McKee

A Congo-Nassau Roof for Hope, Health, and Joy

Did you know that one expression of your Matthew 25 work this year was to provide a roof for women and girls at risk in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo? Come hear Elsie McKee tell about some of the poorest of the poor whom you have helped to save and serve. Your roof now covers the Women’s Center of FEBA (Femme Berceau de l’Abondance). This Center provides space for women and girls to find hope through fellowship and education, health through counseling and medical assistance for victims of violence and food support for destitute widows, and joy in being heard and welcomed. Elsie will be standing in for Maman Monique, the president of FEBA, telling stories and showing pictures of the new ‘Nassau’ roof!

Elsie Tshimunyi McKee was born and reared in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in central Africa. She was the Archibald Alexander Professor of Reformation Studies and the History of Worship at Princeton Theological Seminary for 29 years and continues to be a member of Witherspoon St. Presbyterian Church. Since retiring, she has worked with Woman, Cradle of Abundance, Inc., the non-profit organization she and PTS friends established in 2013.


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October 2 | The Hashimi Family

When Returning Home Isn’t an Option: Starting Over From Scratch in New Jersey

When Taliban forces captured Afghanistan’s capital city in August 2021, Soraya Hashimi and her children fled the country in search of safety and freedom. The Hashimis are now our friends and neighbors in Princeton, settled here with sponsorship from Nassau Presbyterian Church and with support from many volunteers, but nothing about their flight from Kabul or building a new life in New Jersey has been simple or straightforward. Nor is their situation rare: according to the United Nations, over 100 million individuals worldwide are now displaced from their homes because of persecution, conflict, violence, or human rights violations. What is it like to build a new life from scratch? How do families face the challenges of long-term separation and immigration uncertainty? Join us to meet the Hashimi family and learn from their experience.

Soraya Hashimi and her two sons and four daughters were airlifted from Kabul in August 2021 as part of the “Operation Allies Welcome” program. After an extended stay in a resettlement camp in Texas, they arrived in Princeton in January 2022. Because Soraya’s husband was traveling when the crisis in Kabul escalated, he was separated from the rest of the family and is still waiting to be allowed to rejoin them here in New Jersey. Members of the family are working, attending school, polishing their English, and facing all the challenges of building a new life far from what once was home. The Mission and Outreach Committee and the many volunteers from Nassau Presbyterian Church and beyond are happy to welcome them as they have welcomed many previous refugee families to our community.

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October 9 | Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta

 God Calls Christians to Declare Justice and Peace in Indonesia

Being a PC(USA) mission co-worker in Indonesia is a blessing. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world but also contains a significant Christian population. In Indonesia, the church and Muslims work together to reveal God’s love to the world. Come and learn how Christians in Indonesia strive to be salt and light and living witnesses in a Muslim-majority Indonesia.

Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta is a mission co-worker from PC(USA) who serves at Duta Wacana Christian University (DWCU). She holds a degrees in religion, theology and a PhD in anthropology. Currently, Farsijana is one of the visiting scholars at the Overseas Ministries Study Center (OMSC) at Princeton Theological Seminary and is excited to visit Presbyterian churches during her 9-month stay in the US sharing about her work and ministry in a multi-faith setting. When not traveling, Nassau Presbyterian Church will be her home church during her stay in Princeton.


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October 16 | Everlyn Nicodemus

A Journey to the Arts

Come meet this year’s Artist-in-Residence at the Overseas Ministries Study Center of Princeton. Nicodemus will share how her life has been marked by movement and how that movement is reflected in her art. She grew up on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, moving across Europe – to Sweden, France and Belgium – before finally settling in the U.K. Her experience of racism and cultural trauma has prompted the creation of a unique body of work that uses unusual materials to explore human experience, from metal nettings and sisal to textiles and found objects.

Everlyn Nicodemus is one of the strongest feminist voices to emerge from Eastern Africa in the past 30 years and is an artist, writer and curator. Her research and curatorial interests focus on the history of Modern African Art. A Lutheran, Nicodemus has been worshiping at Nassau Presbyterian during her time in Princeton.

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#MissionMonday – Arm In Arm Update (August 2022)

Arm In Arm continues to serve the community at historic levels and this video created earlier this summer details their incredible work in the community. Arm In Arm is providing food to families through an average of more than 4,700 pantry visits and deliveries per month, which is more than double their pre-pandemic average. They are also providing more assistance than ever before to keep families in their homes. Arm In Arm is grateful to the Nassau Presbyterian Community for your partnership in helping them to serve at these historic levels and hopes you will continue to support us, and the community we serve, in the days, months, and year ahead– as an advocate, donor, volunteer, or ambassador. We are better together because of you!

Donate Monday (link)

Donate Food (pdf)

Donate Time (link)

Loaves & Fishes – Thank you volunteers!

This past Saturday, it was time for the big one. Loaves and Fishes, the biggest volunteer event at Nassau Church, returned. We got up early, loaded up dozens of meatloaves, hundreds of bagged lunches and trays of brownies for the trip to Trenton. And while we were neither driving at Mach 2 nor flying with our hair on fire, we did arrive on time, and our work day volunteers kicked into action. Teams of people put together the take-home meals, cooked the main meal, and ultimately served a veritable feast of meatloaf, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy.

And although I tend to fly by the seat of my pants, our coordinating committee members, Sharyn and Dave Kerschner, Claire Mulry, Angie and Allen Olsen, and Sallye Zink managed to keep us out of the danger zone.

Dozens served, hundreds were fed, and ultimately the work of our Lord was done. Special thanks to ALL the volunteers who gave their time, talent and resources to make Loaves and Fishes 2022 a success.

With gratitude,

Scott Harmon