Adult Education – August 2017

The Heart of the Matter

Grab this summer opportunity to reflect on our role as Christians in a world of uncertainty, change, and anxiety. Come looking to claim your hope, Christian resilience, and the gifts God bestows for the work our times call us to do.

Coffee and bagels served at every class

For a look at the entire Summer offerings, download the brochure: AE Summer-2017 bro.

Justice for Our Children Matters

Shannon Daley-Harris

August 6, 11:15AM
Assembly Room

Most of us are aware of children who who don’t experience the love and justice God intends. And so we yearn for more inspiration, guidance, and sustenance from our faith so we can begin to close this gap between the world God intends and the one we know, between our Sunday worship and our weekday world in which children suffer injustice. What is God’s word to us in the tension between the vision and the reality? How can we draw on Scripture, story, and statistic to put our faith into action? What lessons can we take from biblical times, historic justice movements, and our own day to fuel our work for justice? Come for a time of learning, sharing, and taking action.

Shannon Daley-Harris is the Senior Religious Advisor and Proctor Institute Director for the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF). During her more than 26 years with CDF, she has created the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Institute for Child Advocacy Ministry and the National Observance of Children’s  Sabbaths. Her work includes speaking, preaching, leading retreats and workshops, and consulting with religious groups from the national to the local level. Her most recent book is Hope for the Future: Answering God’s Call to Justice for Our Children (Westminster John Knox Press, 2016).

The Religious Lives of Presidents Matter

David Mulford

August 13, 11:15AM
Assembly Room

Learn about the denominational affiliations of our presidents as they are reviewed, along with the role religion has played in the lives, both personal and political, of several of our presidents.

David E. Mulford is a retired Presbyterian minister who continues a life-long study of the American Presidency. He has taught classes and has spoken to numerous groups on the subject over the years.

Music Matters: There Is Nothing Like a Grateful Dead Concert

Tom Coogan

August 20, 11:15AM
Assembly Room

A peace-and-love community of itinerants, living hand to mouth at the fringes of society and calling each other Brother and Sister, continues to grow in numbers twenty years after the death of its leader. Come hear what the fans of the Grateful Dead have in common with another early religious movement of long ago; it’s more than long hair and sandals. (By agreement with the Adult Ed Committee, no single musical excerpt will be longer than 45 minutes).

Tom Coogan has been a member of Presbyterian churches for 22 years, and a fan of the Grateful Dead for 38 years. At Nassau Church, where he and his family have been members for 10 years, Tom has been a Deacon, a Session member, and a softball coach.

Vocation Matters: Pursuing a Life of Meaning Halfway across the World

Marisa Charles

August 27, 11:15AM
Assembly Room

Marisa Charles, an international development specialist raised at Nassau Church, reflects on her decade of work in Burma/Myanmar, which has coincided with the country’s ongoing transition to democracy. Explore the foundational experiences that prompted her life abroad, the joys and challenges of living in a country that is not your own, and the people, experiences, and local initiatives that give her hope for Myanmar’s future.

Marisa Charles is the Deputy Director of Tharthi Myay Foundation, a Myanmar NGO that supports local civil society initiatives for rights, justice, and equality. She’s been engaging with Burma/Myanmar issues for 10+ years. And for full disclosure, yes, she is Tom and Lynn Charles’ daughter and a  child of this church’s long history of mission engagement.

The digital media files posted on the Nassau Presbyterian Church website are copyrighted by the pastors and presenting lecturers. These works are only for personal and educational use through a digital media player on a personal computer or using a personal digital media device (e.g., iPod). These works may not otherwise be archived or re-posted on the Internet, broadcast in any manner, distributed, transcribed or modified in any way without written permission of the presenting lecturer. The user of the audio file holds no license (of any form – expressed or implied) to any of the content of these files. The same applies to any PowerPoint® presentations.

Adult Education – July 2017

The Heart of the Matter

Grab this summer opportunity to reflect on our role as Christians in a world of uncertainty, change, and anxiety. Come looking to claim your hope, Christian resilience, and the gifts God bestows for the work our times call us to do.

Coffee and bagels served at every class

For a look at the entire Summer offerings, download the brochure: AE Summer-2017 bro.

The digital media files posted on the Nassau Presbyterian Church website are copyrighted by the pastors and presenting lecturers. These works are only for personal and educational use through a digital media player on a personal computer or using a personal digital media device (e.g., iPod). These works may not otherwise be archived or re-posted on the Internet, broadcast in any manner, distributed, transcribed or modified in any way without written permission of the presenting lecturer. The user of the audio file holds no license (of any form – expressed or implied) to any of the content of these files. The same applies to any PowerPoint® presentations.

Mission Matters: Christianity in Taiwan Today

Jonathan Seitz

July 2, 11:15AM
Assembly Room

Come hear about what Presbyterians are doing in Taiwan today. Explore ongoing issues and challenges and questions that impact the future. You will have a chance to ask your questions of our mission coworker on the ground in Taiwan.

Jonathan Seitz has lived in East Asia for more than a decade, first in Beijing and Singapore, and now in Taipei after first going in 2005. Jonathan and Emily are two of about 120 PCUSA mission co-workers serving throughout the world. Jonathan teaches at Taiwan Graduate School of Theology. They also lived in New Jersey for about ten years. Jonathan did his MDiv and PhD at Princeton Theological Seminary and Emily did graduate school in library science at Rutgers. Nassau has proudly supported their work since 2013.

Advocacy and Change Matter: Writing Checks, Signing Petitions, and Protest Marches… Is That All There Is?

Sam Daley-Harris

July 9, 11:15AM
Assembly Room

Are you hungry for a bigger voice in our democracy? Are you frustrated by the options you see: writing more checks, signing more petitions, and joining more protests or counter-protests? Are you wondering if that’s all there is? Sam Daley-Harris answers no, there’s so much more. For Daley-Harris the key is connecting with an organization committed to helping dissolve the powerlessness, but that’s not an easy task. Join Sam as he guides us around the pitfalls and on a path to making a profound difference on issues like getting money out of politics, climate change, ending global and
domestic poverty, and reducing the Pentagon budget.

Sam Daley-Harris founded the anti-poverty lobby RESULTS in 1980 and founded the Center for Citizen Empowerment and Transformation (CCET) in 2012. CCET helps non-profits train their members to create champions in Congress and the media for their cause. Daley-Harris coached Citizens Climate Lobby the first seven years of its existence and is author of Reclaiming Our Democracy: Healing the Break between People and Government. Ashoka (Everyone a Changemaker) founder Bill Drayton called Daley-Harris “one of the certified great social entrepreneurs of the last decades.”

The Constitution Matters: Reviewing the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2016–17 Term

Larry Stratton

July 16, 11:15AM
Assembly Room

Explore the U.S. Supreme Court’s cases regarding playgrounds and religious school funding; the scope of the duty of prosecutors to give defendants exculpatory evidence; presidential appointees and congressional recesses; gerrymandered congressional districts; land use regulation and takings; and other hot-button legal issues in the overall context of the judiciary’s place on the constitutional map following Justice Neil Gorsuch’s elevation to the U.S. Supreme Court to fill the seat of the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

Lawrence M. Stratton is Director of Waynesburg University’s Stover Center for Constitutional Studies and Moral Leadership, and Assistant Professor of Ethics and Constitutional Law at Waynesburg. Dr. Stratton received his M.Div. and Ph.D. in Christian Social Ethics from Princeton Theological  Seminary and also has a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center and B.S. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. As a field education intern at Nassau Presbyterian during his M.Div. studies, Dr. Stratton began an ongoing exploration of American constitutional  law in relation to insights from the Christian faith during many sessions at Nassau Presbyterian beginning in the fall of 2001.

The Constitution Matters in the Age of Trump

Keith Whittington

July 23, 11:15AM
Assembly Room

Come and explore constitutional issues in the Trump administration. Included will be an examination of the Supreme Court confirmation politics.

Keith E. Whittington is the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Politics at Princeton University. He is the author of several books on American  constitutional history, the U.S. Supreme Court, and the U.S. presidency. He has two forthcoming books, one on the history of judicial review of federal statutes and one on free speech on college campuses.

The Presidency Matters: What God Wrought?

Mark Herr

July 30, 11:15AM
Assembly Room

No, not Samuel B. Morse, but Trumpalooza. Come for a post mortem of the 2016 election and an interpretation of the first six months of life under the presidency of Donald J. Trump.

Mark Herr is a Managing Director and Head of Corporate Communications of Point72 Asset Management, L.P. He is responsible for creating and  overseeing the firm’s enterprise-wide internal and external communications strategy and operations. Previously, Mr. Herr was a member of the administration of New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman, serving as the Director and Assistant Attorney General in charge of New Jersey’s  Division of Consumer Affairs and Bureau of Securities. Mark is a member of Nassau Presbyterian Church.


Mission Partnership Quarterly – June 2017

June has brought opportunities to be particularly present with each of our three major mission partners. Read about the experiences of Dr. Barbara Edwards in Malawi with Villages in Partnership, and about 30 of Nassau’s members and  friends who worshiped on Pentecost Sunday with the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Trenton. Our third partner, Cetana in Myanmar, was present in spirit as their board met on our third floor over Memorial Day weekend , beautifully hosted and fed by Nassau’s Susan and Michael Jennings. All these encounters emphasize the major characteristic of partnerships that thrive – strongly nurtured relationships. Look for the signs!

As always, we welcome your questions, suggestions, and support as we seek to deepen our commitments beyond the Nassau Church community.

For the Mission & Outreach Committee,

Joyce MacKichan Walker, staff

Mission Partnership Quarterly Email Newsletter

Updates and events from our local and global mission partners. Four issues annually. Sign up to receive these updates in your email.

Update from Villages in Partnership

by Barbara Edwards

Every year the Allentown NJ based non-profit Villages in Partnership sends a medical team to Malawi. This year’s 28 person team, largely composed of doctors, nurses and nursing students, treated over 5000 patients in the deeply impoverished villages of Malawi from May 9-20. I represented Nassau Presbyterian Church as a member of this year’s team. Among other amazing experiences we spent a day away from the clinics and at local primary schools:

Wednesday was a great, fun, exhausting day. I think we are all a bit tired from everything we’ve already done this week. We never stop moving here but it is always interesting and fun. Wednesday most of the group went to visit local primary schools. They helped to clean the schools by sweeping with the local homemade brooms (made with small branches held together in your hand) and then mopping with old t-shirts on their hands and knees. Then they went to visit the classrooms where they spoke with the students. The students had lots of questions such as, “What do you eat in America? What do you do for fun? How many languages do you speak? Do you have HIV/AIDS in America? Did you bring a car over with you on the plane?”

While they were at the schools, a few of us went to a village to help cook our lunch. We prepared a large community meal for well over 100 people. We cooked outside under the trees over small fires that they built between bricks. They used corn cobs, sticks and corn stalks for fuel. We chopped greens, shelled peas, pole beans, and ground nuts (peanuts). We ground up the peanuts with a giant mortar and pestle and added them to the food. They also roasted peanuts and ground that up for the most delicious peanut butter I have ever tasted. We fetched water from the well and carried it back to the cooking area about 200 yards on our heads! We also helped to cook nsima, the local version of cooked cornmeal. With the nsima we made “relishes” that are eaten alongside mustard greens, pumpkin leaves, and sweet potato leaves cooked with tomatoes and ground nuts, okra, pigeon peas, and goat cooked with tomatoes. All the food was delicious! We sat on the ground in groups of 3-4 and ate out of shared bowls using our right hand. Yes, we wash our hands beforehand by pouring water from a cup over them. After the meal we all thanked the village and the chief for providing such a wonderful meal for us! We all feel blessed to be here.

We are looking forward to continuing our work with VIP and will keep you updated as to how you may become involved. Any questions? Please contact Loretta Wells at .

Update from Cetana Educational Foundation

by Sue Jennings

Nassau members will have a chance to see firsthand the work of our mission partner Cetana if they join a trip to Myanmar/Burma in January 2018. This will be the third trip since the Nassau/Cetana partnership began four years ago. This time participants will travel to Kanpetlet in Chin state where Nassau is supporting a teacher training project. Joyce MacKichan Walker traveled there with Sue Jennings this past January to get an overview of the project.

Kanpetlet is near Natma Taung National Park, a place of pristine natural beauty that provides opportunities for  birdwatchers, hikers, photographers, and orchid fanciers. Participants in the January 2018 tour will visit the Kanpetlet schools where Cetana is working and have a chance to meet the local leaders involved in the project. In addition, the tour will include stops in Yangon to see the Cetana flagship learning center and the country’s most revered temple, Shwedagon Pagoda; in Bagan, one of the world’s best preserved archaeological sites, where many of the two thousand plus temples date back to the 11th century; in KyaingTong on the border with Thailand, where Cynthia Paul, a beneficiary of Cetana scholarship support, now runs an English learning center; and at Inle lake, famous for its floating gardens and markets and exquisite craft workshops.

The tour is a rare opportunity for travelers to get an inside look at Myanmar/Burma and its fascinating, complex culture. We will have daily contact with local people, who have a reputation for friendliness and generosity; we will have access to monasteries, schools, and other institutions that the casual tourist never sees; and we will see the results of the Myanmar people’s resilience and ingenuity, which make our partnership so rewarding.

Exact dates and the itinerary for the trip are not yet set, but we are planning on a stay of approximately 15 days and looking for a minimum of 10 participants (maximum 16). The exact cost will depend on the number of participants and number of nights (last year for 17 nights the cost was $4600 pp, double occupancy, excluding international airfare). Some financial assistance is available for those with need. Please contact Sue or Michael Jennings () or Joyce MacKichan Walker (609-924-0103, x103, ) BEFORE JULY 9 if you are interested. Deposits will not be due till early August.

Your ideas for making this a vital partnership are welcome. For more information, contact Sue Jennings ().

Update from Westminster Presbyterian Church

by Angie Belmont

“We are standing on Holy Ground, and I know that there are angels all around. Let us praise Jesus now. We are standing in God’s presence on Holy Ground”.  On Pentecost Sunday, at Westminster Presbyterian Church, we sang Holy Ground led by the children of the church. As I looked around at all of the members, visitors, and guests, joined in song, I truly felt the presence of God. In an amazing multicultural, multigenerational, multimedia service, together with over 30 friends from Nassau Presbyterian Church, we participated in a song-filled, praise-filled, worship service that filled our hearts with love.

Our guest preacher was the Rev. Dr. Grace Ji-Sun Kim, professor of Earlham School of Religion, and co-editor of the book entitled, Intercultural Ministry: Hope for a Changing World. Pastor Karen shared the story of Westminster’s transformational story in its’ chapter 12. Pastor Karen and Rev. Dr. Kathie Sakenfeld also shared information about their book entitled, Faith of our Mothers, Living Still, which will be out in October.  Rev. Joanne Rodríguez, Rev. Patti Daley, Rev. Joyce MacKichan Walker, Rev. Wayne Meisel, and Rev. Dr. Marianne Rhebergen served as liturgist and officiants.

During the celebration of communion, Pastor Karen explained the meanings of the salutation “sawabona” and the response “sikona,” two South Africian phrases that mean “I see you, as you truly are” and the response “I exist” or “I am” not as you imagine, but as I truly am. Each person upon receiving communion, was given a hug and a “sawabona”. This traditional Westminster greeting, usually repeated during the benediction, reinforced the feeling of “una familia” throughout the worship service.

Westminster’s presence in the City of Trenton is a staple portion of the weekly “Seeking the Shalom of the City” PowerPoint presentation during our worship service. On Pentecost Sunday, various pictures were displayed highlighting the partnerships and events shared by Westminster and Nassau churches. Together, we are making a difference in the City and throughout the communities where our shared partnership has been a witness to God’s work through us.

Westminster’s Deacon, Crystal Jordan, a former caterer, prepared a delicious luncheon with funds provided by Nassau. The spirit of joyful communion during worship trickled down into our fellowship time. Many members of both churches remained after worship to break bread together as they got to know one another better.

Interested in visiting Westminster’s 11AM worship and meeting our partners? Contact Patti Daley (). Google directions from Nassau Church:

Cetana Trip in January ’18

Journey to Myanmar/Burma in January 2018

Planning is underway for the annual Cetana trip to Myanmar/Burma in mid- to late-January. Exact dates for the trip of approximately 15 days, are not yet set, but the tour will include a visit to Kanpetlet, where Nassau Church’s mission partner Cetana has just launched a teacher training project. Also on the itinerary are Yangon (and the glorious Shwedagon pagoda), archaeological site Bagan, Kyaing Tong, and Inle Lake.

Kanpetlet at Dawn

We need a minimum of 10 participants (maximum 16). The exact cost will depend on the number of participants and number of nights (last year for 17 nights the cost was $4600 pp, double occupancy, excluding international airfare). Some financial assistance is available for those with need.

If you have any interest in visiting this beautiful and unique country, where Nassau is committed to building mutually transformative relationships, contact Sue or Michael Jennings () or talk to Joyce MacKichan Walker (609-924-0103 x103, ) BEFORE JULY 9 . Deposits will not be due till early August.

Preschool Curriculum

About the Curriculum: A35_Frontmatter

At Home Resources:

With advance notice, we can make copies for you during the week and leave them in your attendance folder. Contact Lauren Yeh (x106, )

Quick Links:
Fall (September, October, November)
Winter (December, January, February)
Spring (March, April, May)

Fall 2023 Semester

Stories, Colors, and More: SCM_Ages3to5_Fall23
(includes the weekly read aloud story, coloring pages are included in weekly curriculum below)

Winter 23/24 Semester

Stories, Colors, and More: SCM_Ages3to5_Win2324
(includes the weekly read aloud story, coloring pages are included in weekly curriculum below)

Spring 2024 Semester

Stories, Colors, and More: SCM_Ages3to5_Spr24
(includes the weekly read aloud story, coloring pages are included in weekly curriculum below)

Grades 1 & 2 Curriculum

About the Curriculum: A57_Frontmatter

At Home Resources:

With advance notice, we can make copies for you during the week and leave them in your attendance folder. Contact Lauren Yeh (x106, )

Quick Links:
Fall (September, October, November)
Winter (December, January, February)
Spring (March, April, May)

Fall 2023 Semester

Stories, Colors, and More: SCM_Ages5to7_Fall23
(includes the weekly read aloud story, coloring pages are included in weekly curriculum below)

Winter 23/24 Semester

Stories, Colors, and More: SCM_Ages5to7_Win2324
(includes the weekly read aloud story, coloring pages are included in weekly curriculum below)

Spring 2024 Semester

Stories, Colors, and More: SCM_Ages5to7_Spr24
(includes the weekly read aloud story, coloring pages are included in weekly curriculum below)

3rd/4th Grade Curriculum

About the Curriculum: A810_Frontmatter

At Home Resources:

With advance notice, we can make copies for you during the week and leave them in your attendance folder. Contact Lauren Yeh (x106, )

Quick Links:
Fall (September, October, November)
Winter (December, January, February)
Spring (March, April, May)

Fall 2023 Semester

Stories, Colors, and More: SCM_Ages8to10_Fall23
(includes the weekly read aloud story, coloring pages are included in weekly curriculum below)

Winter 23/24 Semester

Stories, Colors, and More: SCM_Ages8to10_Win2324
(includes the weekly read aloud story, coloring pages are included in weekly curriculum below)

Spring 2024 Semester

Stories, Colors, and More: SCM_Ages8to10_Spr24_int
(includes the weekly read aloud story, coloring pages are included in weekly curriculum below)

5th Grade Curriculum

About the Curriculum: FrontMatterTweens_2023

With advance notice, we can make copies for you during the week and leave them in your attendance folder. Contact Lauren Yeh (x106, )

Quick Links:
Fall (September, October, November)
Winter (December, January, February)
Spring (March, April, May)

Fall 2023 Semester

Winter 23/24 Semester

Spring 2024 Semester

Adult Education – June 2017

The Heart of the Matter

Grab this summer opportunity to reflect on our role as Christians in a world of uncertainty, change, and anxiety. Come looking to claim your hope, Christian resilience, and the gifts God bestows for the work our times call us to do.

Coffee and bagels served at every class

For a look at the entire Summer offerings, download the brochure: AE Summer-2017 bro.

The digital media files posted on the Nassau Presbyterian Church website are copyrighted by the pastors and presenting lecturers. These works are only for personal and educational use through a digital media player on a personal computer or using a personal digital media device (e.g., iPod). These works may not otherwise be archived or re-posted on the Internet, broadcast in any manner, distributed, transcribed or modified in any way without written permission of the presenting lecturer. The user of the audio file holds no license (of any form – expressed or implied) to any of the content of these files. The same applies to any PowerPoint® presentations.

Churches Matter! Lives Matter!

Rick Ufford-Chase

June 11, 11:15AM
Assembly Room

Rick will focus the conversation on one of the central questions he takes on in his recent book, “What does it take to create strong faith communities that have the capacity to provide solidarity to those who are most at risk in our community and around the world.” Rick knows Nassau Church well, and we have worked together on numerous projects over the last few years. Please come for a conversation together about what it takes to shape a relevant Christian witness in the challenging times in which we live.

Rick Ufford-Chase and his wife Kitty are the Co-Directors of Stony Point Center and co-founders of the multifaith Community of Living Traditions. Rick is the author of the book Faithful Resistance: Gospel Visions for the Church in a Time of Empire, and he is the Associate Director for Interfaith Formation for the Presbyterian Mission Agency. He is an avid outdoorsman, and spends his spare time guiding whitewater raft trips in the Adirondacks.

Refugees Matter!

Deborah Amos

June 18, 11:15AM
Assembly Room

Deborah Amos of NPR will bring us an update on current refugee resettlement developments. Deborah has become our life-line to knowledgeable analysis and continuing compassionate action on this issue.

Deborah Amos covers the Middle East for NPR News with reports heard on “Morning Edition,” “All Things Considered,” and “Weekend Edition.”


Holy Moments: Story-Listening Partnership Project

Nassau and Westminster Presbyterian Churches have had a long history of sharing opportunities for faithful action together.
The Nassau/Westminster Partnership is about to launch a new inter-congregational project
for strengthening and expand personal relationships between our two congregations.

The Holy Moments: Story-Listening Partnership Project

Acknowledging our united communities as a vibrant and powerful sharing partnership; tapping into the personal stories of faith we have to offer one another, learning to notice, name, and celebrate evidences of God’s Presence among us—both yesterday and today!

Phase One

In the next few weeks, members of the Nassau/Westminster Partnership team will be approaching individuals in their counterpart congregation who have been identified/recognized for their individual faith, courage, or joy—all gifts of the Spirit and evidence of God at work. The members of the team will ask these identified individuals to share a story of faith from their personal journey in a one-on-one interview—Storyteller and Story Listener in a private and personal holy moment.

Phase Two

A few weeks later, Story Listeners will publically reflect on their personal experiences of listening to the story of their Storytellers—not sharing the stories of the Storytellers, for they are not the Story Listeners’ stories to tell. Instead Story Listeners will share with both congregations the spiritual gifts they received from their holy moments with their Storytellers.

If you are approached to share—or lend—your story of faith, courage, or joy, please say yes!

For those who want to know more about or join in on the “Holy Moments: Story-Listening Partnership Project,” you can find an introduction to the project in printed form at both churches: